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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I’d imagine finding avgas is a challenge in some of the places where you’re stopping.
  2. Yes.
  3. 1st make sure your alternator belt is properly tensioned so it’s not slipping. I believe Zeftronics has a short diagnostics handout you can follow.
  4. I have a 255 nav/com for redundancy, unless you’re a VFR only pilot I would recommend a 2nd nav, it’s not much more expensive than just a com. Certain models come with expectations, I think a Bravo Mooney is expected to have redundant IFR capabilities.
  5. A GTN/GFC500 combination would give you VNAV, smart glide and possibly more functionality. And if you have a problem, who you going to call, Garmin will say it’s not their problem, it’s Avidynes, and they will say it’s Garmin.
  6. Isn’t there an Auto setting?
  7. The bottom GPS screen looks like it’s seen better days, might want to start saving for the next upgrade. ;-)
  8. The GPS knows where you are (hopefully) and which time zone you’re in, so unless it thought you were somewhere else I don’t see why it wouldn’t know the correct time. How close to time zone border were you? FWIW, I couldn’t find anything about time in my 650 settings.
  9. It’s hard to judge insurance premiums without knowing the hull values, I would expect your next premium to be sub 3K. And I don’t blame you, if my premium goes up to 4K or more, I will need to rethink my options.
  10. 1. ADSB has a much bigger range than my eyeballs. 2. ADSB isn’t blocked by clouds, wings, etc. 3. ADSB can see traffic that may blend in with the ground clutter. Yes, it sometimes misses traffic or traffic is delayed because of ground stations acting as relays. It has similar limitations that the ADSB weather radar broadcasts have. This is silly hyperbole, no one who has half a brain is suggesting not to look outside. I check the ADSB and if close enough look to confirm traffic or weather in sight. Both weather and traffic make it an invaluable tool.
  11. The local time should match your photo time stamp? I would power it up again and make sure you have good satellite reception and check the time again.
  12. Wow, and if it happens to be cloudy? At least we have a chance to fly above the clouds to see it.
  13. I personally like the view without the compass hanging in the way.
  14. Only 33 Mooney hours? I think you need at least a 100 to see any substantial drop. I recommend you fly more.
  15. I have sky-tec starter as well. I don’t see how you can get such a high CG unless you installed a lot of avionics, a 2nd battery, oxygen tank, an electric vacuum backup system or some other equipment in the tail.
  16. Yes, I think I saw this when I tried to engage the AP while in an usual attitude. Normally I engage when wings are level and in a moderate pitch attitude, but I was playing around.
  17. I have speed brakes on my 78J, was a Mod Works upgrade.
  18. For comparison, mine was shipped with CG 44.9 and now 45.85, yours seem a little far back, what was it’s factory CG? OPs is definitely not correct.
  19. Try turning the master on and off without starting the engine. There is a solenoid that will make a pronounced noise back by the battery.
  20. I would start from the engine, wiring of the sensor can be broken by careless maintenance, then check the connections of the sensor wires to the wiring harness. The wiring into the display is the last thing I would check unless you have had some work done behind the panel recently.
  21. Most of the thread is focused on line up and wait at non towered airports. But for airports with no taxiway and entry point is at one end, requiring a long back taxi, what’s the proper etiquette? If landing traffic takes priority and the pattern is full with trainers doing T&Gs, departing traffic could find it difficult to squeeze in because of the time it takes to back taxi and get into position. Or if making a full stop landing, the time it takes to land, taxi to turnaround and back taxi. I think the priority should be given to departing/arriving traffic and pattern traffic should give way but in my experience the opposite seems to be true.
  22. I haven’t gotten the G3X to be able to transfer flight plans to the GTN Xi, this has been reported to work with old GTNs, problem was reported to Garmin but I haven’t heard anything and latest software update doesn’t mention any fixes for this issue. A FS210 would allow you to stream directly to the GTN, instead of going through the G3X, it also will pass ADSB data as well if you have a GDL unit.
  23. Only if you are leaning at high power (>65%) and ignoring high cylinder temperatures.
  24. Where would you move it to? Remember you want it in your scan, not somewhere low and out of sight.
  25. The installation manual is available on the JPI website and will give you the pin detail.
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