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Everything posted by Supercop0184

  1. Ok these things are REALLY hard to find. Anyone wanna make one? I'll buy two! Lol. I've looked high and low. I'll call Don Maxwell tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. REALLY nobody?? Ok cool im gonna check
  3. Part #17 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Ok so I found this in my parts manual I forgot about -- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. What's the bar called that holds the cargo door open? Yup. Mine got bend today, beyond repair. Tell me how to find a replacement and I'll be sohappy!! Thanks!
  6. They sold Thursday night over beer at OSH. Sorry y'all.
  7. I bought them new in 2014 - they are a great headset in great working condition. I am upgrading is the only reason I'm selling them. 450.00 OBO
  8. Is going on now!! Great topics so far! Forums Stage 8 at OSH2016!
  9. We here right now if you want a summer shandy, come on by! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. We are here - row 509 - next to a Cessna 182 on the far south end of the row - the FIRST IN THE ROW AS A MATTER OF FACT. Come by and say hey! N7100U
  11. Yall count me in for the shindig Monday night! And ill throw some money in for a Keg as well if we get that figured out!
  12. One flight in Paul's C made me fall in love. With the plane NOT Paul! I gotta say I grabbed a nice one myself, but I'll be a little jealous of who gets this one. GL Paul! Nice bird for sure! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Nooooooooooooooooooooo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I also will be getting in Friday, Im hoping for about a 1700 arrival time. DEF will be looking for you Hector!
  15. I have the same heat problem on climb out. I have the LASAR enclosure mod as well. Heck the other day My Hottest got up to 390 before ever leaving the dang GROUND! WHAT GIVES! my Mech discovered that my Cowel flaps werent opening all the way. Maybe that had some to do with it.
  16. Still really interested in one for a 64C model, as My CHTs just seem high, and I dont understand why
  17. The entire Package including the Avidyne IFD440, Their Digital ADSb out transponder, and their Skytrax 100 I think is the model (ADS B IN Receiver Box) was 14000. Then I got 6500 in rebates (Including trading in my 430W) Total of 7500 bucks for brand new equipment.
  18. I have an 830. Would it benefit me to do this? i never have.
  19. Yeah this was definitely too good to pass up.
  20. It's sold! Thanks y'all!
  21. Avidyne IFD440, Avidyne transponder, and Avidyne abd IN installed. Worth every penny already!
  22. I have learned it's simply the basic GDL-69. With rack and harness I've decided now to ask - 650.00
  23. Not sure the difference. I'll find out if it is.
  24. Well, after all my avionics upgrades, there wasn't room or anymore need for the GARMIN GDL-69. It works great, just will no longer use it. I'm sure I have to set a price instead of say just make offer, but I have NO IDEA what to ask. Any ideas what this is worth?
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