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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. I don't live in a world of absolutes... Some would like to.
  2. He's no Peter Tork. Me, I'm a Believer...
  3. I'm ooking over a four leaved clover...kinda catchey.
  4. So just to be clear STP in a hot tub with plus sizeers is technical vs. social. O.K....Got it
  5. I am pretty sure THIS is social media Cliffy...
  6. Nice push on return from Arkansas this afternoon. 170knots groundspeed level at 5500 burning 10.4. 2500RPM 25.1MP with Ram Air open. Yeah baby.

  7. Probably meant a pilot, but couldn't help but think of the relationship...love affair...marriage we all have with our special someone that we tuck away in our hanger. Or tie up outside?! Now I get it. Funny. Enjoy. May your special someone provide hours/years of bliss and satisfaction.
  8. Everybody knows Mooney's are hard to land, crampt and have leaky tanks (Just kidding)
  9. BadMoon- I wish I would have had someone "scaring the hell out of me" before I overpaid for my Vintage one-owner Mooney in 2001... There is a lot of costly big and piddly things that break or wear out on our 50 year old airframes. This site has a lot of information to make an experienced purchase that stacks the deck in your favor. Go into your purchase with knowledge and check your emotion. It was the lack of one and abundance of another that cost me a lot of money...BUT I LOVE MY MOONEY and so will you! Be Savvy and you WILL be happy. There are no bad vintage Mooney's...only neglectful owners. Find one that has been loved and has your "wants". Spending a little more, even if it means "waiting for it" will pay off in the long haul. Be happy! Caviot Emptor...
  10. Another Marine died today in the "hard landing" incident... RIP
  11. Thank you to all you big spenders. My old KMA24 and PS Engineering Stereo intercom keep soldiering on just fine. I have a music input and audible gear alert/terrain alerts coming into my headsets...Price? Cheap...
  12. I would not fly on one. Soldiers and Marines have no choice...they go where they are ordered. A waste of tax payer money and in too many cases...lives.
  13. I replaced the rubber gasket on the door. It popped. I ripped off gasket and went with a smaller gasket. Door closed and locked a lot easier with lower profile gasket. We shall see...Not a big deal. Fly the plane. If you have a headset wind is not that big a deal.
  14. Congrats! Nice center stack/panel 8-pack re-do. Nice paint. Chrome under the hood-Swanky Interiors are fun-owner can legally do stuff. Have fun making it yours and getting SB208 checked off while you pull old insulation out. Enjoy your E.
  15. All of the above. These things are not specific to the J, or to aircraft in general. Mooney tanks are wet wing. There is no bladder from the manufacturer. The sealant has a life span. It breaks down with aromatics in fuel. Mooney tanks WILL seep over time. Seeps can be more of a cosmetic nuisance than a safety of flight issue. There are dedicated tank repair vendors that will get them better than new for $5AMU's per wing. Budget for this. Bladders (weight penalty, but likely won't ever leak again) are a second "option". Fire wall Forward: Engines get hot. Cylinders and accessories (Oil Coolers, Magnetos, Plug Harnesses, Oil Lines, Alternators, Mufflers etc.) ALL have a service life. If the engine has more than 1,000 hours or ten years plan on some of this stuff needing replacement/repair. If the engine was overhauled did it get new/overhauled accessories? What was not done? New cylinders? Landing gear biscuits wear out. This is NOT a big deal if your tanks are already seeping and they aren't falling out of the gear (loose) J's although medium body don't have the weight of later long-body Mooney's. This is a detail vs. a deal-breaker on your J Model. Avionics: Latest and greatest is...Great. Let someone else put in the Garmin center stack and wizz bang engine monitor with fuel flow. You can get these (Installation is expensive) for .50 cents on the dollar installed. ADSB is coming....A few thousand to get compliant. J specific wants: -Later planes had enclosed wing tips, speed brakes, removable rear seats vs. a bench. Can take one or both seats out or fold them down. THIS IS AN AWESOME FEATURE THAT I WISH I HAD...Plus the cabin extension that the F also has. If your J has lived in Florida (and many have) an extensive inspection of the airframe for corrosion is a MUST DO. THIS is the kiler of Mooney's...Benign neglect. Later J's have a much improved overhead ram air supply for passengers/crew. Buy a well maintained mid-80's to newer J after having it inspected and choosing the corrosion free Garmin Wass'up equipped airframe with the paint that says "you" on it and watch the ground go by at 150+ knots on 10GPH.... Enjoy the hunt!
  16. I hear that voice too. Thankfully not hearing any other voices...
  17. Hank, I found nice replacement ceiling cloth at Airtex. I used old areas as patterns. Used spray adhesive to adhere headliner to aluminum. Came out great. Replaced the material inside baggage door and on top of pilot door at same time.
  18. Just kidding. Door panel looks great. Well done. It is NEVER over....
  19. And update those yokes already...Loose wires for push to talk...Come on man get into the 21st century...
  20. NOT finished. You need a nice padded rest for the co-pilots arm to rest on. Come on do it up right. Match the pull with the padded arm rest already....
  21. 80MPH on final has PLENTY of margin for a Mooney pilot...as stated in a bunch of other threads. I agree with 4000 feet as a self-imposed runway length until you are hitting the numbers or at least getting into flare in first third of runway. I do not look at my ASI after determining runway is made and power is pulled to idle for landing. I am looking out the window at that point too. If you have full flaps you again have PLENTY of margin.
  22. Addicted? To SPEED>>>>>>>>>>>>
  23. These threads to me are like a Ben Done movie...At least in another thread that half a dozen people enjoyed it was new material. I tune in to this when I wish to take a nap...Like an episode of Jeopardy in syndication the answers are the answers. The second...third...fourth...and 100th time viewed...or asked. Good for all you re-hashers... Some people need to learn how to use a search function. This thread challenges the adage there is no such thing as a stupid question. Oh, my bad. Welcome to MooneySpace. Are you a Space Cadet? Thought so.
  24. HID landing light on ALWAYS (Taxi to shutdown). Wing Tip Strobes on during lower vis (haz/lower light) belly strobe and recognition lights at night.
  25. Talk to the hand...
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