alex Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 That's my beef with big SUVs. If needed is one thing but a lot of them are just fashion shows. But the far larger mass kills drivers in smaller cars. Having an airplane is a fashion show... get rid of it. 1
jetdriven Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 Having an airplane is a fashion show... get rid of it. Who asked you? Large SUVs kill more occupants of smaller vehicles. That's fact. If you need one that's great, if you just like more room please be cognizant of the fact you transfer the risk of injury or death to others. Regarding my risk profile to myself, passengers, and others as a GA pilot. Bring it, Alex. Go get yourself an ATP and some professional training first.
AndyFromCB Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 So I heard Fox offered Brian Williams a job...They felt they could save millions on training...
alex Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 Who asked you? Large SUVs kill more occupants of smaller vehicles. That's fact. If you need one that's great, if you just like more room please be cognizant of the fact you transfer the risk of injury or death to others. Regarding my risk profile to myself, passengers, and others as a GA pilot. Bring it, Alex. Go get yourself an ATP and some professional training first. Yikes! The kitty's claws come out... Don't need those thanks. Doing just fine without them but I'll keep those in mind when I want to become an elitist prick. 1
AndyFromCB Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 Hey, Off the wagon? Not one week yet... Timmy is stronger than I thought. Anyways, back on it...Step 1, admit I'm powerless...
John Pleisse Posted February 10, 2015 Report Posted February 10, 2015 XXOO, Andy, Mike, Byron and Cabot. Then there's this: And subsequently......this: Hope you are having a nice afternoon.
alex Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Where do I go to get my hate FOX News fix? Isn't it obvious? 1
alex Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 OH HELL NO! SAY IT ISN'T SO....
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 XXOO, Andy, Mike, Byron and Cabot. Then there's this: And subsequently......this: Hope you are having a nice afternoon. point one, yes Fox Spews seems to dominate the cable TV news viewership ratings. Mostly, I suspect, because people under 50-55 dont get their news from television, I only get my Fox news dose rectally, because my 60 yr-old FIL wont watch anything else. However, it gives me perspective. If any news network is slanted, its Fox. Point two, yes that was completely freakin' stupid. She looks like an idiot. How can "this administration" allow this? Impeach now! Point three, Megyn Kelly sounds just as stupid trying to play and play and play up how stupid it was. Its not an international scene. Its not "Iraq WMD", its not "Do we really have all the answers about Benghazi", its not "Muslim No-Go zones". Its trying too hard, and this time there is no substance. I find it cute when she tries to wrinkle her botox forehead along with her nose whenever she is disdainful and astute, which is pretty much anything reported by anyone but Fox. point 4 is a rehash of point 1. yes, cable news is dying a slow death. yes MSNBC is winning that race. What they dont report is the news sources of anyone under 50. Which doesnt include cable TV news. Last I heard the Pony Express, Western Union telegraph, print newspapers, and cable tv news are dying a slow death. times change.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Enough about interviews asked to quack like a duck. How about this, from the party of "family values" and "fiscal conservatism". Senator Bill Cassidy, the outspoken lawmaker who's hell-bent on abstinence-only sex ed, revelas his daughter is pregnant and unmarried. How's them family values working out? At least he can't decide for his daughter whether she's keeping the baby. Sarah Palin, the fiscal conservative and champion of family values, who's own daughter got herself knocked up out of wedlock, (see a pattern?), was elected governor of Wasilla, AK back in the day. The town had debts of 1 million dollars when she took over, after 6 years, it was 25 million. Spending and taxes went up 30%. Yes, umm, what? Conservative? Say it aint so, Sarah, say it aint so ! Kind of like Reagan, Bush 41, and 43, and other republicans Reagan tripled the deficit as did Bush 43. Bush 41 was the real conservative, he only raised it 53% in 8 years the last Democrat with a balanced budget? Clinton. The last Republican with a balanced budget? Eisenhower. But as Dave likes to remind us, thats was so long ago it doesnt matter.
