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Everything posted by peevee

  1. I should be "terrified" with 5 miles of separation? Really? The error for the mosaic radar is built into the procedures.
  2. My thought would be a faulty autopilot disconnect switch based on limited experience and a lot of research on our own problems. Second thought would be a failing servo motor. I could be way off on both.
  3. Maybe he was single pilot ifr. You know, under the hood.
  4. I am fascinated by the ability to book a cabin on a cargo ship and travel that way. It's slow, and probably boring but cheap and when I'm retired something I'd consider.
  5. You'd be doing the environment a favor by killing that turf that requires so much water and letting natural vegetation move in.
  6. You guys shamed me into it. I was due end of June so I did my bfr via wings again this time.
  7. That's... Uh, that's the point.
  8. Fwiw (which isn't a lot) I have a pair of a20s and a pair of DC one x and the one x are going back, I prefer the Bose. I have an old h10-30 with a headsets inc anr kit that I think is on par with the Bose. I have a pair of squawk shoppe anrs that I got for Christmas that are complete garbage. The guy pimps his stuff on poa Well now I see this thread is 2.5 yrs old. Oh well.
  9. Sucks, but I guess you can't complain at 2k hours.
  10. it's probably easier to back the screws off and slide the stall vane down to where you want it, don't bend it, should slide behind the wing.
  11. No glue only static cling.
  12. You'd need a map so you could easily find them- though I feel airnav exists for a reason.
  13. Be a shame if someone accidentally spilled some Ortho ground clear granules out of their airplane on the grass.
  14. no. they're plastic, and old.
  15. There are always the missile and rocket. Rockets a bit like a budget bravo
  16. I'll be out of town next week but if you think about it take a look and shoot me a p.m. or something thanks. I think they're different right vs left slightly, technically I need a left, maybe they're the same and the part number is printed on both ends and I can't tell because of the paint.
  17. looks like I'm not the first to do this, went to do the other tip and the housing and lens were heat damaged and had a similar bulb though a much worse install. Reflector was missing, so that could contribute to it or it could be that the replacement bulb runs hotter since it has more length, or it could have been completely unrelated. Enter at your own risk.
  18. replaced one of my strobes, went to do the other and found the fixture melted and missing the reflector etc internally, Probably contributing to the melting. Any chance anyone upgraded to LED's and has one floating around? It's not worth the energy to call the wreckers and explain what I need if someone has one floating around.
  19. No, left the lense in place. I think you want the protection from a drop of rain working in or something.
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