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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. Some news in French with pictures: http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2015/12/29/ecrasement-davion-le-pilote-naurait-pas-bien-gere-son-atterrissage-croit-un-ami Yves
  2. Sad news erik. Houman is deceased. He crashed last night.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. yvesg


      Erik, give me you phone number. I will call you right away.

    3. aviatoreb
    4. aviatoreb


      Hi Yves,  Have you heard any more of what happened?

      I have looked at those pictures many times.  It does look to me like the prop might have stopped.  But I am more inclined now by the look of the nose and the way the nose is bent up, that it went in at a high angle - I am feeling like maybe he got slow, and simply stalled on short final,  but at rather low altitude thankfully for his son.

      Thank you for trying to see his son.  I am hoping he is ok. What an emotional blow for him to recover from.


  3. Yes he was a poster here. I (and Erik) knew the pilot and his son personnally. According to local news the pilot is deceased. This is kind of hard to take. He was returning from a trip to Florida. I did chat with him while he was down there. I was supposed to go down there too but cancelled due to weather. He did participate in the Mooney Caravan. Prayers and condoleances to family. Yves
  4. I am doing this for the iPAD (roam mobility) however I still have a flip phone and I could not find the SIM card, probably internal. Even if I would have one, Bell would charge $50 extra to unlock the phone. I called them again at noon and apparently the other person I was in contact with was not right. This one checked and toll-free are not out. So I purchased a package for $30 CDN which provides 1000 minutes for 30 days. Might have to fight this when I get back... we'll see. Last year when going to Florida, I paid $150 in phone calls where $100 was toll-free calls. $30 is much better for an honorary member of the CB club. Yves
  5. Debbie sent me a list privately that comes from an AOPA publication. Comes from 2003/2004 AOPA airport directory. Contains FSS and NWS numbers. This might be stale info. If there are AOPA members, perhaps you would have access to a more recent one? Not really looking for clearance delivery numbers. I can get these in Foreflight. Thanks Yves
  6. Does anyone knows if there is a way to reach them on a different phone number than the 1-800-wxbrief? My cell phone provider has a USA roaming package that does not provide free toll free numbers. I checked my last year bill when going to Florida and most numbers I called were toll free... I guess they figured how travellers use their phones and ensure they still make lots of money on us. Yves
  7. Paul, We went to Homestead last christmas holiday and did visit the Everglades. There are two FBOs in Homestead: Roberts South and Executive Jet. We went to Executive Jet last year and if we would go again we would try the other due to the low level of service we got from Ex Jet. We got a car rental from Ex Jet, that part was OK. Overall, we do not recommend using the Ex Jet FBO. I am planning to go in this area this year again and it is too bad our dates don't match yours... would have been nice to meet you. Planned arrival in Florida is Dec 26th or 27th...returning to Canada on Dec 30th. Yves
  8. Currently planning a trip to south Florida between Christmas and New years so might go your way. Will have more details in a few days. Yves
  9. Planning a week in south Florida before the new year. Does anyone know somebody who is based at Tavernaero? This is an airpark in the keys and to be allowed as a guest, you need to have an owner chapperon you there. Yves
  10. They are also removing them in Canada but slowly.... things move slow in the cold! Yves
  11. Look at the attached picture. This is how my PC can be turned off, without rubber band or 35mm plastic can. It has been installed over 20 years ago I would say without any trouble. With sliding the thumb you can turn it on or off at will without even looking. Yves
  12. Mike, my pump failed about an hour away from destination. This was actually on the return flight from OSH when we met a year and a half ago. I did press on since in marginal VFR conditions. I had to replace my AI a few months after replacing the pump. I opened the AI and could find some black particules inside, probably coming from the pump but not quite sure. Yves
  13. Erik, if you are planning a paint job, you might want to consider the shop I used in Lachute which is a small hop from your place. Byron did inspect the results when we met in Oshkosh a year and a half ago and he told me it was top notch. The USD - CDN exchange rate might help drop the price too. Let me know. Yves
  14. I found on my own how to access the logs. No clue in there. I finally decided to do like you: re-install. Now I have to download all my required maps back. This is going to take all day. Thanks. Yves
  15. I have started to have the following issue with Foreflight a few months ago. When I start it on my iPad mini, it does not start. I need to click on the foreflight icon again, then it would behave however even if I did set it up to start on the last screen it always start with an airport I went to 2 years ago. This whole thing could take 2 or 3 minutes to have the app up where I want and is very annoying. Does anyone know how to retrieve the diagnostic log? I want to see if there is something obvious in there. Yves
  16. I have been flying for 18 years now and I have never been asked by border protection anything else than passport. This list would be required if you get ramped checked by a Transport Canada officer which would be really a bad luck. Yves
  17. Mike, your statement is definitely confirming what I thought about you: you are a bird! Yves
  18. And don't worry about radio license.... Here is the list of Airport of Entry: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/do-rb/services/aoe-eng.html If you arrive during the week-end, I suggest you clear customs in Cornwall Ontario then keep going to one of the small airports as your final destination. This would be the cheapest way. Yves
  19. You can still land in Pierre Elliot Trudeau CYUL which is the only airport on the Montreal island. The landing fee is about $50 if I recall right (however they might not be able to collect US aircraft since they usually send Canadian aircraft the invoice by mail). There are a couple of FBOs (they will have ramp fees) on field as well as customs. If you want to use a smaller airport, outside of the main city, there is Mascouche, Cedars, St-Hubert and Lachute however you will need to clear customs... let me check which ones of those have them. Lachute would be the cheapest to my opinion. Mascouche is probably convenient but their tie-down facilities are limited: bring some ropes just in case. Yves
  20. I always bring my plane to the shop for annual on Feb 1st. February is the !&@#% coldest month of the year here and having it being worked on in a heated hangar gives me a break from having to pre-heat, remove the wing covers. Yves
  21. How long do you stay in Quebec city? The FBO there will charge you. Call them in advance to get what their rates are. Have not been there for years. Most area pilots prefer going to Neuville. When are you going? There is a good chance I will fly to Drummondville (south east of Trois Rivieres) this coming Saturday. Yves
  22. Brittain's folks rock! They helped me get my retractable step boot overhauled and the wing leveler back inline a few years ago. I did my 2 year IFR renewal Saturday and the inspector was quite surprised how well this thing behaved when I turned it on. It allowed me to focus on my climbs settings after being cleared higher while under the hood. I always use it when flying in clouds. Yves
  23. I am trying this answer: they will arrive at the same time. Yves
  24. Erik, I could make myself available to help you with this some coming up week-ends. Could be nice if you agree to make a high speed low pass before the camera! Yves
  25. David, plase add a FAQ question (and answer) about the spinner required please. The pictures seem to show a 201 spinner right? Yves
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