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Hi Folks,

Just joined; I am looking forward to being an active participant in these threads.  I am looking for a potential favor - my wife and I are considering a 201 for purchase in the near future.  Does anyone own a 201 and live in the Eastern portion of North Carolina that we could take a quick look at and sit in?  No need to fly and we won't take up much of your time - we'd just really love to sit in one for a few minutes.  We are in Raleigh for the next few days but live in Goldsboro.

We've spent a bunch of time flying an M20E, as well as owned a V35 Bonanza - interested in taking a look at a 201.

Thanks much!
Nick Eberling


703 472 6009


I'm in SC, and my Mooney is an F, but the layout and cabin space are pretty much the same.  You're welcome to check mine out if you like.


Hi, Nick--I'm in Edenton NC and have a 1980 Mooney 231 you're welcome to "try on". I'm not sure, but I suspect the cabin is about the same.  Feel free to swing by KEDE on your way home.         

areiheld @ yahoo.com



Thanks all - that is very helpful!

Len and Amelia - I will get in touch with you and take you up on your offers to visit your airplane with my wife.  We live fairly close.  I will also drive to Raleigh to check out the flying club's 201.



201 is a great plane, and relative to aviation, a bargain for what it brings to the table.  Although I am very happy with my C model, I sometimes wish I would have stepped up to a J.


I have a 1977 J with the throttle quadrant layout. I understand later J models do not have this layout. Other than this and the split back seats in later J's there should be little difference except for avionics and cosmetics.

My layout does take up some room.

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