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Everything posted by J0nathan225

  1. Noticed the gear rods inside the wheel wells have some paint worn off/are rubbing. Anything to be overly concerned about or can it wait till December's annual?
  2. Pulling a cylinder to allow for an internal inspection during the prebuy would hedge some risk of an idle engine right? If owner will allow it.
  3. @Pilot boyGo with the E for the reasons listed above. If you want to update the Garmin 430 an Avidyne IFD 440 is a drop in replacement that an owner can swap themselves. (I did this on my previous Mooney).
  4. That's oddly my exact paint scheme. '64E
  5. I'm planning to come to Tune or Burn whenever my travel ban is lifte,d I can take you up probably. Sadly I have no idea when though.
  6. IDK the answer, but I didn't end up replacing it and still have the part. I'll get the P/N when I go to the hanger tomorrow.
  7. I believe that's all straight, I got the new registration with my name on it back in Dec, 5 months after purchase and submission.
  8. @hammdo 's insurance whoas got me rethinking an issue that came up at my closing of 93GG. I don't plan on selling anytime soon (ever?), but wondered if this is really an issue? From Aerotitle: COLLATERAL DESCRIPTION: N93GG, MOONEY M20E, SERIAL NUMBER 385 REGISTERED OWNER: Distinguished Aviator’s Flying Club, LLC 8107 138th Avenue NE, Redmond, WA 98052-1924 REGISTRATION TYPE: Corporation SIGNED BY / TITLE: Lawrence C. Freer, III, Member ACQUIRED BY: Bill of Sale executed 08/10/12, filed 08/16/12, recorded 01/07/13 As Conveyance No. TM015313 REGISTRATION DATE: 01/07/13 EXPIRATION DATE: 07/31/22 PREVIOUS OWNER: Lawrence C. Freer, III 15411 4th Ave. SW Apt. 11, Burien, WA 98166 REGISTRATION DATE: 01/14/09 SUBJECT TO: No Liens of Record The Bill of Sale transferring ownership from Lloyd E. Perkins to Charles W. Patterson appears to be a break in the chain of title. The Bill of Sale dated 09/19/89, filed 09/28/89, recorded 10/25/89 as Conveyance No. R42346 was signed by Lloyd E. Perkins not Lloyd E. Perkins, Sr., the registered owner. This search is subject to the filings reflected on the index of collateral provided by the Federal Aviation Administration aircraft records division in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. AEROtitle assumes no responsibility as to the accuracy of said source, and does not guarantee, insure, or warrant that said FAA index is free of error. Examined by: Chance I'll upload a side by side picture of the 2 signatures shortly. I don't fully understand the process, but is this an interpretation from Aero title or the FAA? Any real issues in the future? My lender and all parties involved agreed that the signature is the same person, but does the FAA still see this as an issue or is this the overly particular opinion of the title search employee "Chance"? I did a lot of searching during the sell, but both parties and next of kin from above appear to longer be living.
  9. Interested if there is anything that can repair them, I may open it up myself. I have a bad diode plane power alt in my hanger, I would love to turn it into working bench stock.
  10. Yup got WAY up there haha. I kept CHTs below 380 too. I was thinking maybe it over heated, but really not sure.
  11. Well today was interesting. I went up to FL180, Density ALT ~20k' -3degree C and my EDM froze and rebooted itself. That got my attention.
  12. I think I may still be on 2sec spread, I tried to stay there a while, but (maybe I'm misinformed) I didn't like seeing 1600+ EGTs and the roughness. for Ram air I recall noticing a difference in spread and LOP ops, from what I assume to be uneven airflow into the cyclinder?
  13. I was at 55-60 % power I believe per the EDM. I'm not 100% on how it calculates it, but it seems to take into account FF/LOP/ROP ops. I was doing sweeps to get the data, I normally cruise at 10-20 LOPs 65% power ~8GPH I went to ~50 LOP to do the mag check. My next flight I'll try a sweep with ram air open. I'm limited to a 50NM radius for flying, so I have nothing to do but fiddle with stuff right now. thanks for the input.
  14. Looking at the CHT graph, CHTs got cooler with just the MAG side, probably cause all the energy and flame was going out the exhaust. Gold flat line is my #2 EGT being wonky always seems to "Warmup" and work fine though. I was at 10,500MSL, density alt I didn't check guess:~12k roughly as it was 2200' on the ground at 300' MSL. Ahh what I forgot to try and do was another sweep with ram air "powerboost" on.
  15. For my flight today I did a few ROP-LOP-ROP passes and then a LOP inflight mag check. I believe my gami spread is ~.4 not bad? My biggest concern and maybe its because the surefly runs so smooth, but the mag side was rough and EGTs climbed to 1600+ quick. I also got a large backfire switching back to both, which I've heard is normal with the Surefly's though. Thanks for any insight, I may op into the Savvy analysis annual subscription. https://apps.savvyaviation.com/my-flights/23406/f95d3be4-5558-475f-bce8-5dea0528271d
  16. JEEZ! or trying to get a write off check?
  17. I'm in lower Alabama and have been using this for 3 months, my silica is still white/clear, makes be wonder if its working? I feel air coming out of the hose for what it's worth.
  18. Replaced the alternator, no issues now. Replaced/upgraded starter while they were in there. @PhateX1337 another sign, for me, was it happened very suddenly. I was on final to KNEW no noise then WHAT IS THAT!? It continued on subsequent start up changing with power/RPM, my thinking was something had to have failed since it was a sudden change.
  19. Anywhere that will repair your "Chrysler Alt"? I'd like to have mine as benchstock, pretty sure it's a failed diode.
  20. I spent last weekend degreasing/cleaning the plane. I plan to clay bar and wax using Nu Finish this weekend. Anyone used it before? The paint is in GREAT shape, but I want to keep it that way.
  21. Additional landing lights for older models? Saw a Euro Mooney with ones on the gear. Electric turbo? Is the m20E rayjay a thing anymore? Standby alt for the short bodies?
  22. You missed a good one FLYQ efb! I got a lifetime subscription for 1-2years worth of the competition's annual price.
  23. I sent mine via paypal, is that ok? Great job, by the way. Interested to hear the cause when able.
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