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I know there are many veterans and active duty on Mooneyspace. I want to thank you all for your service to our great nation. Your sacrifice is the currency that buys our freedom. Thanks! Ray

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My father-in-law, George Lindberg, Jr., 1st generation Swede from Worcester MA, who died in September @ age 93, joined the Navy and flew in PBMs in the Pacific. George L., III served in Nam in the Coast Guard. 


Never forget.

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Dan, George grew up on Steele Street in Quinsigamond Village. He met my mother in law while recuperating in an Oklahoma City Naval hospital in 1945. He brought her back to his mother's home in Worcester where his job at Norton Company was waiting. They moved down the street a couple of blocks when Nancy was 10. He retired more than 30 years ago but never moved. Different times. His widow still lives there though we'll pick her up @ Thanksgiving and she'll be with us, at least through this winter. Sadly, she won't fly. 


You beat me to it Rain, thank you to all our courageous vets and active duty. Dad served in the 3rd army under Patton moms first husband was a crew chief on a B24 liberator and was killed over Ploesti my Uncle flew PBY's in the Pacific. My nephew just finished active duty in the Airforce and is Now in the reserves. He was a trumpet player in the Airforce concert band stationed at Langly AFB now he is attending Yale for his masters degree in music. We could not be more proud.

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Ditto. I know that we've had some differences of opinion here Fantom, but I've told you in person that I'm in awe of your service and proud to call a veteran such as you a friend.

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Just now watching the laying of the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. When my wife and I traveled to DC we spent the afternoon at Arlington Cemetery and watched the changing of the guard we were both very moved by the experience.

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Thanks to all of you! You are the reason we have the opportunity to do the things we do!

Thank you Great Aunt Ty! - W.A.S.P "we miss you"

Grandpa! - Air Force Pilot "we miss you"

And my three brother in laws Brandon, John, Chad - Air Force "we love you"

And thank you to the active duty here on our soil and abroad protecting our freedom as we go about our daily lives!!

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