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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Not quite what I'm saying. In every nation and every land throughout time there has been those who just don't want to work. No matter what we do, there will always be those. We don't really have to provide for them, they get by by begging and exploiting kind hearted people's generosity.


Well, actually, we kind of do since nobody is actually willing to pull the trigger themselves. It has been consistently proven that food stamps are lot cheaper than prisons and yet it somehow makes us feel better to lock them up. Quite frankly, I am very much against the current welfare system as well as current system of student loans, pell grants, etc. Let's take a look at the school funding system. The feds spend $68 billion a year on it. Total annual gross tuition cost at all public universities is $67 billion. We could simply do away with the entire system and just pay the tuition for anyone going to a public university and not offer any support or loans for private schools and still save a billion.


As to welfare, same thing. Quit stigmatizing it, quit putting power hungry case workers in charge. Simply offer each and every adult american a check each month, to be spent as they wish. You'd spend yours on avgas, somebody else putting shoes on their kids feet, others would save it and then some would sit around and do nothing, smoking weed and watching TV. Most would still continue to work, just as they do today.

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You forgot Mexican's.


No I didn't. But as there are two hanging out on my roof right now cleaning gutters, didn't want to think about it. People working heights makes me shiver. Probably should go out there and see if Angel and his helper want some warm coffee. 


Edit: In case anyone is wondering, I'm paying $25 an hour, each, for gutter cleaning, so I'm not being one of them hypocritical liberals like the "support seattle $15 an hour" folks who posted a job for web developer at $13 something an hour. In Seattle none the less, where you can't find a web developer worth shit for less than $75 an hour. Can't find one in Omaha for less than $50.

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Well, actually, we kind of do since nobody is actually willing to pull the trigger themselves. It has been consistently proven that food stamps are lot cheaper than prisons and yet it somehow makes us feel better to lock them up. Quite frankly, I am very much against the current welfare system as well as current system of student loans, pell grants, etc. Let's take a look at the school funding system. The feds spend $68 billion a year on it. Total annual gross tuition cost at all public universities is $67 billion. We could simply do away with the entire system and just pay the tuition for anyone going to a public university and not offer any support or loans for private schools and still save a billion.


As to welfare, same thing. Quit stigmatizing it, quit putting power hungry case workers in charge. Simply offer each and every adult american a check each month, to be spent as they wish. You'd spend yours on avgas, somebody else putting shoes on their kids feet, others would save it and then some would sit around and do nothing, smoking weed and watching TV. Most would still continue to work, just as they do today.


I'm with you.


You should have also mentioned that tuition at Harvard is cheaper than housing a prisoner in the federal system.

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I was just watching Fox News during lunch and partaking in my favorite past time, watching the commercials. I noticed a new one which I hadn't seen aired before and it's aimed at women that have been diagnosed with cancer after a hysterectomy. 


Other than that it was the usual suspects, urinary catheters, herbal stay hard pills, reverse mortgages and Goldline. 


Maybe someone could answer this question for me. There are also commercials for services that help people "get the money they deserve" when they are denied a Social Security disability claim. I thought conservatives don't apply for public assistance and that only left leaning moochers do. And what about all of those companies that will go to bat for you when the big bad IRS attempts to collect back taxes. I thought conservatives, while they bitch and moan about taxes, do the American thing and pay them.

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Foxnews is how I bought my French rocket. Sold my stocks in 2007 when every commercial was about real estate and stock trading. Bought gold. Sold out 3 years later when you could not stumble without glen beck crying about gold. Got back into stocks. Sold out a few months ago when I started seeing amazing opportunities left right again about investing in oil.

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And it's all Obama's fault.

I wouldn't say it's all Obama's fault. He's just digging a hole way faster than the remaining people who actually contribute to society can possibly fill it. And most of his decisions take us further away from what should be our country's goals. I suspect he'll be remembered as one of the most, if not the most, dismal presidents ever.


That's all.

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I wouldn't say it's all Obama's fault. He's just digging a hole way faster than the remaining people who actually contribute to society can possibly fill it. And most of his decisions take us further away from what should be our country's goals. I suspect he'll be remembered as one of the most, if not the most, dismal presidents ever.


That's all.


Time has a very funny way of shaping history. What if - what if ten years from now ACA fulfills its objectives? What if most American's get the care they need, healthcare inflation flattens out, premiums don't go up each year by double digits and most American's are, for the most part, satisfied with it? What if what are considered foreign policy blunders actually worked out in the end?


Even Nixon's image has changed over the decades.

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I think I have it figured out. The gulfstream money. When Glen Beck starts advertising amazing opportunities in treasury bonds that's when you know it's time jump the ship and dust out your EU passport. Until then, I think we're fine.


Wasn't he supposed to be legally blind by now?

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There are polar opposites that are at play in this discussion.

The change of price is directly related to the supply and demand curve.

Wall Street is being challenged by this conundrum...

In 2008 - stock market plunged while gas prices dropped...people stopped buying fuel regardless of price. They stopped buying everything, in fear of losing their income...

Demand dropped!

In 2014 - stock market is at all time highs, the economy is growing, people are buying things. New technology has allowed for increased production in the Americas.

Supply exceeded!

OPEC has been unable to set the price and continue to pump as much as they can.

They will have to cut production to make that happen. They don't seem to want to do that for a while.

Thank the new energy suppliers for pressuring the traditional Crude suppliers.

Long live supply and demand and new technologies and the inventors that make this happen...

Encourage the young to be smart and hard working, while being kind to others...

This ethos hasn't changed in 50 years...

The nazi ethos seemed to lack the be kind to anyone part.

As does Ebola and Isis...

