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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Not much, the Stec you might get a couple hundred from someone who will use it as parts (servos, controllers, turn coordinator). The KMA is worthless, as is probably the radios, again unless someone wants them for his parts bin. I sold all my old stuff, key was not to be greedy, they all sold within a week. Good deal for the buyers and some pocket money for me.
  2. Not the version I have.
  3. I’m really surprised that someone hasn’t developed a portable one with ability to wireless connect to your EFB. You can buy $25 lightning detectors.
  4. I used 10-1050-1 in particular but my engine is the A3B6 with 2 mags. I don’t know the difference between P70 vs 70, but the AL models are designed as direct replacements with different mounting parts included in the kit, they are PMA certified replacements. Don’t worry about excess capacity of the new alternator. As most of us have replaced our old landing/nav lights with modern LEDs, even 50 amps is excessive.
  5. My 78J was retrofitted with curve cowl flap, so don’t depend on serial numbers.
  6. G5/G3X/GFC500 is developed by same group (experimental), 275 is from the certified team, so I have doubts about it being completely integrated. But nothing prevents you from installing both. You can put G5 on the left side of the panel.
  7. It’s been a while, but I would check if looks like it’s installed like picture: You can see there’s places you can adjust it.
  8. Oil analysis looks for metals, MMO doesn’t have any I think, but avgas does and your lead content should be higher.
  9. I run the engine (45 min flight ) with 1/2 quart of MMO before I do the oil change, helps clean all the internal parts, not just the crankcase. Thins the oil a little to help draining. Also, Mooneys squat with nose up, lowering the nose will help drain more of the oil out, I partially pull the plane out of the hangar to do this.
  10. Knock on wood, mine doesn’t leak but it’s only about 7 years old.
  11. Im assuming a classic ILS, Mooney turn to 270°, intercept the localizer, cleared for the approach. If in HDG mode, as you pass through the ILS Id expect it to switch from HDG to APR, if APR is armed.
  12. I guess I have auto switch enabled as mine switches automatically, HOWEVER mine was flying the complete approach like you did. What will it do if you’re being vectored; will it auto switch if in heading mode, APR is armed?
  13. You can get the G3X, GFC500, and G5 as backup…cut a whole new panel….sell the old equipment and only be out less than half that: $35 AMUs. I’m assuming you already have a Garmin GTN GPS.
  14. It’s 4 AMUs difference unless something changed in the last 3 years. I had quotes for both G3X and G500 before going with G3X. And adding the 2 275s would eat the difference up.
  15. Remove the control cable, sometimes they are used as points to secure wiring, so check before you pull it. Plug hole in firewall.
  16. I also did the prop with Palm Beach Propeller.. I also recommend new alternator, starter, engine rubber mounts, control cables, flush the oil cooler and strip engine mount frame and repaint.
  17. As a general rule, if you want the GFC500, get the G3X, any other autopilot get the G500 which has better support of OEM products.
  18. $40k these days. 5 years ago I had mine done for $30k at Zepher and that’s with needing a new case due to unfixable cracks.
  19. An easy sanity check is before you start the engine, check the CHT and EGT temperatures to see if they match the ambient temperature.
  20. I run LOP I’m below 75%, when I did initial breakin flight after overhaul (2 Hours of 75% or above) it was ROP. CHTs started out around 425° but were down to around 400° by end of the flight. After a couple of other flights 65%-75% LOP the CHTs continued to drop. Air temperatures during these flights were about 80°. I also had my fuel pump making more than book limit of 30 psi, by end of 10 hours it back to normal as well. After that I had the prop dynamically balanced.
  21. Why would it be different if opening from the inside vs outside as OP mentioned?
  22. And new interior and speed mods…..gotta have the speed mods!
  23. I would verify FF readings by filling the tanks, then refill and compare to engine monitor data.
  24. How many hours do you think it should take? 8-10 doesn’t seem too bad. At 10 hours that’s $125/hour, for California that’s sounds about right.
  25. I’m going to treat this with respect it deserves and ignore it. [emoji6]
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