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Everything posted by peevee

  1. Haven't flown it yet. Won't for a week probably. It's not really any darker than my car. Just looks dark when everything is closed up
  2. It's a little hazy sort of, yes. I figured it was due to the solution I sprayed on the window to position it. Normal tint does that for a week or better also, maybe this will clear up on its own
  3. Seriously. Kauai to HNL is like 85 miles, another 187 gets you to hilo. Lots of diversity in between. Avgas is about $6.50, so about 2 bucks more than by me. Good place for an efficient airplane.
  4. did my rears today with the gila 20% cling tint from autozone. Second one is really good, the first one I made some mistakes. It's of course a lot lighter from inside the plane. One box did both rear windows easily. Another would do the fronts but I'm not sure I want to do those.
  5. we had a hoskins style bulb fail. It would not flash on battery power (even with two batteries) and would only flash a few times when the engine first started and then quit. I swapped the connectors at the power supply and verified it was the bulb and not the power supply first. I dug around here and in a few different threads found the info I needed to replace it, but thought I'd consolidate my experience in one thread. Here's the type of bulb we have. I think some of the confusion lies in the different types of lights. the reflector comes off, and the foam that surrounds the bulb is wedged in there pretty good, I had to destroy it to remove it. back of the bulb under all the rubber/foam stuff is a circuit board like this. I purchased two aeroflash 073-0141 bulbs from spruce, about $35 each once the bulbs arrive you'll see the foam/rubber portion is larger than the one removed, but under all that foam is a circuit board like the one from the old bulb.Cut the foam down to the edge of that board and see if it'll fit, mine wouldn't so I sanded the board down slightly. You can't really go too far on the foam as you'll hit the circuit board. I cut it angled outward a little so the foam was larger than the hole and held the bulb securely, sort of like \_/ the wiring from the hoskins bulb is different from the whelen or aeroflash bulbs so you have to reverse the white and red wires on the 3 pin molex connector. We happened to have whelen power supplies, but our molex was wired for the hoskins bulb per the instructions on page 5 of the PDF. If you're putting an aeroflash bulb on a hoskins suplly I assume you would still reverse the leads. The bulbs came with a new 3 pin molex connector, but it wouldn't hurt to have a molex pin tool just in case, so you can remove the pins from the old bulb and use that connector if you want. They're about $7 on amazon. wiring- page 5.pdf https://www.amazon.com/Connector-Remover-Computer-Extractor-Sleeving/dp/B01G46DJVU/ref=sr_1_4?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1496875028&sr=1-4&keywords=molex+pin+tool I also had to open up the reflector a little bit to fit the bigger bulb. Dremel tool worked well for this. Put back together everything is perfect, and the new bulb is so much brighter than the old one on the other wing I'll replace it as well so I have all nice, crisp strobes.
  6. that's an older blackstone kit, the new ones come with a postage paid label because they were having trouble with their samples getting lost for a week or two. I just used the postage paid label for the first time and you guessed it... they lost my sample. Temporarily, anyway. In the future I'll just put the blackstone mailer inside another box and send it so this doesn't happen. I'm tired of waiting 3+ weeks for my results.
  7. Yaaaaaaaaaaay! looks like they plan to exclude public safety users. Wonder if angelflight will get excluded. I'll be doing a lot more missions if that's the case.
  8. Not even that, if the repair costs are such that it's not much more to replace your equipment with a new aspen or garmin g5, then why wouldn't you? We have a king backup AI, if it failed and I could use the g5 as a backup source then I wouldn't even consider paying king to overhaul it.
  9. sounds like a huge boost for aspen and garmin sales.
  10. Which has little to do with the FAA and a lot to do with funding instability and contractors
  11. The fuel tax isn't enough to cover the expenses now, why should it in the future? There's a whole national defense side to this that's being ignored also.
  12. I haven't even called trump a treasonous cheeto yet.
  13. can you even remember what you wrote? Yeah, he sounded surprised because you were on VFR flight following. That is really the only plausible the reason you heard the words "altitude your discretion" but you don't seem to grasp the difference. Since this guy clearly destroyed your entire week you know there's a really easy solution to sort it out. We have these things down here called telephones. Call the facility and ask what happened.
  14. it's pretty simple. You were probably not actually on an IFR clearance, you were probably VFR flight following. That's why altitude was your discretion and remedial training seems to be needed. So your friend visited a facility. Big deal. He has no idea what he's talking about.
  15. sounds like neither do you! I had a donut at tim hortons the other day, I guess I know everything about canada. Maybe some remedial training on the difference between VFR flight following and being on an IFR clearance is in order.
  16. I can't imagine crushing an aviation filter, the housing are pretty thick. I also use D4 as per what I've come to understand is the proper technique.
  17. So much ignorance here I can't ignore it. He can issue you a discretion descent. that is considered a service. conflict alert in the enroute enviroment does not make noise. Approach it does but there are many beeps and buzzes going on often. What you heard was very very unlikely conflict alert. How exactly do you have the slightest idea what was going on from his side? per the 7110.65 he does not have to call alphabet soup foreign callsigns phonetically. section 2-4-20, maybe you should read it before criticizing someone.
  18. I don't really drink but I've got a bottle of highland Park 18 around here somewhere. I'll bring it some year when I go.
  19. It absolutely will.
  20. again assuming they follow schuster's plan it's more like the post office, so... I mean, that's the level of management you can expect. difference being the board of directors type thing, I suppose.
  21. wash post article from awhile ago... https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/study-privatizing-government-doesnt-actually-save-money/2011/09/15/gIQA2rpZUK_blog.html?utm_term=.c65c1a3ffe83
  22. As near as I can tell, take something provided for free from tax revenue and auction it off so someone can make a profit off of it. This isn't actually the case if they follow the plan already worked out in this instance. And don't worry Erik, you won't have to stop, they'll just issue you a transponder that charges you when it's scanned
  23. I'm not talking about ALPA, I'm talking about NATCA...
  24. and you know this how?
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