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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. That software has been available since January. AD is yesterday’s news.
  2. Except for the fact you need a bigger hole.
  3. Don’t they do that after you land? So may not have been on ATC frequency.
  4. Interesting, my KLN90A in my list shows 13.5 installed, 14.2 when removed. Nothing in my panel is higher than 21 (GFC 507).
  5. Dealer is a liar, probably a former used car salesman.
  6. Skytec has PMA starter solenoids, not Mooney original model so a slight modification to mounting may be required.
  7. Avidyne already has DFC90, all they have to do is certify it for Mooneys, which they said they would do years ago when it was introduced. Only Garmin seems to be able to back up their promises.
  8. Upgrade process can also be rewarding, getting it the way you wanted. Most of the year? I would say 3-6 months for a complete upgrade depending on unexpected problems found. Before you take it to the shop, do an oil change so your engine internally isn’t bathed in dirty oil.
  9. You can get a panel mount compass, cleans up the view.
  10. It’s not certified for IFR use.
  11. I don’t NEED an airplane either, if flying that slow, I would just drive.
  12. Js don’t have placard probably because they only came with electric (they were an option in the later years).
  13. You could get covers for the wings I believe, that would solve this problem and protect against hail damage.
  14. You can always just leave them off and log the removal of the STC. I did this with a couple of STCs.
  15. If I had a SS of any sort, I would look to buy a used computer/display of same model as a spare.
  16. Yes.
  17. GP and GTN/G3X interfaces are very similar, for that reason I would go with GP if you have Garmin avionics, otherwise I probably would go with whatever you want based on others opinions, or pricing.
  18. GFC500 servos don’t have a clutch, don’t know about other modern AP models.
  19. Aren’t modern servos sealed, not to protect against corrosion X but moisture (rain)?
  20. And they say God doesn’t have a sense of humor. [emoji38]
  21. Daytona Aircraft Services is a Mooney service center.
  22. If you’re installing the GFC 500 then yes, you already have to run wires to the tail, the CAN bus is going to be close by as well.
  23. That looks like the original paint scheme, I agree, touch up with a rattle can until you can get a full paint job.
  24. I thought Phil is semiretired and only services his old clients.
  25. If we had self control we wouldn’t own an airplane. [emoji6]
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