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Looking for JPI EDM harness for CHT/EGT/TIT probe

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Looking to see if someone has a spare to borrow or buy a used JPI EDM CHT/EGT/TIT harness.


According to JPI, I may have a problem with my EDM 700 CHT/EGT/TIT harness and before spending another 500$ for the harness, I was wondering if someone here might have one.


My problem seems to be with the TIT wires, my Primary TIT works but EDM TIT is not showing anything.


Thanks !



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There are different ways to connect the TIT


1) standalone separate probe

2) piggy back onto the factory probe at the probe

3) piggy back onto the factory probe at the gauge


Plenty of places to look for a bad or broken connection.


Finally, the TIT is connected to P1 (power and options), not P2 (EGT &CHT).  So don't go replacing the expensive one.


Send me an email if you need a replacement wire.


And if you think its the instrument, I'll take it in trade for a nice EDM800 - add MP, RPM, FF, OAT eye and get % power.




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Thanks, well I have 2 problems, the 1st of is the TIT and thanks for the info, I will have to check that out.


2nd problem is that I'm getting higher CHT temp on #6 and we have noticed that #6 CHT cables are cross-wired, if we put the wire normally, ( color on color ), then the indication goes negative, so meaning crossed wire... According to JPI amazing tech support, it must be something with the harness, since they are not supposed to be cross-wired...We tried changing the probe between 4 and 6 and same thing.


I want to check the harness and try with a different harness before we go and pull the #6 cylinder out to see if there is really a problem with it.


As for the upgrade, I'm really looking for an 830, but for now we will have to wait, too much AMU involved for my partner that is selling his share...

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What is in front of your #6, starter?

The O has a elevated CHT ON #5, the alternator and some sheet metal are in the way.

Continental numbers their cylinders differently than Lycoming...#1 is in the back...

These are some ideas to consider. I am only a PP...

Definitely get the wires worked out first. TC wires generate voltage each time different wire materials are in contact with each other. Flipping a plug that is reverse wired may Add to the problems...have your mechanic chase the wires from sensor to instrument to be sure...

Best regards,


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