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Everything posted by Supercop0184

  1. Yup that makes sense. Thanks! HEY by the way how are ya? Was in the area not too long ago and tried callin! Hope you're doing well!
  2. So it goes to say - if you are at field elevation of 1000 ft, and temperatures are 100 degrees, it would be a decent amount lower than altimeter setting? correct? maybe by a couple of inches?
  3. Well if you find out would you please let me know - might be easy for you while in conversation. He might think I am a wack job if I call out of the blue and say " HEY MAN ive heard so many great things about you - when are you retiring?" HAHAHA!
  4. Im going to go look at your "how to" and see if I can figure this out!Maybe TheTurtle and I can come in for an afternoon of tinting! HAHA! May as well hit Catalina while out there. Oooooo the options! Lemme go see if it's so easy a caveman can do it!! THANKS FOR THE INFO by the way!
  5. Awesome ! THANKS!! I will let you know how it goes.
  6. Has he said he was going to retire soon? I have an engine pushing 2000 hours, O-360 on my C model. He seems to be the one I want to do the overhaul, but shes still running good. How much time do you think I have? May just fly it until he's close to retirement and get him to do the job. Also, may I ask what your price was out the door? Was it close to the price list? THANKS!
  7. I wannna so tint but I'm afraid I'll Mess it up! I wouldn't even know what to get
  8. I will be there plus 1!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. No problem - I sure wish I did!!! That's the ultimate goal but won't Happen for a while lol. I rent a t hangar out there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I'm based at t67 hicks - if I'm in town and available when you're ready - I'll run ya out there. Just let me know! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks buddy!! I will. Am I gonna have to "convince them" that they were options I had turned on before or should it's be pretty seamless? Thanks for your help. Hate it when things don't go as planned!!
  12. I've been having fun updating mine. Paul is right! You wont get all the money "back" from avionics installs..but the more you have the more bad ass it will be making people want it more when you sell it. I'll be getting the new garmin electric AI this year at Oshkosh. Why? Cause MERICA!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Maybe someone here like avisimpson can help. just had my dealer do the upgrade. Took it out to fly it today and noticed that all my Bluetooth, WIFI, and such are now off. Went to set up and they are no longer highlighted. Soooooo I called the avionics guy but I'm sure he's off today. Any ideas?
  14. I've got falcon And do a check online. Never been an issue. Hope you're doing well brother, need to come see your bird! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. My temps can creep on up when it's hot on extended taxi and climb. This will be great!!! Saber - 64 C model! Ready when you are! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. God I want so much. Hate the temp issues I have with my c model Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Did this sell? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Holy moly I NEVER SEE ANY TEMPERATURES below 350 even in CRUISE Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Does anyone know the answer to any of this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Ok so several questions --- about the IFD-440. 1) how do I get the 10.2 upgrade 2) is the 440 also effected by this "glitch"...if so do I have the glitch now? If I don't have it now will I have it after I do the upgrade which I'm not sure how to do? I have the IFD 440 / AXP 340 transponder/ sky trac 100. It was tested on install in may 2016 and showed to all work. Should i have any concerns? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Welp..... That was easy. Called, made an appointment......wrote a brief letter starting who I am, I own the plane, lost my cert, and need another one. Appointment at 9, I got there at 820, was out by 845 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Not sure if this is the proper place to post this, hope it is. My Airworthiness certificate is missing. Not in the plane, not with my DOCS. What is the process of getting a new one. I have found on the FAA website a very simple form to fill out. Seems to me you take the form to the local FSDO and turn it in there. DO they have to inspect the plane? Is there a fee? I HAVE NO IDEA!! Any insight or experience with this would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!
  23. That's what IM waiting for too!!
  24. Jack - as Paul (gsxrpilot) said, I'm a Fort Worth officer - started out in a Cherokee 180 which I owned for two years. Finally decided to move up. As a cop, obviously my budget was somewhat limited - purchase and operating. I looked at old v tail bonanzas (sturdy but parts are expensive and annuals are tricky with specific ADs to deal with, and six cylinders to pay for: Comanches - nice but the 180s are lethargic so the 250s are really a minimum way to go, now we get back to the whole 6 cylinder overhaul expense issue: and Mooneys. The 180 Mooney willl out fly the 180 Cherokee by a long shot with nearly the same useful load, cabin room, and maintenance expense/ my annual is 600 more yearly (1400 bucks) my insurance is 800 more yearly only because I had no retract time, should go down this next year, and everything else is the same. I'm always looking for reasons to fly so next time I'm free for a day if you haven't already gone for a ride ill come down and show ya what it's like.
  25. Lucky lucky lucky!!! Good lookin bird sir! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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