John Pleisse Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Point three, Megyn Kelly sounds just as stupid trying to play and play and play up how stupid it was. Its not an international scene. Dude.... I was enjoying her hotness.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 yes, so much easier than debating facts and circumstantial evidence. Because overcoming stuff like this is not possible. But, when Benghazi ! is the subject, lets drag it out for a year, even after the republican-led inquiry found no wrongdoing. Yes. I'll narrow it down for you. Conservatives, explain this. Reagan tripled the deficit as did Bush 43. Bush 41 was the real conservative, he only raised it 53% in 8 yearshttp://useconomy.abo...y-President.htm the last Democrat with a balanced budget? Clinton. The last Republican with a balanced budget? Eisenhower. But as Dave likes to remind us, thats was so long ago it doesnt matter.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Drinking again? I dont hold oppiosong ideas i my head simultaneously and explain them with "pink Floyd" lyrics.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Andy replies point for point. Or at least on subject.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 No, regarding Benghazi, I stand with the Republican-led inquiry which found no wrongdoing with the administration in how they handled it. There were budget cuts (led by republicans) which make it difficult to respond to threats as good as a nation like ours should be able to. Disagree with that too?
alex Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Scott you are just not at the same level intellectually to bring it. Do you have an ATP, etc? Perhaps it was just a rhetorical question.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 I get it. Attack the validity of the messenger rather than the statement. I get it.
jetdriven Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Same thing here. Build the Mosque, after all, they enjoy the same freedom that churches so. Next to it, build a good old fashioned hellfire-and-brimstone southern baptist church. Beside it build a full gay night club, and the other side a dirty magazine and sex toy shop. They can feature the modern art masterpiece "piss christ"/ Across the street, a liquor store called the "holy spirit" and next to that, a peep show. Next to that, an abortion clinic. Lets call it "sally cant afford birth control", or "un-parent-hood." . Sound fair? or absurd? And Jesus preached about "love thy neighbor"and the ever-famous John 3:16. But I guess that only applies to white christian people. Hate everyone else, or ridicule them. He would want that. And you wonder why people from my generation and after absolutely flee the church. Look in the mirror and ask WWJD. You sure hate it, Dave. Thats why you shared it, obviously. See you in hell. At least I can admit it. that is all.
AndyFromCB Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 See you in hell. At least I can admit it. that is all. I prefer the God of the Old Testament. He was a mean, surly son of gun, killing left and right. But at least once the coffin lid was closed, that was it, he did leave you alone. I cannot say that eternal damnation is much of an improvement especially with the estuaries of hell being so wide and the charts not exactly best plotted and the legend lacking. Maybe they've been photocopied too many times.
AndyFromCB Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Same thing here. Build the Mosque, after all, they enjoy the same freedom that churches so. Next to it, build a good old fashioned hellfire-and-brimstone southern baptist church. Beside it build a full gay night club, and the other side a dirty magazine and sex toy shop. They can feature the modern art masterpiece "piss christ"/ Across the street, a liquor store called the "holy spirit" and next to that, a peep show. Next to that, an abortion clinic. Lets call it "sally cant afford birth control", or "un-parent-hood." . Jews don't recognize Jesus as the messiah, protestants don't recognize the Pope as head of the church, Southern Baptists don't recognize each other at the liquor store...
AndyFromCB Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 I rarely drink. You are thinking of Andy...Who is on the wagon. sipping Reading an interesting book on addiction. Seems both the right and left wing have it all wrong. It's neither a moral failure or simple chemistry. Apparently when you gives rats choices other than heroin and no heroin and place them is stimulating environments with other rats instead of being isolated, they will still like to get stoned every now and then but do not become addicts and do not abuse. Who would have thought our entire approach to addiction and drugs is all wrong.
Guest Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 Lets just outlaw ALL religion worldwide. Clarence
John Pleisse Posted February 11, 2015 Report Posted February 11, 2015 I guess, at the national prayer breakfast, the President forgot to warn us about those crazy, dangerous Atheists running around. Did non believers even have a seat at the prayer breakfast tables?
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