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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Didn't start flying till after it was gone but used to stop there on my way home from skiing in the Sierras.
  2. You could add owner assist yes no.
  3. Sadly it's not, they replaced it with a small shopping center but now there are some new shops and some nice restaurants two that we like are Fentons ice creamery and a real good Mexican place but I can't remember it's name. They built a Lowes and there is a Best Buy as well as a couple of others. They also put in a small amusement area for the kid types. As much as I hate to see changes to old familiar places overall its a nicer destination. The old pathway from the airport is still there.
  4. Soon as this low cloud cover breaks on Sunday going to head to Nut Tree or Santa Rosa for some 4.90 a gal. Cheapest in the region but then I fly a C so ain't no big thing. When ever you guys put in your identifier it's fun to hop on over in Fore Flight and check out your turf. Haven't flown in almost 2 weeks and I'm going bat shit crazy!
  5. I enjoyed watching your trip. Having grown up in the Bay Area liked to see familiar areas. By the way what's the story on slipping a long body?
  6. Years ago A friend that was flying news copters for KGO and I were talking and as I was so amazed about how cool his job was he said the thing is after a while its just a bus with alot of gauges. he went on to fly a few tours in a Blackhawk and flew 757 for Continental.
  7. That's fine Jim, I just wanted to make sure our original posted question about shops in his area was not forgotten and I hope you are able to resolve your issue and get your aircraft back in the sky soon.
  8. Perhaps you would care to post the shop you are dealing with. I personally would love to hear his/her side of the story That is a good point This post has been kidnapped, original guy I think you will do fine at Top Gun but I cant stress enough about not being involved with some level of hands on or at least eyes on. good luck
  9. Crashing anything is not good. Ive always liked the 337 and you can never mistake the sound of one when they fly over. Ther is some good footage of an OV-2 in Bat 21
  10. Once again I had to say a prayer thay would have rather not. And as always we dont know all the facts. If it was pilot error then all I can say is lets be smart every one. Better to be safe on the ground wishing you were flying. God speed
  11. Oh to dream, so many beautiful amazing airplanes to consider.
  12. Original question, Top gun is a great shop and even though they are close enough to be competitors Lake Aero and top gun work together in mutual support of each others customers. I dont know if Top Gun allows owner assist. I can see that Stockton is closer than Lakeport. hopefully you will be able to make the time to be on hand for at least part of the task
  13. I like the layout but I don't think you can use a single sheet for everything and I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong but don't the flight instruments have to be mounted on an isolation vibration panel (I don't know the proper name for this) Now where was that post on "If you won a small lottery"
  14. We're I in your situation I would get the ferry permit and find someone to relocate your Mooney. There are plenty of shops that have pilot services I'm sure someone on MS could recommend a shop that has a good rep that could help. As I have said before I hate annuals but I understand the need for inspection. Good luck and to the original poster both top gun and lake aero are first class and won't take advantage.
  15. I spent some time over the holidays in Rome GA some years back and it's really beautiful there could not believe how much house you could get just a bit outside Atlanta brand new 5 beds at least 2500 sq ft for under 150k
  16. I'll say it again I can only say I would make time! this is your most important annual you really should be envolved. even if they would not let me do an owner assist I would park my ass next to the hangar door and watch every move they make. I have never trusted any one to work on my machines especially an airplane that I am going to bet my life and my families life on.
  17. Ahh yes winter, now you understand why that same house is 2 mil out here. yes location location location. Winter flying out west is the best time of year to fly cool calm and clear you can see for over 200 miles. Nice deer BTB I hate the damn things they eat my garden and since you cant hunt around our hood they are always a problem for driving and more important riding my rice rocket.
  18. Could be tennitus, Its driving me CRAZY
  19. I can only say I would make time! this is your most important annual you really should be envolved.
  20. Took a look on the coldwell site and started to crack up, that same set up out here would go for over 2 million
  21. What ever you decide I recommend one that allows an owner assist you will learn so much and you will be present to see first Hand any squaks that come up. Also there is a lot of time consuming things like panels and cowel removals that if you do will save real money. I know Lake Aero permits this and they are great to work with. Whatever you decide be prepared for any thing. I wish you good luck and a happy annual.
  22. I think it's great and I think they are going to make it a success. On the other M10 thread they showed a illustration of the components and there was a cage that was made of composite I think.
  23. Sounds like right now your mission is to just fly. Other than flying for business or some form of required travel that is more suited to flight I'm not sure there is such a thing. I mean if you define your mission by what is your most repeated flight then I would have to say our Mooney is our grocery getter. Second would be over the river and over the woods to grandmas house. Our mission is to have as much fun getting there as being there.
  24. Dave that is one of the nicest panels it really appeals to my love of steam with a nice addition of glass. Well done sir.
  25. Not surprised that there is disagreement on this since I know it is a subject of differing opinions. For me personally I am glad to have had full spin training granted it's not going to do me any good at low altitude but to know what happens gives me a better understanding of what to do and what not to do. Bottom line is don't put myself in a position that is unsafe.
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