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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. That's my understanding as well
  2. I have nothing against other tablets or apps, but for me I'll stay with my iPad and Wing-X
  3. The AME (Aviation Medical Examiners) I go to is a Baby Transfer Engineer, I get really strange looks when the nurse opens the door and calls my name
  4. I would expect at least a couple tenths just to warm the oil up before changing, couple more to check for oil leaks after, and a few more for run up /prop cycle...etc
  5. Wouldn't 0969 be Sept of 1969?
  6. My guess is it depends on the damage, and how & when was it repaired. A gear up / prop strike 40 years and 4500hrs ago wouldn’t bother me a bit. I’m more curious about what isn’t in the logs or the one that just came out of paint
  7. @FastTex HERE ya go
  8. I used a piece of hose over the rod where it crosses the return lines per my IA's suggestion, major pain getting it over the rod with the offsets bent in it. Ended up doing both sides, again to put a smile on my IA
  9. Had the same thing on my E when I got it, one of the rods that hold the lower baffleing was missing and had safety wire.
  10. That's kinda what I figured, but wasn't sure
  11. Maintenance Manual has the spec, date code as mentioned above and condition, mine met the specs but they were as hard as Chinese arithmatic. Shop around but they are roughly $100 (X 11) each
  12. The 172 will get the 1 bell and 1 whistle, on my Mooney I'm still on the fence. A switch and a light won't add that much time to the install and I have always said its better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it
  13. @David_H it will be a joint effort on the install, and we'll practice on my buddies Cessna.... Was on Garmin's site last night and there is a different install manual for Mooneys (go figure).
  14. @carusoam isn't one person, there are 12 working 3 shifts of 4....
  15. The was a hangar fire in Barnwell SC that trashed 5 or 6 aircraft, part of the problem was the were several propane tanks and live ammo that was popping off and the fire department couldn't get in close enough to fire the fire. The was a Mooney that melted (plastics and such) and the fire never got to that hangar, just the heat
  16. I ordered 2 GDL-82’s (for the Mooney & Cessna) this morning, I was really wanting the Uavionix SkyBeacon but with no matching light for the other wingtip that was off the table and who knows if and when the TailBeacon will get certified. The Cessna will get installed first as I’ve pushed the annual up 1 month and besides its gives my IA some practice before he does my Mooney… Looking over the install manual for the GDL there are 2 options 1 being an “Anonymous Mode” and the other being an “Annunciator Light”. Are these options I should consider having installed and what really are the benefits to having them? My train of thought is I doubt I would ever want to hide from anyone and if the ADS-B should fail I’m fairly certain ATC would let me know.
  17. Tablets in the cockpit is the best thing since sliced bread. There is no way I could carry what's on my iPad in print form.
  18. seems really high..just a quick look on Spruce shows 80ish per wheel for grease rings and felt seal
  19. You would think so, but I had to replace the bearings on 2 aircraft 8 months ago when we had 11"+ flood waters, both planes had just been repacked at annual
  20. An option that has not been mentioned yet is fractional ownership Also if you team up with a buddy on the training side, the stats show your odds of completing your training are greatly increased
  21. My accountant taught me about the three "F"'s..... If it Flys, Floats or Fornicates it's better to rent it
  22. welcome aboard Paul, and congrats on working toward getting your ppl, weather, maintenance, scheduling will all jump into play while working towards your goal so don't get too discouraged, just press forward and get it done. When you say S. TX, where about in S. TX?
  23. That is spruces retail price, look in your area for an oil distributor, I buy 2 cases at a time just to have it. Actually buy 4 cases, 2 XC and 2 100 plus
  24. Welcome aboard, very few questions go unanswered here on MooneySpace
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