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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Don't worry, in another 25-30 years all the Fox News followers will be dead and then everyone can drive electric cars and live as one big happy family.


The average Fox viewer is white male, 70 years of age. I doubt they will still be around in 25 years.


The point that Fox is #1 is indisputable. For me, the reason I don't watch CNN at night is simply because they don't have any programming. 

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Talk about fear...Why is it that the left fears Fox so much? Answer: Because every other network CNN, NBC etc...have no viewership.

Fox rules....

They don't fear Fox, they laugh at it... Just watch Saturday Night Live sometime.

Seriously Andy take that $%^& somewhere else. Do you really believe that the last election was as a result of Republican Fear tactics?

NOPE. Democrats received that awesome punch in the face compliments of their radical leftist leader...

What, you don't like Yoda?

No, I don't think the last election was about Republican fear tactics, nor did I state or imply that in my post. My point stands on it's own, that fear-mongering is counter-productive, whether it is a mild case like Fox or MSNBC (yes, they do it too), or an extremist case like Islamic militants.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

-FDR. You may not like who said it, just like you obviously don't like Master Yoda, but the statement can still be a good one.

Or another: "Worry is a dividend paid to disaster before it is due."

-James Bond, from "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"

"Awesome punch in the face". Seriously? Why the descent into descriptions of violence when we could be having a reasonable discussion.

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They don't fear Fox, they laugh at it... Just watch Saturday Night Live sometime.

What, you don't like Yoda?

No, I don't think the last election was about Republican fear tactics, nor did I state or imply that in my post. My point stands on it's own, that fear-mongering is counter-productive, whether it is a mild case like Fox or MSNBC (yes, they do it too), or an extremist case like Islamic militants.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

-FDR. You may not like who said it, just like you obviously don't like Master Yoda, but the statement can still be a good one.

Or another: "Worry is a dividend paid to disaster before it is due."

-James Bond, from "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"

"Awesome punch in the face". Seriously? Why the descent into descriptions of violence when we could be having a reasonable discussion.



When I lived in San Francisco there was a daily newsman on KFOG for the morning drive named Skoop Nisker. He always signed off by saying "If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own".

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Are you talking about the media ... or Joe Biden and the Democrats?

Nice! I hadn't thought about it like that!

Originally it was about the advertisers on news stations that prey on the elderly... I called it previously "Corporate Greed".

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Don't blame the Federal government for GM's incompetence and corporate greed. Blame GM's incompetence and corporate greed. Corporate political connections typically run Republican, by the way. Not many CEOs vote Democrat.


Oh...of course not........ lot's of government money and sleazy UAW interests......what could go wrong? Republicans.......PUH-leeeze.

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You mean like fabricating a "war on women?" Or a "war on the poor?" Or a "war on the elderly?"

Or creating some fear-mongering ... like in the VP debate when Joe Biden stared straight into the camera, and the media ever so gladly zoomed-in as he said speaking directly to the elderly directly and plainly stating if Paul Ryan is elected he will be taking away their Medicare and Social Security?

Which party was it that used an elderly person at their convention, saying if the other party got in he would have to choose between having food, but no medicine ... or have his medicine and eat dog food? Which fear-mongering political party would this be?


Are you denying that Paul Ryan's manifesto did not include switching over Medicare to a voucher system? 


The war on woman is the same as the war on Christmas - much ado about nuthin.

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I like Yoda. You are no Yoda.

When did I ever say I was Yoda?

I do not seek to have a "reasonable discussion with the left".

You are not having a reasonable discussion with "the left". You are having a reasonable discussion with your fellow Mooney owners. I have voted Republican for nearly all of my adult life. Just because I am somewhat left of you doesn't make me "the left".

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The REAL war on women is not being waged by Republicans in the US, but by slave traders and countries ruled by male dominated religions, think of the Middle East, India or Asian regions. Or the recent example in Nigeria ... We do need to oppose those waging the REAL war on women. It's tragic the lives they are destroying!

There is an on-going attempt to deny and silence any influence or trace of Christianity in our society. Deny it all you wish. Christmas is a man made tradition and not authorized by scripture ... so I don't really have a strong opinion one way or another ...


Nicely phrased.

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You are not having a reasonable discussion with "the left". You are having a reasonable discussion with your fellow Mooney owners. I have voted Republican for nearly all of my adult life. Just because I am somewhat left of you doesn't make me "the left".

Says who?

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Do you really want to argue that his plan was to throw the elderly on the street?

We're you NOT just discussing paranoia and fear mongering?

The REAL war on women is not being waged by Republicans in the US, but by slave traders and countries ruled by male dominated religions, think of the Middle East, India or Asian regions. Or the recent example in Nigeria ... We do need to oppose those waging the REAL war on women. It's tragic the lives they are destroying!

There is an on-going attempt to deny and silence any influence or trace of Christianity in our society. Deny it all you wish. Christmas is a man made tradition and not authorized by scripture ... so I don't really have a strong opinion one way or another ...



I don't believe, nor do I believe I said, that he was going to throw anybody out on the street. But his plan for Medicare, had he won and it came to fruition, would have given seniors a voucher that they could use towards purchasing their own policy. The examples given at the time called for a monthly voucher of approximately $2k which they could use towards (for example) a $4,500 policy. Not sure how many seniors would have been able to afford the $2,500 a month shortfall. Correct me where I may have misrepresented details of the proposed policy at the time.


I love Christmas and the season and it's not going anywhere - not if retailers have any say in the matter.

