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Source for Shaw filler neck


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4 hours ago, cferr59 said:

Does anyone have a source for a Shaw fuel filler neck part number 431-22.  One of mine is getting rusty and I would like to replace it.  Is there a stainless version?

I have a fairly clean used one that I removed from my C model that I would sell. I’ll be back home next week and can get you a couple of photos if no one else posts they have one.



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The stainless ones became a popular replacement right after Y2K...

If you want new parts the MSC would be the way to purchase them... Lasar, of you don’t have a local MSC...

My C’s rusted out around 2007 or so... allowing water in, and rust to collect at the bottom of the strainer... On the other side of the screen...

If you want used ones... David above, has an offer for you...  David is  a very reliable MS resource...

There are also a list of MSers that sell used Mooney parts...

Best regards,


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