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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. Are we switching to Robinson?
  2. So then you cut the Ram Air and Air Filter for the E-F out and make another bottom mold? Time-Frame for that?
  3. No thanks to me. Your resolution is NOT how I fly. Fly safe. All discussion is good. Sometimes the lessons "learned"/outcomes...not so much.
  4. A lot of recurring AD's on Commanche. Trickey to land. Fuel burn. I looked at the 250, but got the plane I felt did my mission better-M20E. With mods the Commanche is a neat looking plane...in a Mooney kind of way. Missile vs. Commanche 400...Missile wins with a newer airframe.
  5. I tackled the belly this weekend too. Creepeer works great for all but the elevators. To low when I am most tired...Also cleaned glass and top of plane. Wax next. Quick flight and oil drained while I was cleaning. Ready for another flying season...
  6. Yesterday I was waiting to depart for landing traffic. Two Pipers were low and dragging all the way in with power. I don't believe either would have made the runway had they lost power on final...
  7. Vintage Mooney ASI has 100MPH then 80MPH listed on outside of ASI where they are easily readable. Bottom of white flap range gives you 65ish...too slow for me. I keep the ASI at 80MPH coming down with power off over the fence. It works for me. I don't fly into short runways so if you are shooting for numbers... I always enjoy reading these threads as there are varying techniques for speed in pattern and on final in a short-bodied Mooney. As shown by respondents. 80MPH is on the ASI. If I am under that with needle...I am GOOD. Over that...TOO FAST. Float on or nail it on. Have runway will travel. I guess I am running or something. I fly 100MPH on downwind and Base. I pump in landing flaps after base to final turn. Plenty of time to roll trim and reduce power to 80mph on final. Power off when runway made. Let it come down. Yours is a technique. It works for you. My technique works too for me and my "something". I have zero worries about speed changes. My Garmin generally audibly says "500" in my headset when I turn to final.
  8. Vintage Mooney ASI has 100MPH then 80MPH listed on outside of ASI where they are easily readable. Bottom of white flap range gives you 65ish...too slow for me. I keep the ASI at 80MPH coming down with power off over the fence. It works for me. I don't fly into short runways so if you are shooting for numbers... I always enjoy reading these threads as there are varying techniques for speed in pattern and on final in a short-bodied Mooney. As shown by respondents. 80MPH is on the ASI. If I am under that with needle...I am GOOD. Over that...TOO FAST. Float on or nail it on. Have runway will travel.
  9. Pretty funny. A guy with MPG talks up Commanche over Mooney. Change your name to HP400
  10. Commanche or 201.... Also a No-Brainer.
  11. Missile or Commanche. That is a no-brainer...
  12. Just don't force it. I shoot for 75-80MPH over the fence. Power is off. Runway is made. Last time I look at speed. Let it come down, round out and DON'T FORCE IT. Let speed bleed off and hold it off as long as you can. I fly a tight pattern, but just go by feel, not wing method. I don't touch a thing after I shut down in my E. No prime. No throttle movement. Touch the key and mixture in when she fires. Works for me....Except when it doesn't. Then flooded start. Good for you on full flaps. Took me a while to use full flaps on landing and take-off flaps for all take-offs. Have fun learning your plane. You will get there faster than the Yankee so even with a couple go-arounds you are way ahead and get a little more flying/practice in. All good.
  13. Did anyone else get survey on ADSB? It asked what was an acceptable price point with installation for ADSB-Out? Went from about $7k down to $1-2k. I checked lowest option. Holding pattern. Hoping for a portable ADSB-Out compliance/certified option for under $2k NOT holding my breath.
  14. That is a good idea. Plexi is cheap. STC was $100 or so for landing light cover...
  15. When you reach the "end"...if you ever do on your panel...it is very satisfying. The increased safety, aesthetics, functionality...making it "yours" is pretty awesome and rewarding. No one has to like it, but you. You are flying behind it. Make it the best looking and functioning panel for you. Then look at the "before" genuine simulated authentic replica wood facia, horizontal spinning tape DI and shotgun "why did they do it like that" original starting point photo and smile...
  16. I went the turtle update route for the right side panel. What is the turtle update? It is slow. It is steady. It is incremental improvement over years until you get what you want. It was affordable. It does not involve all the eggs in one basket flat screen high dollar viewing. First I bought a used Gem 602 with EGT and Cylinder Temp probes. Next I bought an EI volt Meter. Updated Voltage regulator at same time. Then I bought an EI Fuel flow with fuel pressure. Then I bought an EI Tach and EI MP gauge. Then I had a right side panel cut to install them along with a 696 dock. Had avionics bus installed and reorganized the breakers. Next I moved over to the pilot side and removed GEM installing a G3 that certifies primary the exhaust temp and MP. Redundancy on the fuel flow, oil temp, MP&RPM to the primary EI. All OEM crappy analog six pack gone except fuel quantity. You asked...That was "another option". The pay as you go price and buying G3 sans probes with "trade in" made the "pain" of all the upgrades bearable. I now have a redundant panel that is certified primary with engine information on pilot side of panel. I like it. It works well for my vintage bird. The CGR30P is an excellent option that was not available when I began my voyage. THAT would be a save your pennies and go solution that would seem to be worthy of expense...
  17. Brittain makes an electric solenoid that cuts off P/C. I installed later yokes that have this toggle switch on the front of the left yoke handle. PTT is on top of right. Map light in the center. The solenoid is reasonably priced (around .1AMU). I like it a lot vs. old manual push/hold down of PC pneumatic cut-off.
  18. What you and your....bride/Mooney...do at a mile up is between you and 2700RPM. VRRROOooooom!
  19. Ding, Ding. We've got a Mooniac.
  20. Not for a Mooniac me thinks. The initial question unanswered it is.
  21. Some Porsche engines were converted to IO-550's...Terrible useful load, but never say never...
  22. Answering questions with statements we are?-Yoda
  23. Maybe with your panel...
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