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  • Open Club  ·  12 members  ·  Last active

    Open to all Georgia Mooniacs! A place for Mooney enthusiasts to share Mooney issues and collaborate

  • Open Club  ·  207 members  ·  Last active

    Inviting all Mooney Owners and Pilots near the West Coast to join us. Hoping to form a strong aviation group where we can plan fly-in gatherings, share information and support among pilots and owners of this amazing breed of airplanes. From the Mooney mite to the latest designs all are welcome and encouraged to join.
  • Open Club  ·  77 members  ·  Last active

    A place for Mooney flyers to collab on fly-ins, shops, and anything in the Midwest states. Click "Join Club" to participate and "Follow" to get notified of posts.

  • Open Club  ·  160 members  ·  Last active

    Just a place for fellow Mooney pilots to exchange information, organize flying events, and just socialize.

  • Open Club  ·  93 members

    A local Mooniac club for planes and owners based in Gulf coast states and their neighbors.

  • Open Club  ·  33 members

    To Promote Mooney Aircraft Safety through Maintenance Awareness

  • Open Club  ·  18 members

    Mooney pilots in the South Florida area, this group is to fly to already organized Florida fly-in activities, organize our own fly-in meetups, and just fly to learn from each other and or eat.

  • Open Club  ·  1 member

    For owners and operators of the Mooney M10 cadet.

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