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Everything posted by Raptor05121

  1. Sorry to hear! I left this morning and vividly remember looking over at your plane and admiring the colors
  2. Thats interesting youre down to 135KTAS with the prop. I have the same prop on an engine with 5800TT/2600SMOH and the last time I did a "speed run" at 8500 I got 143-147KTAS depending on how I had the mixture leaned. How heavy is your plane? Has it been rerigged recently?
  3. Is there a FB group/page?
  4. Florida is the second-most densely populated state in terms of pilots. With little to no new hangar construction is pretty difficult finding available hangar space. I live in the middle of nowhere in North Central Florida with three planes on the ramp and it took me three years to get a hangar
  5. I've averaged about 175hrs/yr for the past 5 years I've owned my plane Last year I flew 52 hours My plane came out of annual over a month ago and I still haven't flown it. What used to be a $75-100 fillup is now almost $200. Hard to justify swiping $200 to go bum around by myself for an hour. If AvGas hit $10/gal, I would automatically sell my plane.
  6. Check the Lycoming manual. The difference is the red knob. Best power is usually in the most strenuous regime of mixture settings which will achieve best power and ultimately, highest CHTs and ICP (Internal Cylinder Pressure). Conversely, the best economy is much leaner and kinder to the engine. Where are you seeing same power between two mixture settings?
  7. Can you clarify? He regretted not holding the M20L for the more powerful engine? Also, what did he say on the 301? Not to do it at all?
  8. Ive been following them for several years on social media and they seem to have a following but Ive never seen any of their work up close
  9. Not even that. The airliner I fly has a Vref of 129-145kts (depending on weight). Sometimes approach will have us hold 170kts until a 5 mile final for metering which is out of flap configuration for us and need you to be quick to react and slow down to Vref. That light single was a full 10 knots faster than what airliners 15 times his weight consider "fast"
  10. I flew survey for 6 months all around Peoria and Springfield two years ago. Very intimately familiar where he went down. Right now is corn fields with full stalks or already harvested fields. Both are preferable over downtown main street.
  11. My personal minimums in addition to weather and LOTOT is for dead-stick landings. Unless there is a runway in front of me, the gear is staying up. It seems to be the prevailing way to the best outcome for off-field landings IMHO
  12. Don't confuse speed brakes with spoilers. Spoilers "spoil" the lift. Speedbrakes just do drag.
  13. If I win the lottery. One of my favorite designs that was too early to be fruitful. This and the Starship 2000A
  14. very old but classical building. I loved my stay there. The elevators are extremely slow and cramped, however.
  15. I'm not a CFI but I'm a 2,000 hr ATP-rated pilot with 1,000 hours in Mooneys available depending on the day
  16. Lots of left/right deviations if you cant get above 10k (basically us prop guys). Be flexible and have fuel to go the long way around. I flew from Lake City to Daytona for lunch the other day and basically had to wait 2 hours in Daytona for a line to push east and I had to fly west to Tampa and then north up the gulf coast to make it back to N. Central Fla to go around the back side of it.
  17. This breaks my heart
  18. I have this prop but no PF I run WOT/2500RPM when im going somewhere If I'm staying local I do low/slow 23 squared.
  19. I got Friday-Saturday-Sunday off from work. I'm trying to decide if I can afford to fly the Mooney up there or just non-rev for free and find a place to crash.
  20. TailBeacon took an hour from pulling into the shop to taxiing out including all paperwork, stickers, and setting up.
  21. If there isnt any damage to the aircraft- why would insurance get involved?
  22. I miss that plane like a mother misses her children. Best damned plane I ever flew.
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