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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. How does the mics sound thru the intercom??
  2. Set the flash light from Auto to On, it will make it easier
  3. you expected it to be higher? Portable GPS, wing leveler AP, no stormscope or HSI, old interior and paint. I say thats about right
  4. You don't take any extreme actions based on 1 oil analysis, shorten up the oil change interval and borescope the engine is all I would do if I saw an big anomaly otherwise I just look for trends. It's diagnostic tool,that's all.
  5. This http://www.amazon.com/Hopkins-10111-FloTool-Mixmizer-Injector/dp/B000G72U0K I attach it to the plastic tubing that came with the kit and draw it like you would if taking a blood sample.
  6. If you do it just after a flight, I pull it from the dipstick, the oil and anything in it will be well blended. In the aviation world, it seems like a cheap diagnostic tool for a vital part of your airplane, in addition checking screen and filter.
  7. Or mechanics, so let the A&P do the work.
  8. It collects all the larger particles (30-40 microns), the smaller ones are suspended in the oil. If you have metal in the filter and wanted to figure where it's coming from, filter analysis is the way to go. To insure a good representative sample of the oil, pull it after flying, and you will pick up on wear before it becomes big enough to be collected in the oil filter.
  9. For the oral; Having a high written usually means a shorten oral. Also DEs sense weakness, they throw out a couple of ?s and if stumble over them or don't seem confident then they probe further. Study the PTS guide.
  10. If that happens, you're overcharging.
  11. Is there a "how to" on removing interior. Some stuff looks obvious (just remove screws), others like kick panel on the rear bench is not.
  12. In the battery world: when a battery is equalized, that means it's overcharged to reverse the affects mention above, I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant. Sophisticated battery charges do this for about a hour every month, don't know if the battery minder does this or not.
  13. It won't kill off the other, it's just 1 battery might not get 100% charged. The gel types require slightly different voltages for optimum charging, there are 2 different battery minders for the different battery types. Ideally you should replace the voltage regulator. On my boat I have 3 stage chargers which have setting to select battery type. The problem with wet cells is they require maintenance which they don't get and they don't do as well to being idle for long periods. Batteries will die suddenly, my battery died on a hot start, a Gill, but it was almost 7 years old, we will see how well the new one lasts.
  14. If you are going to do that, just rent, no use losing a lot money on a short term ownership. And no, no matter what they tell you, airplanes are not investments!
  15. Yes, it's a owner produced part, there is an exception, the trick is you can't just buy one, you have to produce, make it .
  16. Aft of the firewall i hope doesn't imply inside the cabin? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Electric motors use a lot of current on start up, so circuit breakers are oversized, a seized motor may not pull any more juice then it does a startup. Do you have an ammeter? Does it show current draw when you turn it on? If not, You need to get out the voltmeter .
  18. Must be nice to have access to a machine shop, looks like you made the other vent knobs as well? Did you ever try greasing the mechanism so it wouldn't be so hard to turn?
  19. Where do you get access to water? I don't think I've seen a hose faucet at an airport that wasn't at the FBO, Although I haven't look very hard. There are car services that come to your car, the carry water and generators.
  20. A seller will not allow you to do a annual until you've bought it, so once you buy it, you pay for it.
  21. Lower RPM should result in less friction losses Lower RPM means it's using less air for a given fuel flow which means you have to re-lean between changing RPMs, lower RPMs required to be leaned a little more, less FF, less HP. And then there is the timing of the ignition, I assume it's optimized for max power at 2700 RPM
  22. Since I was going to,from SanFran area, I ended going PKE to TNP to V386 to V197, this was in the morning, so ATC just had me go direct thru the military airspace, not many mountain ranges, was a smooth ride with winds 10-15 from the SW, ...FWIW
  23. Ok, I gotta ask, why can't you just substitute ETA switch for a Klixon if they are less expensive ?
  24. They include every waypoint on an airway in the log, I just want the executive summary please
  25. Dry Tortugas are more like 65NM west, you are thinking of Marquesas Keys.
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