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Is this guy for real? Did he tell the controller that her instruments are off??!! And "don't bother me"? That is too funny!Laughing

This was up here in NJ but this guy was not from NJ alright?!

I wonder if he was greeted by the feds when he landed?


That was an interesting snipet. She maintained a good sense of humor and was professional.  Wow.  Every now and then you hear something strange on the radio, but not like this! Thanks for sharing


Is this how the FAA stress tests controllers?  Somebody faking being this bad?  I need to rationalize how someone can be this bad.



WOW - This is disheartening.  I though I enjoyed flying, in part, by getting away from the ego/self centered jackasses like this that walk the earth.

Is there any way of knowing what happened at the end of his flight?

John Breda


It may not be that unusual if he's an "old timer" and kind of losing his mental faculties.  A few years ago, there was an "old timer" that had a decent M20E (IIRC his model, might have been an F) in the hangar across from me.  He would take it up for a few rounds in the pattern now and then.  What was likely his "last" flight (before the FAA intervened most likely), he simply taxied out one morning, took off, went around the pattern, and then landed....all without talking to the tower at Deer Valley, a very busy (then) GA airport in Phoenix.  I don't know all the details whether he simply self announced, ignored all the tower instructions, or simply never turned on his radios....but that was the last I heard about him and never saw him or his airplane.

So it is possible that there are those that should not be flying still are...I am sure none of us would ever want to have a "last flight" knowing we didn't have the mental abilities to go up in the air ever again.


This where an F-16 (or hopefully something much cheaper to operate) escort might actually be called for. The big question is, if you're this guy with his big brass balls and master of his own universe, why bother filing IFR and participating with ATC?? Why not fly your own home spun IFR plan? Something is not quite right with this picture. I suspect drugs/alcohol myself.


It sounded like he might have had a few. Oustanding job by ATC staying professional. I think the FAA should follow up with some sort of punishment for this guy. 


Check out his tracks on Flight Aware.  He goes thu that airspace a lot AND it looks as tho he goes direct regardless of his planned or assigned route.




Quote: M20F-1968

WOW - This is disheartening.  I though I enjoyed flying, in part, by getting away from the ego/self centered jackasses like this that walk the earth.

Is there any way of knowing what happened at the end of his flight?

John Breda

  • 5 months later...

This link is dead. It shows "private" if you click on it. I am not sure what that means in YouTube world. Does anyone have an updated link or a copy of the sound file?


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