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I recorded the Fox hour long show on the "Killer of Bin-Laden".

Enjoyed it. Don't watch Andy, it is violent.

I served 10 years in the US Army.

Graduated West Point.

Airborne. Ranger.

Commanded Infantry soldiers during peace and war.

Yeah, I can handle it.

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Hey Flyboy 1,000 is all yours. Make it an essay.

"Why being a Moderate is good for America"


Don't need an essay. Being moderate is good for America because it balances the load and prevents people on the left and right from heavily imposing their viewpoints on all citizens. Moderation is based on history, not philosophy, which means that input is constantly being taken from the pulse of the country. The reason the country has worked so well over the centuries is because it always found a balance between individual rights and federal power. One example of when it may have been off-balance was during prohibition, at time when the religious citizenry got their way for 19 years. I'm not sure where the "red scare" of the McCarthy era falls into this however, which was by all accounts totally and completely un-American.


Contrary to what you may think, even though the current president is said to lean way too much to the left, the landscape looks pretty much the same as it did prior to 2009. Same goes for 1981-1993. Some changes here and there, but the country overall looked the same as before and moved forward.

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Make NO mistake, the Left Fears AND Loathes Fox and Conservative Talk Radio.



Speaking of conservative talk radio, I'm still waiting for Obama to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, just as Limbaugh said Obama would do once he entered the White House. At the time Rush feared that he would lose his show because of it.


Just one of dozens of Limbaugh predictions that went absolutely nowhere. I actually remember hearing him saying to a caller during the summer of 2013 that as of November of that year, Medicare Advantage plans were no longer going to be offered. 


Show of hands, who is the better prognosticator, Limbaugh or Dick Morris?

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Here is my take away: You state "even though the current president is said to "lean way too much to the left".

Answer my question with a Yes or a No Mr. Moderate- Do you believe that Obama leans to much to the left"?

Thank you for your Yes or No reply.



Pfft, absolutely. 


Sorry - Yes.

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I Love my wife and family

I Love my Country

I Love my Mooney

I Love The Guess Who. Burton Cumming's concert here I come. More politics and "discussion" for the next 1,000 posts to come...

Have a nice night. I will :)



I like Guess Who as well. But you still owe me an explanation about Net Neutrality. Have fun.

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I Love my wife and family

I Love my Country

I Love my Mooney

I Love The Guess Who. Burton Cumming's concert here I come. More politics and "discussion" for the next 1,000 posts to come...

Have a nice night. I will :)

Excellent post for #1000.

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Funny how ISIS and our own crazies are sounding more and more the same. Surprise?


Looking forward to Glen Beck pushing it as the world's newest, safest return for your investment.


To quote one of the finest political players of all time, "If two men agree on everything, you may be sure that one of them is doing the thinking." - Lyndon B. Johnson:


When CNN and FOX are both screaming about ISIS all in unison, the people in charge are doing the thinking: more war, more money. If anyone of you, including Scotty from Iowa, think for a second that we really have a two party system, you are severely confused, as is their intention.

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Which party makes the stock market go up more?

I thought it was supposed to be the Republicans...

Isn't it in the interest of the retired people, and those that want to retire, to have that happen?

The Social Security check will be challenged to cover the price of 100LL after retirement?

People of Timmy's age have given up on voting, so I hear... They use the word disenfranchised to describe the feeling.

Add to the list of sunshine I gave above... People are living longer, in better health...

Best regards,


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The recurring theme here is paranoia.


If I may, I think that the theme to which you refer is more denialism than paranoia. I do agree that denialists often do come across as paranoid.


A recent essay on denialism (which denialists will quickly point out is written by a left-leaning liberalesque liberal liberally liberating liberal left-wing liberal lies):


"As David Hume put it, a wise person (i.e., a proper skeptic) will proportion her beliefs to the evidence."

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Burton Cummings still has a great set of pipes at 67....Good time. He acknowledged a very appreciative crowd.

Net Neutrality explanation...I wish I could provide one.

Here is what I am for: Freedom to allow the internet to continue...at least in the US...as a filterfree information conduit.

The tricky part is that business's want to receive "a little more" from data hogs like Netflix. I can understand that...but it appears to be complicated. Are you going to charge more for "cadillac" data plans or allow equal speed to all? Certainly you could "wipe out" an entity by cutting their stream resulting in buffering by end users and ultimately they go somewhere else...They are silenced. Are they "data hogs" what is the "excuse" for slowing them down?

Governmental "regulation" would appear to be a slippery slope. I don't want an internet "FCC" making morality decisions on content. Again, I see potential for major "changes" in the freedom that makes the internet fantastic.

Not an expert. Not a "know it all". Just a concerned citizen that is trying to learn more about it. Some good articles out, but even they say "it's complicated"...



A little education, and you aren't going to like what I have to say because you will realize that Obama is on the right side of history on this. The concept of Net Neutrality is exactly what we have now, your ability to access, upload and download whatever the net has to offer, at the speed that you currently pay for. There are large corporations that are trying to change that, namely the big media conglomerates. They want to change the system so that they can pay your ISP to have their content go in front of the line of other traffic. Think of it as an express toll lane. For example, Netflix may pay (or an ISP may demand from them) a dollar to push their content ahead of everything else. This in effect would slow down everything else because your modem can only handle so much traffic (bandwidth) and their connections will take precedence over the lines and potentially slow your connection down.


Obama wants the FCC to officially rule for Net Neutrality, that is, keep everything as it currently is. 

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