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Everything posted by KB4

  1. That’s how I see it. You are already IN. Different scenario—You hear cleared to Kennedy VOR 4500 but no mention of “cleared into the Bravo” can you enter? Since you cannot get to JFK VOR without entering Bravo, you have been cleared without ever hearing that magic word. I have entered NY B with just “cleared to Kennedy 4500”
  2. There is a video here, but my search skills are not great. For tools, get a long set of hemostats to pull the safety wire through, a long pair of snips to cut the old safety wire, smallest safety wire pliers you can find to fit in there and redo safety wire, and 5/8 angled head wrench (15$ Amazon). After you get screen loose you can stand on a stool and reach down from the top and unscrew the rest by hand. https://smile.amazon.com/TEKTON-8-Inch-Angle-Wrench-WAE83016/dp/B07JHWHPY9/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3I7HD280PWU7N&dchild=1&keywords=angled+5%2F8+wrench&qid=1609173692&sprefix=5%2F8+angled+%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-7
  3. How did the sender get his personal info to even send the letter.
  4. Saw guy on YT that stripped and painted all the rods silver, gotta say it looks really sharp. I prefer white to see leaks, drops better, but wow it looks great. Think was a C. fastback flying i think. But, guessing he had rigging issues so was already half way in the project.
  5. send me a PM with your email and I will Dropbox the SM part 1 and 2 and the IPC in .pdf Check your SN for applicability.
  6. For #7-With a 5/8 angled tip wrench (different angle on each end helps) and long snips to cut safety wire this is easy to remove and install. There I said it. It’s easy. So no MSer should neglect the screen moving forward remove scat for room Loosen nut from bottom. With angled wrench Then stand on something so you can reach down from the top thru void left by oil filter you removed. Maybe diff for your Lycom you get the idea Loosen screen nut by hand the rest of the way and pull it out. Install just as easy. Only PIA part was safety wire. OFF and ON. Long hemostats help to reach down to get safety wire. Personally getting in there to cut the safety wire off and redoing it takes the most time and patience.
  7. Open door panel and tighten the nut ring that holds lock in place.
  8. Bring a screw driver and socket set and check all your clamps hose exhaust etc while oil is draining. Nothing specialized. I draw a sharpie line on the filter under the safety wire where it crosses over filter. Overkill cause safety wire won’t let it rotate, but I kinda like the quick visual inspection between oil changes.
  9. Couple ping pong balls. I’m gonna stick a hot drill bit to melt away a passage, then just slip over the vent.
  10. Hanger, best guess was insect.
  11. Just talked to an Mooney Driver who lost power at 200 feet on final and dead sticked it in. Problem was a clog in fuel vent which caused a vacuum, and after 15 minutes the pressure was enough to completely stop the flow. Uses one of these T-handle Allen keys to make sure it’s clear now. On ground he heard pssssssssssstss when he stuck the allen in the vent. Adding to my preflight.
  12. For J, but just fill in for the E CONTROL PERFORMANCE MP RPM AI AIRSPEED RATE OF CLIMB/DESCENT CLIMB Standard 26 26 110 Constant AS Vx 26 26 10⁰ - 12⁰ 69 1200 Constant AS Vy 26 26 7⁰ 88 1000 Constant Rate 500/min 26 26 500 S + L MP RPM AI AIRSPEED RATE OF CLIMB/DESCENT Cruise 25 25 Level 160 23 23 Level 145 Approach at 90kts 12 23 90 DESCENT MP RPM AI AIRSPEED RATE OF CLIMB/DESCENT Constant AS 11 23 4.5⁰ 100 500 Constant Rate 15 23 90 500 Cruise Descent 19 23 4.5⁰ 148 500 PRECISION APP 11 23 90 500 NON-PRECISION APP 800 Mooney Power Settings .xlsx
  13. Doesn't help much when unloading unless you climb over passenger and set this up (I have done that for older pass) or loading front pass cause 1 door. But for pilot going in and out to test lights, get ipad or stratus or pull the fuel ring, it sure beats trying to step on a 6 inch step. It sits just about the same height as the step. Just move it back near the step so you DO NOT extend flaps into it during preflight. $30 at Harbor Freight
  14. I mounted the external antenna and it works flawlessly for me (I only get 2 bars see pic). I had to update to the new app once, no other issues. When I went to recharge the sim card the guy at the T-mobile said I was on a good plan which is no longer offered--It came with the Switchbox. I pay no monthly and no annual fees and its free to turn the thing on. To turn on a second outlet it will charge or to sync it will charge 20-40cents.
  15. Looking in the window, they wont even bother with this plane, easier to just get any other on ramp without a throttle lock.
  16. Echo others. Trainer to Ovation, lets just say staying ahead of plane is going to be a real challenge. Insurance rates will also be challenging. But with enough dual to where you feel comfortable, I think it can be done.
  17. To many annual fees in aviation to add another. I have had this SwitchBox for 3 years (4g) and its great. No annual service charge and its free to call 1 outlet. If you want to use the second outlet it charges I think 40cents per. I paid 299. looks like price up to 349. If you plan to keep less than 3 years than looks like switchOn is the better deal at 199 If you are lucky enough to be able to get a wifi signal you only need a Samsung or other brand smart switch. https://switchboxcontrol.com/the-switch-box
  18. Ordered storm window seal on website last week got shipping confirmation. So they are up and running. Try website if possible. Edit 10/20--Yes, I received my seal.
  19. Could have had everything, nothing, or something to do with the collapse. My guess is "nothing" Speculation only. Recent annual--ok good my next thing I want to know---Tube over pitot and squeeze/someone sitting to read AS at point gear retracts!!!!???????--hmmm you sure that was done mister A&P. If he had smooth buttery landings or even a bounce or 2 or 3 or 4, I cant see why the gear would be affected other than cycling which shouldn't cause a collapse. Squat switch failed is my guess. No Lessons, just going with what the old timer's say about t/g's in Mooney with elec gear. Can they be done safely--of course. But not recommended, if you need some currency just fly out 3-5 miles and come back in it will only take you an hour to get ur 3 in AND your Lycoming will be happier. That's what I heard anyway. I get the time between landing and power cycling is only difference. To each his own. I don't drink the "can't or won't happen to me" kool-aid for anything in aviation.
  20. By Cej, June 3 in Mooney Safety & Accident Discussion Check this guys post. Still want to do touch and go's in a Mooney?
  21. baggage door is easy just remove the trim on inside--10 or so little screws that's it.
  22. Got my GTX335 from Dana and Chief. 2 days after I paid, Garmin came out with a promo. I had no idea about promo until Dana (called or emailed cant remember) to tell me I was SAVING MONEY getting free antenna and Garmin usb plug cigarette style. I have no problem doing business with Chief.
  23. High time pilot on way home from long XC, on approach everything looking good until the Cirrus pulls onto Rnwy while Mooney's short final. Mooney initiates go-around, back on final, speed really fast, not slowing down as normal, but continues 2nd the approach anyway, now there is a Cessna holding short of Rnwy. Approaching the threshold over the radio he hears "Mooney abort abort, your landing gear is up. " That guy saved his Mooney went around again and landed safely. Cannot remember where I read this story, but pilot had something like 15k hours. Seems implausible since our gear acts as a speed brake. But...can happen to anyone Heard others say don't want to risk a gear issue and cycling over and over can only increase your chances of an issue as compared to one cycle of gear. Last possible urban myth I heard is that the IO360 doesn't like the power changes full power then pulling way back when TPA, then full power again within short period, then idle again ect.
  24. At the hinge. Same panel you remove to lube the jack screw inside that black boot. More room and light if you remove both sides.
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