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Everything posted by J0nathan225

  1. where did you get this done/hours it cost? I'm looking to go this route. Currently in lower Alabama.
  2. Looking at this. It seems you got away with not needing to keep steam A/S & Alt. That’s what I’m trying to do va repairing my steam Alt. Is that a MAX Aspen?
  3. This light directly improved my night landings! Also I say a similar chant.
  4. avoid AEROtitle. They made it difficult to close because a guy signed with SR (Senior) at the end when selling it in the 60s, but not when he bought it. They tried to claim that’s a break in ownership blah blah.
  5. Depending on the panel work the 900 looks very clean too.
  6. I talked with Griggs last month 64 gallon (4 bladders a side) is available for C-J (I'm assuming somewhat, but it was confirmed available for my E). I believe I was quoted ~10500 w/ install for 54 and ~14500 w/ install for 64 gallon. They will ship to your mechanic for install if you wish. FWIW no state tax on transaction. http://griggsaircraft.com/fabrication/mooney_bladders
  7. So it has been flying out of annual...So its an illegally flown project plane, offer 20k? 21k? for his Love of it? I'd imagine nothing has been maintained or worked onto to the level it should. Good luck, at least there is a higher chance the engine isn't shot. I kind of think he shouldn't have a license, but safety be damned? I guess that wouldn't stop him either.
  8. https://shop.desser.com/5.00x5-6-ply-aero-classic-awbs-retread-**monster-9/32nds/ecomm-product-detail/327725/ You can stipulate flight custom 3 cores too.
  9. Overhaul now? - Pros: only ~$6k more to zero-time the engine; the 'certainty' of everything being to spec, Mid time engine when selling (VALUE) - Cons: in 1000 hours, I'll be back to having a mid-time engine when I go to sell the plane I think you are looking at this the wrong way IRAN with new cam+lifters now? - Pros: save $6k and defer the overhaul whenever the engine really needs it; recoup some of the overhaul cost by selling it closer to the zero-time < Maybe? I think someone said avionics is 30Cents to the dollar and an O/H is 50cents? Either way its losing money - Cons: lost opportunity to overhaul while the engine is off, R&R is already paid for, etc. - I'll be repeating some of the costs down the road.
  10. That's more than a new Alternator haha. I did find out the Alternator is warrantied for another 2 years or 800+ hours. Maybe it was a fluke and won't happen again.
  11. Sadly the alternator is ~14 months old. Here's a question: is a low amount of use or pull an issue? on average I'm only pulling 11-18 Amps, does that cause more wear or heat build up? Might be giving plane power a call, though it stopped malfunctioning after the first flight, so we shall see.
  12. Revived. So I got the same noise again, all of a sudden when changing from2500 to 2400 rpm while at 9000. I had already been at 9000 for 45mins cruising, so I pulled the Alt CB and it went away, tried to “reset” it a few times, but once the Alt CB was pushed in noise came back. I had the same voltage drop/fluctuations as before... BUT good news, maybe? After a 20 minute shut down it didn’t return and Volts were back up to 14Vs. I shut down 3 additional times and flew another 3 hours through the day with it not returning. VERY odd!
  13. Yea not 100% sure. Likely could use / I would do an O/H before install. If yours is broke and you can wait 1-2 weeks there are shops that will fix it.
  14. It should be the same for an E right? I have one in my hanger, I think. I'll check tonight.
  15. Wingologist may still be able to work with the STC owner and still install the LR tanks. At least that’s how he made it sounds 3 weeks ago on the phone. https://wetwingologistseast.com/
  16. Any idea (I assume the F has the same engine space) if the engine needs to come off to R/R the prop governor?
  17. https://www.advancedpilot.com/articles.php?action=article&articleid=1838 "Remember, 50°F ROP is the worst possible mixture setting from a detonation standpoint, from an overall heat standpoint, and from a stress standpoint, because the peak pressures are occurring very soon after TDC, beating on that poor piston like the hammer of Thor." good read I think Disclaimer I was supposed to paste the whole article apparently, but I think linking it keeps the spirit of the Author's intent.
  18. Real OLD helicopters have skids
  19. Yup! You probably saw my old M20E or the shiny “newer” one, blue and white.
  20. AGL and Cole are the two best shops near you. I’m down at mother Rucker and still use AGL (KMRN). I’ve had 2 different Es so if you have questions on my annual costs let me know. Some have said 10% rule, but our pay being fairly linear I like to keep an overhauls worth accessible, regardless of engine time it’s always a possibility. Auto pilot and GPS would be big on my list, an engine moinitor is cheaper to add than either of those two items.
  21. They just finished up my annual, prior to that they had a m350 in there and a few stop in, need help cases. Mooney space messaging and messaging Lynn (owner) will get you a response in a few days, in my experience. (I also reached out 2-3months ahead of time to schedule my annual)
  22. @Parker_Woodruff any chance insurers start offering a discount when equipped with an additional voice gear down reminder?
  23. I will second that BK handled the replacement and install of a gi275, for me too, very well. It sucks the ki300 didn’t workout, but they made it right for me. Hopefully their products get sorted, their customer service has been world class though.
  24. Idk about the less fuel part 23/25 LoP 148TAS 8.2GPH m20e.
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