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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Finally got around to trying a speed check. Conditions were density altitude 8,100 @ 2500 WOT wind was 21.6 from 183 degrees. OAT 50F about 600lbs load 4 Heading IAS 132.75 average calculated TAS 153 knots 4 Heading GPS 148 knots 3 Heading GPS 147.5 knots
  2. Take your time and consider yourself lucky that you found Mooney Space before you purchase not after. I have learned so many things since buying my Mooney I likely would have passed on the one I bought. As such don't misunderstand I love my Plane. There are so many valid points on the subject of searching for the right one to buy. So take your time and even though it can be intense shopping for an airplane, I mean what is more cool than that!
  3. Got same results, started out with a lot of oxidation so took a bit of elbo grease but happy with result
  4. Damn another panel to envy. Very nice work now I must get back to the thread on winning a small lotto.
  5. Finally got round to updating my Fore flight to 6.3 what an amazing product. With that and wing X and Garmin there is quite a bit of capability available. If you were to make it more about the pilot and the aircraft you might have something like have a data for all types so your checklist would be specific for type and like a Hobbs for the pilot and as you note keeping track of hours to and from required maintanence. It could record all your flight history. That being said I am one who hates data don't trust any of this high tech stuff but what can one do. Good luck with your idea.
  6. I saw one of those Cirrus jets a few years back and was very impressive but I think a Lancair Evolution will out run it. small lotto honestly a new Mooney would be REAL nice. actually an L-39 albatros would be perfect.
  7. I'm not sure but I think you will find statistcally on an injury vs accident ratio a cessna 150 is the safest plane to fly. the lower the stall speed the softer the impact. I'm shure there will be a plethera of disagreement on the subject. it would be great to have a chute but I dont so what curl up in a little ball and stay on the couch. No Way!
  8. Was thinking the same thing about the field I am sure most if not all of you keep a sharp eye out for good locations to put down if needed and sometimes there just arent any good options. one never knows until it happens but if i could make a safe field i think i would try for that rather than pull the chord. once your hanging from the chute you still may end up in a bad situation since you have zero control. glad no one hurt.
  9. CONGRATS! Long ways for me to get there, looking forward to that kind of mile stone.
  10. is there a difference in the two IO550. Just curious
  11. on occasion I have gone to 0Q9 2400x40 but displaced its really 2085 and only 35 wide with 100 ft trees on the approach and rising terrain on the departure. never really gave it much thought. elevation is only 20ft so that helps. might go to CL56 this week its 2100 X 30 I like them 5000 plus ones reminds me of a story these 2 (fill in ethnicity) pilots were on approach and the PIC requests 10 deg flaps on short final he starts to get tense and requests 20 deg flaps. as he crosses the numbers he panics and requests full flaps! after getting it stopped he looks at his copilot and says damn that sure was a short but wide runway. stupid I know
  12. Bank angle, I have to talk to the wife about that one ;-)
  13. As for the backward tails take a look at the P51 tail and you will note the trailing edge is the same as a Mooney's as for me I think all them others got the tails on backwards.
  14. Just finished reading the account of his trip. It was very well written and I appreciate the time it took to share his adventure let alone the trip itself. Congrats on a great flight.
  15. Perhaps now that they are being manufactured again you will see more of them across the pond. its realy a hard to beat aircraft.
  16. Cheapest around NorCal at 5.10 most closer to and above 6.00 but with an M20C not too bad.
  17. Fear not I'm sure BorealOne as Hillary Swank will be able to get on with his life once he gets over the shock of it.
  18. I wish my cars ran on 87. Got an older 302 can't swallow 91 without a bit of mild detonation. Fuel prices in CA still high that's why I fly a Mooney.
  19. Damn Straight
  20. I love all airplanes for there esthetic qualities I know they all have good and bad traits. Here is one trait that no other can match a Mooney. There is no airplane that someone with a limited budget can afford that even comes close to a M20C or M20E. If I could afford a 500,000 airplane there might be some good options to a Mooney. But for around 40,000 I get a real 3 seat 140knot fun to fly tuff aircraft and if I'm just 2 I can push it to close to 150 knots.
  21. First off a heart felt THANK YOU for your service. There have been other posts about starting out in a complex renting VS owning etc. I will put my 2c in here as well. As others have pointed out "what is your mission" and from what I have read your mission is to get your PPL there is much training software I used the Grimes private pilot test prep and it worked great the sample tests are formatted exactly like the written you will take so when you do for real it looks the same so you already have a feel for the test. As for the renter vs owner issue well it sounds like there may be a problem with the training available where you will be based. If you own your plane you can find an instructor that may not be tied to a fixed school. Your mission is to train so pick the best trainer. Others here know I'm biased but you can't beat a 150 for this mission. It is a simple aircraft and getting a pre buy should be much easier than for a Mooney. There are many available with decent hours on the smoh the thing about the Conti O200 is the cylinders if you find one with higher hours on the OH but with recent top end that motor will be fine the O200 bottom end is pretty bullet proof. The C150 is a great platform for teaching stick and rudder it's very forgiving but takes skill to fly right. You should be able to find one for under 18,000 and if you take care of it you can sell it for close to what you paid. Fuel burn on mine was under 5 GPH in cruise and you can put a lot of hours on it once you solo for very low cost. After I got my PPL before I got my Mooney my wife and I made several trips over 300 miles 100mph ground speed still kicks ass over a car. Once you get certified then look for your IFR platform Mooney and start getting used to its systems. As for insurance I had liability only on my 150 and it was less than 300 a year with AOPA. Good luck to you and stay safe and thanks again for your service.
  22. AOPA has another quiz to see which movie character pilot you would be. Not enough questions IMO to really get a good idea but I took the quiz and was very pleased with its result. I am John Wayne in The Flying Leathernecks. Take the test and post results.
  23. That is going to look real nice. my 1 cent if you have a white painted spinner I agree on a thinner gray line at the nose. if you have a polished spinner then leave it as is with the gray running over the nose.
  24. I think compressed air might be handy for something like this. I like the color makes me want to see the whole plane.
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