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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Not sure my sensitive nature could handle all the dislikes I would likely get
  2. During the long summer days I don't fly at night because I have plenty of daylight to get in a full day and still have enough time to return home before dark. Now with the onset of winter I will be regaining my night proficiency and currency so I can return home after dark. Personally I love the beauty of night flight accept the increased risk and plan accordingly. As for the single vs twin argument it seems like the bigger the faster the more violent the accident and as long as there is no fire we have a good chance of survival in our Mooney's That's just an observation no need to blast me on my lack of pro status. Hmmm think I'll head to the Sierras and do some upside down IMC practice just in case
  3. And I see on the news the Feds are calling to raise the federal gas tax. Figures
  4. Very impressive I like the matching paint on the prop. If your ever out west I would love to see it in person, congrats on a job well done. One question why not put a jockey Box (glove box) in the empty space on co pilot side is there avionics hardware behind there.
  5. Excellent job sir. Respect for keeping your promise.
  6. Let me rephrase that. I can afford the rent the concern is damage that is possible or likely to happen. I mean how do you guys cope with others moving your aicraft. I know they get moved around during annuals and by FBO's but at least you have some measure of control over that.
  7. For me it's not about the money there just aren't any available hangars. I'll just have to see what the options are regarding the Cessna 182.
  8. Actually there is a tug for the Cessna damn thing is as big as hell I don't know if it works or not but its not the cessna I'm worried about even though it's a pain in the ass if I have to move it I know I won't cause it any damage that's just the way I am. It's the other guy moving mine in and out that's got me freaked out.
  9. With all the Go Pro mounts you might rig something on the bottom of the tail that can hold a container that can be opened by pulling a cord. As for me I would respectfully decline.
  10. Already met the new owner of the hangar and with the Tiger being much smaller and with him not flying near as much as I do things looked like they were going to work out fine. The unknown is the guy that just bought the 182 that wants to keep it in there. Well Were going to get together on Sunday to see what's up. I spent 5 years outside just over a year with the Mooney so I know all to well the issues listed above. Guess I will wait and see what Sunday brings. Just thought I'd put it out there for some of your thoughts on the matter. If some one messes up your airplane while moving it is it just by agreement on compensation for repairs. Should we put something in writing get it notorised I hate those kind of things but it's the world we live in.
  11. I'm usually not one to float an issue for opinion but I am faced with a dallima. The hangar I am renting was just sold. I was sharing the space with a C182 that was owned by a deceased pilot so it never got moved. The new owner of the hangar has a Grumman tiger (nice and small) it's being worked on and won't be home till next year. The space is big enough for 2 but requires moving the front plane out for access to the rear. The Tiger is easy to move so not such a big deal. Here is the problem. The Cessna just got sold and the new owner wants to keep it right there and when the Tiger comes home one of us will have to clear out. I can't decide which is worse moving back outside or having someone messing around with my airplane every time they want to fly. And if I'm in back then I'm having to move that big ass SUV of an airplane out the way. I'm leaning in the direction of just saying F it and going back outside till I can find another option. This is not about the money for the rent there aren't any available hangars. Or maybe I should be a real prick and let the FAA know about all the non aviation storage going on there. So what say you damage from the weather or from a roommate
  12. Perhaps he does have enough income but it's tight and he wants to fly. The general public thinks us pilot types are a bunch of rich snobs that hang out at Bushwood. Some of us can afford 200k dollar and up aircraft and that's great but some can't. My 20c is as much as I can and I'm damn thankful I'm in a position to be able to fly. There are worse things in life than having to keep your airplane outside. The more people that fly and own the better it is for all of us. Even if a Cessna 150 was all I could afford it would still kick the crap out of being stuck on the ground.
  13. What about wrapping the pipe with exhaust pipe tape like they use on the custom Harley's
  14. What has any of it got to do with aviation or Mooney's. At least Scott started out in the context of Timmy wanting to know something about aiplanes. I'm pissed off by whats happend and happening to this country and its culture and people. God speed "please"
  15. Oh and yes a big welcome from the west coast.
  16. I'm on the side of not enough bucks for a panel like that's!
  17. Sorry I don't know how to do all that link stuff on an IPad. It's Macs Airplane Covers.com on the search and the site is Airplane-covers.com not aircraft covers
  18. I could be the anti financial advisor
  19. And they call it a weep hole. Very common on motors that have engine driven water pumps. Keeps water and oil separated and it also lest you know witch side O ring needs replacing
  20. Sorry every one but whenever I make a purchase the prices always drop after the deal is done. My bad
  21. I will put in a plug for M.A.C. Covers. When you call they send you a PDF for all your measument points for antenna temp probe etc. they have different levels of Sunbrella material you can use. They are very fast and I think the quality vs price is great. I spent over a year outside before getting into a hangar and where I live the exposure is severe and they hold up well. My Cessna 150 spent over 4 years outside. One thing of note even though you would think white is better for sun because it reflects light the darker materials last longer. This is based on experience and I think it's because the white is not as dense as the dyed fabric. I have checked out Bruce's and Kennons on other aircraft I have seen and I don't think they are as nice IMHO.
  22. I guess it really comes down to the definition of small lotto. Under 10 million keep the one I have with some real nice upgrades to the avionics. Retire and start my IFR. 10 to 20 mil a new Ovation or Acclaim. Over 20 Lanceair Evolution or that nifty L39 Albatross
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