Wall Street is seeing oil price drop but is unclear of how it will effect the rest of the economy.

Low oil price should be good (for most). Including the markets.

The challenge for everyone is to understand how this applies to them.

If I had to choose one extreme over the other... Over supply by technology seems better than under use economic depression.

Both cause lower 100LL price to go lower!

Best regards,



I think you're missing what's really going on in the oil market. The Saudis are pissed about all the fracking going on and want to put a stop to it. They have the advantage of a large supply of oil that is easy and relatively cheap to get. Fracking only makes sense when the price of crude is high, otherwise the oil companies lose money on every barrel they make. So the Saudis just over produce, lower the cost of their oil and the boom in North Dakota goes bust. Companies go bankrupt smaller producers fall out and OPEC gets back on top.


Sadly, our oil companies seem to be repeating the mistakes of the railroads and Eastman Kodak. They are stead fast in being in the oil business and not the energy business. They should have seen this Saudi manipulation coming along with the short lifespan of a fracking well and taken their billions of record profit and sunk a load of it into bio fuel production. Bio fuels work and I don't mean ethanol, so don't even go there! When we bombed the hell out of the Nazis and cut off their crude oil supply, what did they do? Give up and surrender? No. They switched to bio fuels and fought on. We need to do the same.

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I think you're missing what's really going on in the oil market. The Saudis are pissed about all the fracking going on and want to put a stop to it. They have the advantage of a large supply of oil that is easy and relatively cheap to get. Fracking only makes sense when the price of crude is high, otherwise the oil companies lose money on every barrel they make. So the Saudis just over produce, lower the cost of their oil and the boom in North Dakota goes bust. Companies go bankrupt smaller producers fall out and OPEC gets back on top.




This is exactly what I've read on the subject. You should have also mentioned that extracting oil from tar sands has an even higher breakeven cost than fracking, so hopefully Canada won't give in under the pressure too.

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Need more. Not enough to make me laugh...yet.


I see you snapped back from your grand depression. Congratulations. Glad to have you back. Want to make a bet? If I lose, I buy you an ADS-B box. If I win, you just have to say I was right: When the next farm bill comes up, subsidies, food stamps and all, Joni will vote a big Yes.

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Grassley voted for the trillion dollar nightmare first time it was teed up. I already sent a note to him. Not a conservative. A sell out...

Ernst will justify it as being "good for Iowa"...

More of the same. $%^* 'em all.


Now we're pretty much in agreement. Crooks, thieves and liars. Starting from the school board up, on both sides of the isle. There are no libs or conservatives there. It's all a good show but when push comes to shove, enough of them always find themselves in agreement. Coincidence? I don't think so.

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Now we're pretty much in agreement. Crooks, thieves and liars. Starting from the school board up, on both sides of the isle. There are no libs or conservatives there. It's all a good show but when push comes to shove, enough of them always find themselves in agreement. Coincidence? I don't think so.


And scoundrels.

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How many in the House and Senate have a net worth of more than, say, $5m? 


Average net worth is about $8 million. $14 million in the senate, $6.5 in the house. Richest senator is a (D), with a net worth of $250million, poorest a (D) as well, worth $8,500. Richest house member is a ®, net worth approaching half a billion, poorest is somehow $12 million in the hole, also a ®.


I want to know how you get $12 million in the hole and meet that man's banker. I could use a loan.

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Average net worth is about $8 million. $14 million in the senate, $6.5 in the house. Richest senator is a (D), with a net worth of $250million, poorest a (D) as well, worth $8,500. Richest house member is a ®, net worth approaching half a billion, poorest is somehow $12 million in the hole, also a ®.


I want to know how you get $12 million in the hole and meet that man's banker. I could use a loan.


I know that Darrell "Benghazi!" Issa is worth $450m. I also know that he feels the pain of the average American.

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I see you snapped back from your grand depression. Congratulations. Glad to have you back. Want to make a bet? If I lose, I buy you an ADS-B box. If I win, you just have to say I was right: When the next farm bill comes up, subsidies, food stamps and all, Joni will vote a big Yes.

Since Scott already has an ADS-B box, can I just admit you're right and get one?

Please let me know what I'm agreeing to, but I'm pretty flexible.

BTW, who's Joni?

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Since Scott already has an ADS-B box, can I just admit you're right and get one?

Please let me know what I'm agreeing to, but I'm pretty flexible.

BTW, who's Joni?


Joni is a tea party senator-elect from Iowa who runs against big government yet during her entire adult life had collected a paycheck from such. Never worked in private industry, so she brings fresh perspective to the business of governing. Good news is she is a solder so she will do as she is told.

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I know that Darrell "Benghazi!" Issa is worth $450m. I also know that he feels the pain of the average American.


Yep. Made a ton of money by stealing cars and then later inventing a nearly worthless device that was supposed to deter car thieves. If he was born a little later, he would have been a successful internet hacker that later in life would go on to make millions working for companies trying to keep hackers out. Makes you wonder about this quality in a politician. It seems perfect.

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Boehner. Now THERE is failure.


At least we can agree on something.


Don't quite understand why it's pronounced Bayner, other than the family wanting to save themselves from embarrassment. We don't fly on BAYING 747's or listen to music with our BAYS speakers.

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Timmy might be living in a Progressive Utopia when:

-Leaders defend those that wish to destroy the Republic and deride those that wish to save it.


Progressives often wonder why conservatives deliberately push for changes which destroy long established policies that worked for decades.


Not only that, progressives wonder why policies put into place as short as three years ago in order to stabilize the banking sector and assure they don't take risks that will result in more government bailouts, are already being repealed.

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