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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. PORSCHE was having a bad day. Those screws were sketchy. Replacements were four bucks and fit perfectly...
  2. 15+ years with Bruce and it is holding up in "like new" condition. Did the cowl snaps and would suggest for windy ramps. Great purchase!
  3. Did I tell you about the one where I was trying to access the accessory belt in my Cayman S and I stripped the torn nut on a trim piece? So I had to buy tools to get the stripped round head nut out after going all over town to find a "better sized" torx driver... (That was just the one last week) Oh yes Oscar I have been "there"....
  4. The mods list for oil cooler relocation on the website says 67 models and up so that's why I called....That was the comments I received from LASAR... ? I like that David will work parts into his "kit". I would prefer to have the relocation and clean front cowl.
  5. Excellent! Thank you David.
  6. David: A question for you on your Mod. I was considering doing an oil cooler relocation on my plane. Laser stocks these, but kits are listed for 67 and up that are NON doghouse open baffle designs. I called LASER and asked if I am switching to an open baffle design if there was any reason the Mod would NOT work on my 66 M20E. He said that the STC is designated for 67 and later and that there is NO RIBBING on the top cowl of the pre-67 design that was put in to aid the open baffle design. Have you contemplated the pre-67 doghouse cowl difference regarding cooling for your baffle mod?
  7. I loaded updates two nights ago on both I-Pads. Would NOT function on flight yesterday. When you would go to the map it crashed and closed. NOT Happy. Costs too much to have this crap happen. Thankfully had back-up on 696 running fine for Nav.
  8. O.K., plane is in for annual and seat is pulled and dropped off at shop for re-do. He said a week or two for seat. Only squaks going in were an exhaust gas probe issue on G3 and having baggage door lattice installed properly. (Only part of interior re-had partner and I did that just didn't get finished). Here's to a hopefully straight forward annual... Seat PIREP to follow.
  9. Somebody coming from say, Delaware, will have to leave their plane, fly home and come back and pick it up, right? Or can this be accomplished with 8-16 hours of labor allowing someone to remain on site and return in "one trip"?
  10. David, how will the DER 337 process work? I.E. customer drops off plane on Friday________hours to complete mod and get DER 337 sign off. Customer picks up plane and removed parts. Customer pays and flies off with log book entry and 337 to have your cowl installed on their plane. Is that how it will go?
  11. Ours is .2AMU/month for maint/hanger/insurance and $25/hour into engine fund. It has worked well for two. If there is four and you are paying $165/month that is 660/month into engine fund or nearly 8grand a year. You have an engine in nearly four years. That seems excessive.
  12. Forwarded to you this morning. Joy?
  13. I have one. (Based on AOPA form). 50% co-ownership and formation of an LLC. PM me with e-mail and I will send you a copy. It is a word document.
  14. How many airframe hours?
  15. See my edit to original post.
  16. You had me until "Lose a boat-load of money"
  17. More. The engine and prop are worth that. The salvage value would exceed that $20k. There is the rub. IF you rebuild and update you will get maybe $50k when you sell. You can ask for $70k, but it won't sell. The parts have more value because they help maintain the fleet and are what flying models need to update and keep in the air. I paid over $50k for my E with a run out engine years ago. Slowly updated the airframe and engine. Either you buy right and update or the plane gets salvaged. I would show you the hand on $20k offer and part out the plane... Edit: As my beautiful Best in class upgrades (read more into plane than selling so steal for buyer) E Selling friend related $70k on an F NOT AN E...can be done. I would be happy to spend $70k on several E's on this site, but owners would be losing big time... I just got myself a 50% co-owner to make the E viable. Definitely invested $70k in maint/upgrades, but would NOT get what Brian got with his beautiful ND scheme. E's don't have the added backseat/baggage space so they are NOT equal to an F restored to better than new by owner. PM me with the difference and make me feel better Brian... I would not sell my plane for $70k right now. When done? Yup.
