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Everything posted by mooniac15u

  1. Is that a picture of the new one or the old one?
  2. This guy might have what you need:
  3. Exposure risks are difficult to quantify for an individual. The best we can do is study large enough populations to get a general idea of risks based on levels and duration of exposure. The carcinogenic aspects of hexavalent chromium do seem to be tied mostly to long-term exposure. The risk increases with both the level and duration of exposure. Is a single instance of using a spray can of chromate paint in a well ventilated area likely to cause long-term problems? Probably not. Is drinking chromate contaminated water every day for years likely to cause problems? Yes. Everything else is somewhere in between. The safest plan is to avoid exposure completely. Chromic acid also has a separate acute exposure hazard not directly related to the other chromium exposure issues. Chromic acid is highly oxidative and poses a significant hazard for dermal and respiratory exposure. The same property that makes it so good at forming metal oxides makes it hazardous to biological systems like humans.
  4. That's not quite true. You are talking about starting with some other oxidation state like metallic chromium. The chromium in chromic acid is already hexavalent.
  5. My 1963 M20D did not have a dorsal fin.
  6. Relevant to this topic, the US House just passed a bill protecting customers' rights to post online reviews. http://thehill.com/policy/technology/295593-house-approves-bill-protecting-online-customer-reviews
  7. You're right, the only thing that would be exactly the same as aviation maintenance would be aviation maintenance. The fact that there are some differences doesn't mean that the online review model isn't applicable to this industry. There are bad customers and bad businesses in every industry. Fortunately people that use online reviews are becoming savvy enough to recognize that one bad review probably has more to the story.
  8. Sounds like all the more reason to want to see reviews of the person who will be doing that annual.
  9. How about doctors? https://www.healthgrades.com Nobody likes the idea of possibly getting a bad rating but other businesses have adapted.
  10. This sounds like every other review service available on the web like Yelp, Angie's List, and even AirNav. Users post reviews and the businesses are free to respond if they want. Why is there any more concern over mechanics having input than any other business owner?
  11. Your fuel pressure looks a bit low. I know fuel pressure in an M20C can fluctuate pretty low during initial climb out but I don't think it should be that low at cruise.
  12. BTW, I think we would all appreciate it if you would start using some of those photoshop skills on the pictures of your girlfriends.
  13. Exactly my point. Your F is only doing 200 kts there. You'll be flying a 201.
  14. You should probably make that your profile picture.
  15. Be careful flying that J with its extra speed. You may want to throttle back a little so it flies more like what you're used to.
  16. I think it's more than just the depth of the caps. If I recall correctly on the early models the caps sat lower in a compartment with a cover that you had to open to access the cap. My 1963 M20D had already been converted to bladders by a previous owner but there were a couple of odd shaped panels on the top of the wing that I believe used to be fuel access doors.
  17. Can you provide more detail on this? Is it the orientation of the small and large clamp loops relative to each other that is incorrect in the photo? Does that place the lines too close to the engine? I'd like to make sure they are correct on my engine.
  18. The last J models were made in 1998. The early ones are probably comparable to the vintage fleet in many ways but there are newer ones that haven't been modified much, if at all.
  19. Accidents are often only secondarily related to a specific action. Have you considered whether a steep-bank, low-altitude turn with a high sink rate puts you in a position where you might be less prepared to deal with an emergency such as encountering another aircraft on final doing a straight-in approach or an aircraft taking off in the opposite direction and climbing towards you? Is there a chance you would unintentionally react by pulling back on your yoke and loading up your wings?
  20. Your profile says N9536M but your plane says N9636M...
  21. Maybe Captainglen would sell you the one he removed. It sounds like it was working correctly although not the correct part for his plane.
  22. It's all fun and games until your rear spar cracks at the flap attachment point and you have to peel back the baggage compartment floor to install a doubler...
  23. Seems like the vintage fleet has their own share of flap issues...
  24. Well, my history books told me that the Whitehouse was burned by British troops on August 24, 1814. Since you told me it was the Canadians I figured it must also be Canadians that were defeated in the Battle of New Orleans.
  25. Yeah, then we might have to go kick their butts in New Orleans again.
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