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Weather looks like it will enable departure for you guys tomorrow. IFR might be needed to get over the forecasted low overcast. It might raise up later after the morning.

VFR OTT is another option.

Madison weather is very nice now:


Yeah we will probably do VFR OTT if need be tomorrow.


Weather looks like it will enable departure for you guys tomorrow. IFR might be needed to get over the forecasted low overcast. It might raise up later after the morning.

VFR OTT is another option.

Madison weather is very nice now:


Looks like the only thing you didn't pack is the kitchen sink. Or is that hidden by the rest of the stuff? ;)

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I just talked to the FSS guys and they are saying that tomorrow morning the route to KANJ (Sault Ste Marie) has higher ceilings from Ottawa than the route to Michigan.  I am not fussed with ceilings because I will be filing IFR.  


Ute and I will lift off at 06:00 local and go direct Wayne County (Detroit International) because their customs operates 24/7 and all I need to do is file the eAPIS without having to phone them for permission to land.  Once in Michigan, it is forecast good for the two hours to Madison.


If it all works out, we are in Madison by 2:00 pm at the latest.   Hoo yah!

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Lucky you, we can't seem to catch a break, and not having my IFR is really burning me know, will try to see it is even possible to do it VFR on Top at least here and once we are a bit west, it should be ok...

I just talked to the FSS guys and they are saying that tomorrow morning the route to KANJ (Sault Ste Marie) has higher ceilings from Ottawa than the route to Michigan.  I am not fussed with ceilings because I will be filing IFR.  


Ute and I will lift off at 06:00 local and go direct Wayne County (Detroit International) because their customs operates 24/7 and all I need to do is file the eAPIS without having to phone them for permission to land.  Once in Michigan, it is forecast good for the two hours to Madison.


If it all works out, we are in Madison by 2:00 pm at the latest.   Hoo yah!

Lucky you, we can't seem to catch a break, and not having my IFR is really burning me know, will try to see it is even possible to do it VFR on Top at least here and once we are a bit west, it should be ok...

Give us a pirep how it was....


I just drove around the end of 27 and there's not a lot of room there for Mooney's. The Bonanza and Cessna groups appear to be quite large and there's only a few rows left before parking starts on the other side of 27.



ok pissed off, all day yesterday and today, we had celings of 500 to 1000 feet here so we could'nt get going legally VFR... So stuck home when I should have been at Osh.

We will try again tomorrow, if not, then next year !!!


We're planning on leaving for Green Bay in the morning for customs, then on to Oshkosh.



We're planning on leaving for Green Bay in the morning for customs, then on to Oshkosh.


Clarence, are you going the north route ?, filing IFR or VFR, it has been awaful here the last 2 days, with clouds as low as 200 feet to 1000 all day... Man I can't wait to get my IFR ticket.


I am here in Madison. Tomorrow we fly the Caravan. 41 Mooneys.

Ned Gravel

Lucky steward of C-FSWR, a '65 E model at Rockcliffe, Ontario, (CYRO)

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Clarence, are you going the north route ?, filing IFR or VFR, it has been awaful here the last 2 days, with clouds as low as 200 feet to 1000 all day... Man I can't wait to get my IFR ticket.

I feel your pain... I can still remember the frustration waiting for the weather to be right on both ends and in between. Hang in there!

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Clarence, are you going the north route ?, filing IFR or VFR, it has been awaful here the last 2 days, with clouds as low as 200 feet to 1000 all day... Man I can't wait to get my IFR ticket.

We plan to go direct, but if the weather for a lake crossing is poor we will go north, if that's no good we will go south. All VFR.



NotarPilot and I are leaving California in about an hour with one stop at KGUR for fuel and a leg stretch to land in Appleton.

It looks like we'll have a rockin' tailwind!

Looking forward to seeing everyone and burning cash on who-knows-what (wife says "Yikes")!


Interesting weather avoidance MM...

Thanks for sharing the FA trail.

+1 more added to the club that have those devices added to the top of the wing...

Best regards,



Hello from Fond du Lac.  I ended up flying from Potsdam (KPTD) all the way south to Indiana to drive around a massive line of intense tstorms that swept across Michigan yesterday.


I'll see you guys at KOSH tomorrow Im sure.


Hello from Fond du Lac.  I ended up flying from Potsdam (KPTD) all the way south to Indiana to drive around a massive line of intense tstorms that swept across Michigan yesterday.


I'll see you guys at KOSH tomorrow Im sure.

So did Ned. Check him on flightaware CFSWR



So did Ned. Check him on flightaware CFSWR



Aha - cool - so he did.  I see he was past the storm before I was - by the time I got to its southern tip, it was very intense -  I stayed my distance though - and the second storm was already bearing down near my destination KFLD.  So I diverted and landed at KHHG to update my weather briefing and take on some fuel in case I might want to make a hasty retreat rather than arrive into a new weather arena with minimum fuel.   Except for an IFR departure into MVFR ceilings for 5-10 min in IMC to get on top, I was in clear smooth air the whole way - just that I was looking at some impressive storms from 50-100 mi away, blocking my path.  Only hitch - at rural airports you pick up your clearance on the ground on the phone - and we are not such a busy airport - so I usually start my engine while I am ringing up FSS on the phone on blue tooth - well what do you know - I got a ground hold and waited for 20 minutes with my engine running waiting for another airplane on approach into PTD.  Oh well - I thought of shutting down but I wasn't sure if it would be 3 min or 30 min.  Its rare for us to have to wait for anyone for our clearances in our quiet part of the world's airspace.


+1 more added to the club that have those devices added to the top of the wing...

My excuse is that they were already on the plane when I bought it last year. I was going to leave them off when I eventually get the plane painted but I'm starting to like them. Ha ha!


NotarPilot and I arrived at KATW around 7 PM today.

Great EAA group at KATW - helped with taxiing and tiedowns. Jerry5911Q arrived a couple of hours earlier and was waiting in the FBO.

We're staying at the Americinn in Appleton and will be heading to OSH in the morning. If anyone is in Appleton and wants to meet for Breakfast before heading to OSH IM me here on MS and we'll figure out to hook up.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!





At the Mooney caravan tent. Same as last year.

Ned Gravel

Lucky steward of C-FSWR, a '65 E model at Rockcliffe, Ontario, (CYRO)

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