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Everything posted by Yetti

  1. point the nose down a little.
  2. Ya so about that 3 LED white panel from Wheelen that is the same LED panel they use in police and fire Light bars. The light bar I saw it on was a Freedom. https://lightbarparts.com/products/whelen-freedom-lightbar-pair-of-white-lr11-takedown-and-alley-light-assemblies?variant=39842630762631&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic
  3. One of my thoughts about a one wheel landing is that it puts the upwind wing more level to the ground. This keeps the gusts from picking the wing up as easy and makes for a smoother landing.
  4. On a gusty cross wind day ploping it on is nice to feel. Could have been better, but plane is reusable
  5. I big gusty crosswinds I sometimes do a one wheel (upwind wheel) landing which allows you to be straight on the runway and avoid the funky transition from main to nosewheel touch down.
  6. you can check to see what insulation is in there and if the SB has been done. The SB was to coat the tubes with epoxy paint. It would not be the full inspection but gives you an idea. I would probably do this on the first look and to see if it is walk or make an offer. Also pull the two panels on the rear most inside section of the wing along with the rear seat and main spar. You should also see if there has been fuel leaking out the side of the tank and or inside sender.
  7. If you buy your borescope you can use it to inspect the tubes without pulling seats. One of the problems with going to a far shop is the plane gets put in the "unknown" status. You don't know what they touched and you don't know what has been put back together wrong. Any AP has access to the AD list since it is an FAA thing. You can even download it from the FAA. My IA does an AD list for the annual.
  8. Looks like a Posse Commits violation. Unless the Air Force is moving faster these days. https://www.airandspaceforces.com/air-force-new-guard-locations-f-35-f-15ex/
  9. Just replace the inner core with proper sized Bowden Cable. Or piano wire.
  10. y'alls google fu is weak. https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/aircraft_certification/aircraft_registry/copies_aircraft_records
  11. I doubt anyone could. There were three AD on the gear in rapid succession. So the write is usually "replaced oil gears" Unless it says which one and what materials then you just have to guess.
  12. Get an AD list and purchase the CD from the FAA. Depending on the year of the plane, the initial AD list would take 4-8 hours. Depending on the level of documentation some ADs are just guesses. Oil gears being one of the guesses
  13. hours spent trying to get the terminology correct so the search box works.
  14. Digikey says so. I just spent $100 trying to get the correct plugs to go into a header for a Code 3 Siren box. Got 2 out of 3 and the Chief found the last one in a box.
  15. Wait so their are disconnects in front of cannon plugs. Fix it right and break out the soldering iron and resolder the Canon plugs getting rid of the the knife connectors. If you can find an old Weller solder gun those are better because they heat up the part quick. You can touch it and be done. and get some heat shrink to finish it nicely. The old tubing gets hard and you have to cut it away. Best for cutting the tubing is flush cut Snap on cutters.
  16. To be sure his energy management was pretty darn good.
  17. FAR 91.307 would be a good place to start. My Flight Review guy likes to see a 59 degree bank angle turn. People on here were suggesting that needed a parachute. It's actually 61 degree bank angle that needs a parachute.
  18. I am thinking a bit of time with a Vinyl Printer and some clear vinyl and you are good to go. https://www.joann.com/disco-vinyl-fabric-clear/1532449.html
  19. fly it. Oil in the cylinders will increase compression checks. I have a new cylinder in the box. We thought we would need it, but field OH 2 cylinders that were still in spec. Been flying it for 5 years. The cylinder in the box has gone up in value.
  20. I used a vinyl printer to make the green part
  21. What you are looking for is a drip on something. Then follow it upstream from there. Just go ahead and tighten up all the clamps on the drainback tubes. Mine are still the thumb ones. I can get to them with a 1/2 socket. 1/4 drive ratchet sometimes a swivel head
  22. Think the part number is written on the face of those. This is not a tractor tight application of torque. Snug it and bit.
  23. I think the recent posting I saw was $40/hr for mechanics. If I was going to be mechanical I would go welder shorter training and go make six figures in West Texas for a couple of years. I think the work on your plane should be graduated. I won't touch the wings fall off part or major take the engine apart. But fine with engine accessories or putting in a glass panel. Some days I miss things like I did have to have him find the fouled plug and clean It. The annual is kind of dumb. I have my IA talked into Upgrade a system per year and basic Inspections on other things. In 10 years I should have a new plane.
  24. @Cody Stallings would be your Mooney Prop guy
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