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Anyone have any 430's available? I'm in the middle of AV upgrade and facing installing a new SL-30 (for nav2); was hoping to locate a NON-WAAS 430 in the same price range instead?


Quote: zerobearing2

Anyone have any 430's available? I'm in the middle of AV upgrade and facing installing a new SL-30 (for nav2); was hoping to locate a NON-WAAS 430 in the same price range instead?

  • 5 weeks later...

What is a nonWAAS 430 worth? Having just bought my M20F I have a 430nonWAAS and will be upgrading it to WAAS (quote is 3000) Is it cheaper to sell the 430 and buy the 430W or do the upgrade?


Quote: AustinPynes

What is a nonWAAS 430 worth? Having just bought my M20F I have a 430nonWAAS and will be upgrading it to WAAS (quote is 3000) Is it cheaper to sell the 430 and buy the 430W or do the upgrade?


So if I could lock in a 430W at less than 6.5k and sell my 430 for 5k I would be cutting the upgrade down to 1500.

Not bad.

But who is selling a 430W for 6.5 and who is ready to buy for 5k?  I guess that is the fun part of the market.


of course pulling out the 430 and installing the 430W seems like it would be a very minor replacement from the basic hardware install. (Not including any cabling or antenna upgrades that might be needed.


I bought a non waas on ebay - but the seller was an avionics shop - all up and up - the best part is that if you are replacing a decent nav com (I replaced a kx155) you can get some serious coin back selling it on ebay.  All in I bought the 430 and indicator - sold the kx155 and glide slope along with an aged king gps net cost was about 3,000 when I was done


How much for the install?  From looking on ebay etc the 430 non-waas are 5,500$.  GI-106 indicator 1K.  plus installation, 3k?  so 9,500 installed.  Sell your KX-155 for 1500$.  So 8k$ for  non-waas 430 laid in.  430W is 2K more, so 10K.  bur  new 430W installed is 12K, so how do you do it for less than new?



Bought a 430W (new) on ebay for $6900, VOR/GS indicator for $1100...right time, right place. For large items pay via paypal and buy only from sellers with excellent feedback scores, transactions should be worry free.


so, 9500$ for a non-waas 430 installed.  That 430 was 10K installed new and the 430W is right at 12K.  which is what it would cost used.  I just dont understand why.


A little luck and patience worked in my favor in this case. I was originally going to bid on a used 430W from an avionics place in texas (armadillo something or other) when I happened to come across a new unit from someone in canada that bought it and decided to install a 530W instead. He actually listed the item as 24V only in a buy it now format for $6900. After a call to verify that it was infact a 28v unit I jumped on the transaction. I have not checked recently but I have to imagine that there are some good deals to be had right now with the emergence of the new garmin touch-screen units.


Still, 6900$ for the 430W, 2-3K for installation, and 1500$ for a GI-106 thats 10,500-11,500$ for installed used 430W.  I had a frined had one installed for 12K new including the indicator.  Am I missing something?


Quote: jetdriven

Still, 6900$ for the 430W, 2-3K for installation, and 1500$ for a GI-106 thats 10,500-11,500$ for installed used 430W.  I had a frined had one installed for 12K new including the indicator.  Am I missing something?

  • 2 months later...

There is no approval issue about having a WAAS and non-WAAS in the same panel. It's the same as having any other GPS Com or Nav/Com as #2. 231MS had two non-WAAS G430 units. I upgraded only #1 to WAAS. It wasn't worth another $3K to me to upgrade #2. Opinions may vary. I may be more thrifty (cheap) than some others.

1. As others pointed out, they won't cross fill. Both couple to the A/P OK with a selector switch. Only #1 is talking to the fuel totalizer. Not sure but I think this is an install oversight, not a system issue. I forgot to ask that the transponder talk to the GPS so the 430 does not know what my encoder altitude is, and the transponder flight timer does not start itself on take off. I actually miss the auto start of the flight timer. I may get this corrected sometime when we are having 'behind the panel' work done.

2. The data cards are different. I have not asked about a Jeppesen data two-unit discount as I only update #2 periodically not on subscription. I found a Cirrus driver in Florida who has the same one-WAAS, one-not and I buy an update from him periodically for the #2 non WAAS.  If I knew a local guy with a non-WAAS I'd work out a deal so my data was always only one cycle old by taking their old card. Previous aircraft had conventional Nav-Com without a GPS so I'm not missing much except a legal /G by not updating the data

3. If your WAAS #1 unit craps out you do not have a back up for WAAS approaches. If your #2 data is out of date you can't legally use /G on #2 for IFR.

4. Non-WAAS has no terrain so you can't put terrain on #2 and nav screen on #1. 

I find having a second 430 in the panel a huge upgrade from a conventional #2 Nav-Com. I still have my Bendix AV0R with WX so I now have three GPSs on board, not counting the Ipad Wing X I'm trying out.

Generally I keep the moving map on #1, do my page flipping and other stuff on #2 and can now just leave the AV80R on weather. I'm satisfied with the setup.




It looks like all the used GNS430W have dried up on Ebay. The last one just sold for $6900. Most have been going for slightly more. Right now you can't even bid on one. None are listed.

My avionics shop will be happy to sell a brand new Garmin 430W for about $1,000 more and you know what you are getting with a factory warranty.  

  • 1 month later...

Well Im new to the Garmin 430.  I'm working on my IFR rating, but with very limited avionics its making it difficult. 

I really dont know what all goes into getting and having one installed.  When looking on ebay what do I need to look for?  I have a 65 m20E, do I need a 24V or 28V?

I assumed I would sell my back up Terra radio, and use my KX 155 as backup, but Now I'm thinking it would be better to sell the KX 155 because I could get more money for it.  Opinions? 

Any advice would greatly be appreciated! Any recomendations on a place to do the install in the Dallas TX area?

I've attatched a photo of my current panel.



Dual NAV/COMs, DME, and ADF is hardly what I'd call "limited"!  You should consider finishing your instrument rating before upgrading.  In many cases, I think that's a better way of doing it, because during your training you will develop more personal preference for instrument/radio layout, and the capabilities you want in your panel.

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