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Everything posted by Supercop0184

  1. Believe me, it’s cheaper and easier if I can just replace my belly beacon - but my mechanic said we needed to check the legalities of it because he feels as though there is no way, a belly mounted light, I can send light 30 degrees above the horizontal plane of the aircraft. Belly beacon protects you from folks below you, but what about folks above you?
  2. No - it absolutely says that the lights have to illuminate 30 degrees above and below the horizontal plane - a belly beacon is not going to do that is? Hell i dont know - I need a beer. My mechanic says he doesn’t feel it meets the legalities only having a belly beacon.
  3. For aircraft for which type certificate was applied for After April 1, 1957 to August 10, 1971: These anti-collision systems must produce a minimum of 100 effective candela in Aviation Red or White (REF. FAR 23.1397), 360o around the aircraft’s vertical axis, 30o above and below the horizontal plane (REF. FAR 23.1401).
  4. All aircraft must be equipped with an anti collision and position light system for nighttime operations - Depending on the age of the aircraft determines the required equipment .
  5. But belly beacon isn’t a legal back up - because it can’t be seen from above the plane 30 degrees as required - and I had never really looked into this - but if it’s a fuselage mounted beacon, must have two - one on top and bottom.
  6. Just saw this in their lighting catalog - while these are strobes and not the same model we are discussing - they are designed in the same fashion - either red of green for the front 90 degrees - solid white back 90 degrees - and strobes for each side 180 degrees - so basically the strobe version of the 650s. They stated that these lights eliminate the need for a tail light. Interesting - I think we have an answer lol.
  7. Yeah I thought so too, but all that’s required is 360 degree coverage Nav and collision - since the 650s have 180 degree coverage on each wing, I would think that would cover it. But I’m far from expert.
  8. Def not bitching - just want to correct any correctable issues is all, At the recommendation of several folks here - I have contacted joe with hawk aircraft painting in Tampa - he’s scheduling March 2020 - and I’m gonna make sure I’m on that schedule as soon as I see his quote lol. That’s good though - gives me time to save.
  9. Ok slightly different question but on topic. I have ONE anti collision strobe in the belly (at one time or another it was a coffee grinder) and regular position lights in the wings and one white position only in the tail. It seems to me that the Orion 650 has the front red or green light, as well as the white light towards the back. So on the left side you get 90 degrees of red, 90 degrees of solid white, and 180 degrees of flashing light when activated. Same for the right side and green. Wouldn’t this do away with the need for not only the belly light but the tail light as well?
  10. How much is the mounting plate?
  11. Yeah you’re definitely right - engine has been good to us. It was flown often before we got it - and we fly the heck out of it. Definitely - paint probably won’t come until October or so - gotta find the money to pay for it hahahaha
  12. thanks for all the responses and suggestions - As far as the twin goes - I just can’t justify the costs of a twin - not so much the initial buy in but maintenance - it’s just my wife and I, and of course our two little pups. Part of my comahce research was spent in their forums and Facebook groups - and they are just not as friendly and tight of a group as the Mooney family is. We’ve done some work on the doghouse - but I’ll definitely snap some shots of it and post them so others can give any suggestions. The turbo idea is fantastic - and not one I had thought of. That would enable me to easily get to 15k so I can go right over the mountains. I’ll start saving for that right after I get the tanks / paint / overhaul done lol! while we’re at it - anyone know the parts and part numbers needed for a direct replacement for my belly strobe “beacon” for the LED Whelen?
  13. Hate to bring up an old post - but I’m gonna - lol. I have a 64 C model - going Into weap mo more in May for a strip and reseal. I’ll use it for the summer - then possibly take it in for paint end of year (if I can afford it after the tank reseal). Im liking the quality and price of joes work! I PMd to see if his prices are still comparable. Great reading everyone! Thanks for all the help!
  14. Hey everybody, just wanted to Make a little post here about a decision I recently made about my Airplane. I have a 1964C model, the engine has about 1950 hours. My tanks need a reseal, my paint has seen better days, but it’s been a very good airplane. I have a panel that contains very nice avionics, an avidyne 440, stec 30 auto pilot with GPSS, ADS-B In our; 4 cylinder engine monitor; fuel flow monitor. It is a very well-equipped C model airplane that just needs a little tender loving care to make it a top-notch specimen of the C models. We have been recently considering getting a 250 horse Comanche or 285 horse bonanza so we can improve our climb out performance and increase our altitude ability and be able to make it to our new place that we have in Durango Colorado from Fort Worth Texas, non stop. Unfortunately, nicely equipped Comanches and Bonanza airplanes are very difficult to find that are affordable. Nothing I can afford is even close to being equipped with the avionics my little C model has. So, we determined that we would keep the Mooney and absolutely deck it out. We have an appointment with weep no more in May to get both tanks totally resealed. I have contacted a painter up in Tennessee and gotten a quote on a brand new paint job that I really want. And I’ve also made contact with Jewel Aviation in Missouri to do an engine overhaul when that time comes. There are a couple things I would like to perfect with my Airpoint. No matter what we have done, my cylinder temperatures seem to run hot on climb out. This greatly affects my client performance, because I cannot continuously climb without the cylinders getting to 420° or slightly higher. My oil temperature also climbs greatly during my climb out , sometimes reaching 225° before I have to push the nose down, illuminate my climb momentarily to cool the engine off. Certainly there is something that can be done, we have played with the Cowell flaps but it has not done anything. We have toyed around with the temperatures with and without Lazar no scowling closure, the temps are actually cooler with the enclosure removed. My mechanic has been thinking about doing some kind of a double pass-through oil cooler, says that if we can increase the cooling efficiency of the oil it may cool the rest of the engine some. I think if we could hone in on this one issue, it would alleviate some of the frustrations I had with the aircraft. Any suggestions at all?
  15. Question, how did redoing the carb heat box help with engine management and cruise speed? I just don’t feel I see the speed numbers I should.
  16. What is this Mooney power boost that you speak of, how much power does it add, and how much is it!?
  17. Great to hear brother!! Thanks!! Hope you’re doing well!!
  18. Hey Paul - what do you know about Jewel??
  19. Do you have the cargo door hold arm? If so how much? I need
  20. Do you have the little cargo door hold arm by chance? If so how much? I need
  21. Any body else from here going? If so when are you getting there? And has anyone been? it would be great to have a Mooney hang out!! Can't wait to check this place out!!!
  22. You bet brother!!
  23. First off, let me start off by saying that I am very good friends with Josh, also known as Mr. aviation, and I must say I am very proud of him for these two videos. He did himself in every way possible, and I personally was moved by watching these! secondly I'll say that yes, That was me at the end of the part two video. What an honor it is to be a part of such a fine group of aviators. Thank you for your words out, I'm glad you enjoyed the video and the poem.
  24. Sounds perfect to me! Lets do it! HEY HOW DO I GET THAT COOL MAP?
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