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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Really nice. I enjoyed the music and the peacefulness of the visuals. What music was it?
  2. Well, your story sounds very familiar. I saw my Mooney advertised in 2002 and after a long back and forth price, pre purchase etc. we agreed on a price. My Mooney and I became good friends right away. I had to go to West Virginia to pick her up. Although I had 600 hours total time, I had only one hour of Mooney time in a 201. I got to the airport, of course later than I planned, received the keys from Steve the broker who helped me close the deal (great guy!) and after a short intro to now my N9341V I was on my way back to KGAI. Naturally, Murphy is always present..., weather deteriorated and became IFR. So here I was flying an unfamiliar airplane in IMC... The only familiar avionics was my portable GPS... I landed with a strong crosswind and that was the start of my long friendship with N9341V, since then we had many adventures together (including flying close to active volcanos, crossing the Caribbean etc.) but I will never forget that feeling when I was on downwind to runway 32 in KGAI and I just realized that I had to land with crosswind that I had never experienced before and in an unfamiliar airplane. Oscar
  3. thank you great news
  4. I agree, the display of the 650 can become rather crowed. I would go for a 650 and a Flightstream 510 and a mini Ipad. The 650 will give you great functionalities and the ipad a nice screen.
  5. I plan on going.
  6. Looks really nice. I would just keep more space if you decide to upgrade to a JPI 930 or an EI engine monitoring system in replacement for you current 730. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Oscar Avalle


  8. Not surprised Liberia in Costa Rica is a rather windy airport. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. What is the big deal???? They had to shut down an engine and then they landed... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The most important thing to do is to keep your speeds under control and of course the attitude. In my case I use 100 downwind, 90 base and 80 final. I then adjust with my AOA the final landing attitude. But most importantly, get an instructor and practice, practice and practice. Don't worry and don't get frustrated, you will get it right. Oscar
  11. My shop quotes me 20 hours at their shop rate. I think that this is realistic as long as there are no squawks.
  12. I just can't get over the fact that I would have to spent the equivalent of a House in suburban Washington DC to get into a new plane. Even if I could afford it, it just does not sound right. Specially if you compare it with prices in the 70s or 80s. I would say that my "comfort zone" to consider a "new airplane" is in the 400k range. But then, I may be just a CB. Oscar
  13. I have a sidewinder too and I really like it. I had no issue in the winter, nor when the pavement was wet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I got a DC for one of my sons and they are really nice. Thanks for the PIREP.
  15. Hi Jon, Thank you for your service and welcome to our group!!! I bought my C model around 2002. I have flown her for more than 800 hours, down to Central America, up and down the East Coast and to he Middle West. It is a great plane to operate. Not expensive (as you know there is nothing cheap when it comes to aviation). Be patient and look around. You will find the right one. I believe that in the current environment the best thing to do would be to try to find a plane with an autopilot and a WAAS GPS (430...). You could then expand the avionics by getting a portable ADSB system and streaming the information from the GPS to your IPAD. This would give you a significant amount of information. Further down the road you could then add other features like a JPI etc. Ask about anything, airplane, life etc. and you will get not one a bunch of friendly responses. Once again welcome aboard. Oscar
  16. No!!! We try to attract new members... not to chase them away... didn't you read the memo?
  17. Welcome on board! This is a great place to hang out... Oscar
  18. I switch tanks every 10 gallons consumed, based on the JPI. I have not used the Fuel Pump for several years and I have also wondered if it was the right thing to do. Regarding where I switch tanks, I basically don't factor that into my decision making.
  19. I posted my question about Garmin Pilot on another Forum (our dearest Beach friends...:-)). The Garmin rep responded saying basically that they were aware of the problem and that in 8.7.2 the issue would be resolved. Oscar
  20. I installed a powerflow system. I like it, the engine seems to run smoother and I feel (may be it is just a wishful thinking) that the plane has more power...
  21. My ring of utility is 8 hours of flying a day. Depending if I am going west or east it reduces or increases my range accordingly. The longest non stop flight I have take was Key west Florida to Guatemala City 6.8 hours. Tons of deviation around weather. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I installed one and I love it. As Don mentioned once it is calibrated it works really well. It has become even more strategic than the ASÍ. I fly most of my approaches based on the AOA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Flew back from Saint Louis International (KSTL) to Gaithersburg MD (KGAI). Nice flight 3.7 hours. Coming into the DC area I saw some nice storms building up, thanks to garmin pilot and Potomac approach not a mayor problem. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Schoen...
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