  18. I have a compatible spinner so "kit" would be less that spinner. 2-4Amu's? 2-5Amu's.....Come on tease me.
  19. I have a Check-Mate Checklist designed for my plane. I do my pre-flight that always involves a physical walk-around of plane to include taking off fuel caps/dipping and sumping tanks. Checking oil/confirming dipstick replaced. Prop visual inspection/Tires. I work aileron's and check down and up each side through full travel. I work elevator up/down. After I board and strap in I review my physical checklist and confirm All initial items were done. I say them out loud. I extend take-off flaps and visually look out windows to confirm they are both deployed. I visually inspect take off trim. I touch gear light and say down. I look at Johnson bar. I confirm fuel quantity on Gage's. I set the totalizer for proper known quantity (52 or dipped total). I confirm baggage door closed and fastened as I board. I do NOT lock with key the baggage door. Interior: I confirm fuel on proper tank with visual inspection. Confirm seat is adjusted/locked. After passengers board I confirm straps fastened. I closed door and lock from pilot seat. I confirm co-pilot seat locked and visually inspect for seat belt on and NOT blocking Johnson bar swing. Start-Confirm All auto-pilots OFF and PC is OFF. Ram air Closed Read and view knob. Already visually inspected door closed on walk around. Boost pump I confirm fuel pressure visually. I have already started and set the dash clock. I start the hour timer after engine start. Separate confirmations at Pre Taxi/TaxiRun-UP/Pre-Takeoff/Takeoff/Climb/Cruise/Descent/Pre-Landing/Landing/After Landing (after checklist on short final I re-do GUMPS with a physical grasping of J-Bar handl and downward pull (WITHOUT THUMB DETENT) to ensure down/locked on gear. /Securing. After cruise I reverse Check-MATE to have emergency procedures right in my face. Panel scan throughout flight. My biggest "forget" item is retracting take-off flaps. I didn't always use and now do. It has been a re-learning. I ask my co-pilot to "remind me" with a "Did you retract flaps"? After take-off. After my Gear-UP I NEVER am without the checklist. I catch myself on an intermittent basis forgetting items in my scan review. The physical check-list review is my reminder/confirmation and DO IN THE EVENT OF MISSED ITEM. This was the PRIMARY expectation by FAA. Have a checklist and USE IT. It is a potential life and metal/Mooney saver. I am fallible. I know that for a fact. I am Human. Human's make errors. Some of these will kill you or others you love/care about.
  20. This thread is just NOT funny. You have a pilot that states he is not much of a user of checklists telling us about poor safety technique of other professional pilots. You can't make this stuff up. FAIL. In another thread you have pilots talking about a "pro" that admitted he made a mistake. He didn't use a checklist. Result was an off airport landing. There was all kinds of discussion and berating another for calling him and us out. They attacked the pilot making the "attack" vs. attacking what LED to the off field landing. Just another example of our society today being PC and not calling out when the emperor has no clothes. Sometimes you have to hurt someone's feelings to make a point. When that someone volunteers himself for that... Again, MS: FAIL. Humans are funny. Both Ha Ha AND Strange. Not a fan of the parrot man's "teaching technique". Might be a great guy, but if he tries to sell AOA devices as a profession I think the parrot starves. Guys that fly formation "for fun" rather than to prepare for war (with ejection devices and chutes) are goofy. I just watch Top Gun and listen to Danger Zone. Running a tank dry. Another brilliant idea for a pleasure pilot that is flying for fun NOT for pay. Another landing. A chance to practice, stretch legs, see another airport and support them. I am down with that. I feel better. Carry on...
  21. When will you have any information on pricing David? Even a range would be helpful in budgeting/planning for an installation. Very interested, as you know in this conversion to our M20E. Nice that we are Midwest based within <2 hours flying time to your shop in Wisconsin. Glad work is progressing.
  22. Does your wife ever drive with you in the car? Doubt it.
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