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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. Saw 85° today, low 80's this coming week
  2. I've heard some stupid prices for installs, it seems shops seem to think they have us by the short-n-curlies and are adjusting their prices accordingly. Been holding out for either the matching right side light or the tail beacon but it doesn't look like it's going to happen soon so I'll be ordering the GDL-82 for both planes here fairly quick
  3. $35~$50 if you can find a CFI, FR’s are a flat fee of 2hrs and IPC’s are based on actual, generally an hour on the ground and 2 in the air.
  4. not sure I would use a chain (covered in anything) around the crankshaft, a 1" flat nylon strap is much easier on things
  5. NOPE..... Not for this S Texas boy, we only got into the 40's for a low. Not cold enough to freeze the balls off a pool table, but cold enough for me
  6. I had an old Nokia cell ph I could leave anywhere and people would chase me down and give back to me....lol
  7. don't think so, a couple at my home base, were going through an ugly divorce, several planes, boats and hangars, They were hiding and selling crap daily from each other, Feds said it was a civil matter unless one of the planes was involved, didn't care about the boats and hangars and other stuff that were sold with out the other knowing
  8. and if over tightened it damages either/both of the flares
  9. The push button style buckle is the way to go with a J-bars, but with very little practice/thought you can swing the bar without leaving any DNA or undoing a buckle
  10. I think any type of tampering with an aircraft is a federal offense
  11. I think the date the thread started in the title would be helpful
  12. But it only works once and for a few minutes.....
  13. "Righteous Fireball!"......love it...lol
  14. On the 172 that had the leads reversed it was at the switch not the mags.
  15. Install a stand alone GPS ($75.00) for the ELT, that way if you have time the ships power can be turned off before going in reducing the chance of electrical fire......
  16. Sounds like it needs to be put on jacks to see what's going on. My guess is the one or several of the gear doors are too tight causing resistance
  17. Also I was chasing down an issue on a rough running engine only to find that the P-leads were reversed, so the rough running on left only Mag turned out to be a cracked distributor block in the RIGHT mag. remember to treat ALL mags as HOT, unless its off the plane and on the bench completely disassembled and even then the condenser can still bite you if it hasn't bled off its charge
  18. removing the "P" lead from the Mag makes the Mag "HOT". I remove the "P" lead at the Mag and place a temp. jumper from the P-lead to ground on BOTH mags, then is safe to test the leads
  19. could be a grounded "P" lead
  20. A buddy did his on a Cessna, completely removed, cleaned, lubed and reinstalled
  21. And the thread goes dormant again
  22. Cleaning extremely well and spraying with a foot powder will find the culprit fairly quick. Extremely clean and powder is the trick
  23. Naming oil leaks..... I have a Conti 0-300 if I named the oil leaks it would sound like role call for a football team
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