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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I went through every W&B sheet I had (missing 1) and put it all into a spreadsheet, found about 1 error for every 5 entries, in my case they balanced out. I recommend you do the same.
  2. #1 causes residual fuel pressure and fuel vapor to zero, so when new fuel is injected it’s cool preventing further vaporization.
  3. Or something like this would protect it:
  4. What’s the density altitude get to in Flagstaff during summertime afternoons? If you can adjust your flights around weather and to be in the morning hours a J might work.
  5. If you’re going to be parking outside, use some painters tape to seal the SB slot, an ounce of prevention…
  6. First, if he runs LOP that should minimize build up. No point in running ROP unless you want maximum speed. I would try to keep cylinder temps above 300°, other than that I wouldn’t sweat it. But full power all day long, not exactly, not if you mean 100%. The certification tests only requires the engine to run 50 hours at 100% power, that doesn’t mean it will reach TBO when doing that. The other tests are done at 75% power. The engine only needs to run 150 hours to complete the tests, so they don’t really test longevity of the engines.
  7. The fact that exact sub models and serial numbers are TBD means there’s still substantial work to be done. I remember Garmin had to make changes to J installations depending on serial numbers because of differences. I’d bet we’re still talking about this next year.
  8. Check the Bluetooth page on the G3X.
  9. I agree that this won’t actually make any difference, properly sealed they look flush.
  10. I would lose the TC and add AV20 or AV30 as a backup AI, it’s not a Garmin box so completely independent.
  11. They can’t fit you in a community hangar? I know T is preferred but I would not want to be outside; hail, animals, rain, etc
  12. Would SBs be beneficial in a spin? I would think it would slow it down at least, give you more time to recover.
  13. Now is an excellent time to change out the defroster hoses.
  14. The question is whether any other insurance company would be better.
  15. Can’t you create a STC to do this?
  16. I tap the brakes before retracting the gear, as I was taught.
  17. My J does. I assume you have a blower?
  18. Yes, when landing at low power and low speeds, but if you’re descending on approach at high speeds I think is a different story.
  19. Can’t always use prop to slow down, Js and maybe others have RPM/MP restrictions, SBs can help by allowing you to keep MP above limits.
  20. Cutter is an excellent FBO at COS. The weather in Northern California can suck for long periods of time this time of year. It’s all about the weather, and storm tracks coming off the Pacific, including wind speeds.
  21. I’m still think it’s your trim indicator is off, and moving it a little may not be enough. What’s it look like in level flight at cruise power (~65%)?
  22. On the J you just need to undo the quick release of the left cowl flap to get access to the quick drain.
  23. Really?! Their effectiveness seems negligible at landing speeds. I used them if I’m coming in a little hot, never had to do a go around.
  24. My 78J backseat folds down (not completely), is that standard or is that a mod?
  25. I thought it was because of the springs (bungee assist)?
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