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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Isn’t the Hellcat only 2 wheel drive? I believe they have a 4 wheel drive truck with same engine that’s quicker.
  2. Amazon, search for sun visor extenders.
  3. Did your friend consider just liability insurance? I think it would be just a few hundred?
  4. Why spend money to integrate if you’re happy with the functionality of your current engine monitor?
  5. @Stanwho’s the underwriter?
  6. Ridiculous, the screen resolution is are very close between them and the higher refresh rate won’t be noticeable unless the screen images are rapidly changing like for games, movies. And since the higher refresh rates drain the battery faster, Android automatically slows the refresh rate anyway unless required. And basically the graphics are the same between the two versions.
  7. GP interface is like GTN, Aera 660, G3X, etc. If using Garmin equipment, having a consistent interface makes it easier to use. I personally didn’t like FF when I tried it out way back in 2015. There’s also a free version of an EFB for IOS FltPlan Go if you are a CB. I don’t like it either, reminds me of FF.
  8. Go to your AFMS, I just copied all the checklists from there;
  9. Like A64Pilot I switch during cruise AND if possible while within gliding distance of an airport. I only switch once at the halfway point.
  10. The inboard senders are just in front of the rear seats, OP might be able to just pull the corner of the carpet up to check the floor to see if any blue stains from fuel dripping from the senders without removing any panels.
  11. He posted a video bragging about getting his license back and only doing 6 months in prison. Probably getting more clicks. Here’s a link, I didn’t watch it as I refuse to reward stupidity.
  12. Yes, screws with washers were used to secure it.
  13. Pick one close enough for you to easily get to so you can be involved in the process. Important if you want to guarantee a good outcome.
  14. Short answer: polysulfide compound. Long answer: PR-1425 Class B is an aircraft windshield and canopy sealant. It has a service temperature range from -65°F to (-52°C) to 250°F (121°C), with intermittent excursions up to 275°F (135°C). This material is designed for fillet sealing of properly prepared glass, polycarbonate, acrylic and other aircraft sealing applications. This product is specifically formulated not to craze substrates. The cured sealant exhibits excellent resistance to UV and weather exposure. PR-1425 Class B is a two-part, dichromate cured polysulfide compound. The uncured material is a low sag, thixotropic paste, suitable for application by extrusion gun or spatula. This sealant has excellent adhesion to common aircraft substrates. It overlaps and isn’t easily removed as silicone, LEDs are suppose to last a long time, my mechanic put it on, so I assume he can remove it. He used it on my windows as well:
  15. When you power up, you should see a message about it aligning, do you see this? Is the plane stationary and level?
  16. I would think a hard nose landing or severe turbulence could cause it.
  17. I would replace with the thicker glass if you don’t already have it.
  18. I don’t notice the flare, the lights are far enough recessed I don’t see them, and new lenses shouldn’t be reflecting the light passing through them. My AP used PRC to seal the lenses. I gained 3 knots by doing this alone.
  19. The fault may not be the button, but the button wires even back at the GFC 507 controller. I would try to visually check the entire length of wires.
  20. I got a Concorde and 2 years later it started to weaken. I now use it as a utility battery, last week I put a charger on it and noticed it was leaking at the seam. So far it’s replacement seems to be working fine.
  21. That’s what mine did too, the vertical rails weren’t sheet metal, the look pretty robust, maybe 1/8” thick.
  22. Maybe post some pictures, someone might be able to give you some advice. Is it the main spar, the skin, ribs, stringers…
  23. How many hours have you put on it since it was fixed?
  24. Could be a certified issue.
  25. They call out jet fuel (kerosene) is more suited to microorganisms than gasoline, because of chemistry. Arizona may be so hot that it kills the microbes.
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