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Everything posted by tmo

  1. Probably depends which side of Tucson, but start with https://www.flytucson.com/ I think the rates at KTUS are quite reasonable, and KRYN must be cheaper still. Not sure on availability. Quite a few airports in the general area. More details about GA at KTUS is here: https://www.flytucson.com/listings/ga-area-b-1-t-hangars/
  2. For me it was Sheppard for the written; for EFBs I started off with FltPlan Go on an Ipad, but later added Avare on an Android phone, because I liked the moving map better, kept FltPlanGo for the charts, because the iPad is slightly larger than the phone. Also, to me, focusing on the IR and just the IR was the key to get it all done. Take the two weeks you'll need off work, don't commit to any friends and family stuff during that time. Do ground prep and flying in the AM, stop somewhere for lunch, fly a bit more, debrief and study in the PM. Take a day off from flying if you feel you need to, I did, I believe it helped. At the end of the two weeks your head will hurt, your arm will be sore, and you'll have an IR, so you'll be able to get in the plane with your brother-in-law and fly for fun and experience. But for getting the rating, stack things in your favor by keeping them as simple as possible. The two are separate processes, IMO. As with the PPL, the IR is just another license to learn.
  3. It might be worth doing a STC if you see a market for it outside of the US - getting a FAA STC "approved" under EASA is probably much easier than getting approval for a field approval. That said, that market probably isn't too big.
  4. As much as I'd love for that to be true, I'm afraid upcoming approvals list C182 and Beech Baron ahead of M20.
  5. OP wrote: I got on the schedule 2 months prior so only took 17 days from time I sent it off.
  6. site: mooneyspace.com is what you want to append to the query you give your favorite search engine, be it DuckDuckGo, Bing or Google.
  7. How does a Coleman cooler keep things safe from freezing temperatures, if ambient temperature falls below freezing for an extended period of time?
  8. What yoke are they using?
  9. Share a STL, pretty please with some velcro on top?
  10. Don't you also need the airframe to be approved for a specific type of gasoline? I seem to recall the Petersen Auto Gas STC not covering some planes due to airframe issues, while they had an engine that Lyco said would work on car gas.
  11. Refresh the interior while you're at it. I'm on month 3 and counting...
  12. Oh, they use it, just not for what it was intended...
  13. That opinion has already been given, don't poke the bear. AOPA has the FAA document here: https://www.aopa.org/-/media/Files/AOPA/Home/Supporting-General-Aviation/Advocacy/Regulatory-and-Certification-Policy/Regulatory-Brief-FAA-issues-new-interpretation-of-dual-controls-(2)/hgba.pdf
  14. @CoffeeCan - first of all, congratulations on making it out unscathed. That is a feat in and of itself. My question is, with sincere apologies for playing armchair quarterback, do you think that not shutting down the engine (ie. letting it seize later) would have changed the outcome at all? For the better, or for worse?
  15. They are a tight fit, to the extent that retreaded tires sometimes don't fit properly.
  16. Share the STL, pretty please?
  17. Grass in and of itself is not a problem, as the previous posters wrote; I am based at a grass airfield with my M20K. The key thing, as others have pointed out, it is an actual airfield, maintained and looked after, not a grass field someone happened to decide to land a plane on. That's what Maules are for
  18. See this: Also see this post by GEE-BEE Aeroproducts: it has info on the proper order of things (male on airframe, female on removable part). We've been dealing with this stuff for the past 3 months it seems.
  19. Don, the light strip is basically along the whole bottom front of the glare shield, recessed a little towards the instrument panel, correct? You got me wanting some LEDs while mine is out...
  20. See if perhaps Aerodon has something you want:
  21. I'm pretty sure it was some American that coined the phrase "there's no replacement for displacement"...
  22. No. You run them to the appropriate pins on the intercom. Two shielded cables per seat, one for mic, one for headphones, I'd run a 3 wire cable for the headphones to allow for stereo.
  23. FWIW, the thing I watch for when throttle approaches full is MP, way too easy to exceed 40". I watch FF as I advance the throttle, yes, as well as RPM, but MP is my main focus as far as engine parameters go. My point is that different engines will have different things to look for.
  24. The flip side of everything getting (much) more expensive is that repairing stuff that can reasonably be repaired might become a thing again.
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