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Everything posted by peevee

  1. The reiff uses bands on the jugs, the plug style you have to use ring cht probes or get the dual cht/heater plugs. The ring probes are fragile in my experience
  2. I would run a heater. Even if it's just one of those ez heat pads on the sump. I run our heater any time the ambient has been below 40 before a flight. More is better but I have run these and they work reasonably well. http://m.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/ezHeater.php
  3. How cold does it get and what oil do you run?
  4. I figured we all knew what speedbrakes were for already.
  5. Yeah, I let mine lapse.
  6. LOL valid point.
  7. I had no idea they even existed. Do they really last 2k hours?
  8. I was too, until I started reading about his cabinet pics. It's going to be ugly.
  9. Thanks, that helps a bunch. I don't understand why it's so convoluted. Ours has an M scratched on the case. I thought that might have been done at Mooney or something. It must be a 201m
  10. There is talk of him living in NYC full time and not moving into the Whitehouse. Get used to it. It's only going to get worse, along with everything else.
  11. thanks, I figured while I was there I'd try cleaning it since it cost next to nothing.
  12. LASAR would have to get it from mooney, mooney wants only $1500 for one. Hah. It's cheaper to go with something like this http://www.aerospacelogic.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=233 I'll keep digging. Edit: it's definitely a floscan 201, clearly marked. Now to figure out A, B, or C
  13. I don't care for it either, I think it sucks. after some more discussion, he pretty much said it's not the belle of the ball, but it's not junk either. Well, we're not paying belle of the ball pricing, so I think we'll go ahead and close.
  14. he seems to have indicated multiple times he sells new systems as well....
  15. have any 900's coming in?
  16. I want to upgrade, not downgrade. That's all.
  17. It's kind of an overall thing and this is the last straw I think. Small amounts if surface corrosion Poor paint adhesion and trouble areas Stuff like that. It just doesn't feel right.
  18. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well. There is an area of repair with a 337. We have that. There is a separate area with no documentation whatsoever. No log entry. No 337. I'm probably going to walk away anyhow. No point in continuing this thread.
  19. I have been using aerospace reports for escrow and title. I've been happy with them, less than a hundred dollars is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
  20. 1980 the fact that we don't know who did it or when the work was done is what bothers me. the plan was to dump a bunch of money into the panel and make the plane what we want, but if we're polishing a turd it's probably a bad idea.
  21. I beleive that is what he is saying. I see log entries referencing a 337 for repairs to the wing bottoms, which sounds like it slipped off some jacks, but I see nothing about top surface, which he seems to indicate also. It's enough to make me want to walk away, maybe I'm overreacting .
  22. There's no logbook entry is what I think he is saying.
  23. It's too early to call so I haven't gotten clarification yet but: "At this time, I do not see any huge issues, A couple of quick notes, under the back seat, the spar looks to be in good condition, as I noted, the aircraft shows its age a bit with some minor surface corrosion, and evidence of repairs and touch up paint. I did find the 337 for the repair of the lft wing. I am not seeing specific references to work on other skins, but rivets and paint show that there has been work done" Is it just me or is he telling me there is undocumented repair work to the wing skins?
  24. The point here being that we're selling the plane. I just want to replace the factory transducer with another compatible with the factory instrument
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