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THere is a reason BPPP and the Mooney Safety Foundation no longer teach runway tunrbacks. After a fatal crash or two, they realized it is just way too hazardous to be considered short of facing a brick wall straight ahead. 45-60 degree bank with the stall warning going off, and the nose 20 degrees below the horizon. One bite at the apple. Consider one more thing, do your passengers have such an informed choice?

Check the video of this Mooney Bravo. he went from ~700 feet to the ground in about 3 seconds. Not for me.


Actually that is a poor example. A real analysis would show that he should have taken the cross runway. The safety foundation was trying too hard to make a point without really looking at the situation.

Any absolute statement that you should never turn back is absolutely crazy. It all depends on altitude, wind, aircraft, etc.


For the record, when I made the turn to attempt the airport, whether the taxiway or the closed runway, seeing that the ramp was quite full with jets and other aircraft, I still had reduced power, all I needed was about 10 seconds more of 2000 rpms or 300 feet of altitude and I would have made it, we all know that didn't happen. Still waiting on the results from the NTSB and Lycoming on the engine teardown, very curious to what failed. I wasn't trying to turn back to my departure runway, smarter than that. If you look on Google earth, clearly there is no open fields anywhere around the airport, where are the those damn farms when you need them. And yes I have been shopping for a new bird, still looking though, in the mean time I have plenty friends that let me use theirs whenever I want.

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