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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I used to fly my M20C at 12500 and 13500. I took her up to 17000 because I did... comfortable between 12k and 13k but above 14k she becomes sluggish. Please don't forget to factor in density altitude.
  2. Actually talking to the MT guys in Oshkosh no. It is lighter than my three blade prop. But then I am not an expert Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Really nice... sad not available for the older mooneys...
  4. Shell 15-50W, camguard and Tempest filter every 25-30 hours
  5. We lived in Guatemala for 4 years and I took my Mooney down there. it was a great experience. Actually, there is now a landing strip (grass) at the lake Attitlan. But I have to admit I would not take a Mooney into that strip. You would be able to take in there, but getting out is another story. Happy to talk, there is a great flying community in Guatemala.
  6. I used take off flaps and leaned for best power. However, you have to be careful with CHTs. This is not meant to replace any discussion with somebody who knows...but here is a video I took of a take off from an airport at 8,000 feet. Oscar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL8Iro5x3xA
  7. Looks like a nice project! One question, with two G5 are you allowed to dump the vacuum system ? I believe that the ASPEN would provide you with more functionality, but I will refer from stating it to loud and start a discussion about ASPEN vs Garmin. I have an EDM 900 and it is really nice, as well as the IPAD idea. You could then have everything connected via Bluetooth with 510. Enjoy your project...
  8. I had a similar problem actually three weeks ago. I turned on the master and no power... but I could hear the click of the relay. First, we thought it would be the relay. We replaced the relay, it worked but when I flew the lights were flickering and it seems that the system was not getting enough power. However, voltage indicator was 14.4 Volts. We looked at it again, and it so happened that it was the bus bar. It was old and they had not done a good job setting up the connections when I upgraded my panel. Now, I have a "new bus bar"... I will be flying tomorrow... will let people know if everything works.
  9. really cool, from the East Coast really too fare... Must be hard to gage the altitude during flare...
  10. Unfortunately, due to a last minute problem I will not be able to join you guys! Enjoy
  11. Thanks guys! I was wondering about the relay because that was the only thing that changed... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. As you may recall, I had to change a relay in my M 20 C... Yesterday, I flew for the first time with the new relay and it at night. After taking off, I retracted my electrical gear and all GPS screens went off as well as the , and back on again in question of a second. When I extended the gear 45 minutes later, again a flicker, but shorter, and then during my flight back no problem with retracting and extending. I am wondering if it is related to the new relay? Any ideas? Oscar
  13. Looks great, but how much....
  14. I forgot to mention the inflatable door seal! If you ask me that is what REALLY made a difference Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I also agree with Andy. No worth the effort. Mooneys are loud. Get a good pair of headsets. I use a Bose and it is ok. Oscar
  16. Really cool video thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Thanks guys, yes I saw that we got three different threads on the same subject with different titles. I would suggest we close this one.
  18. I just renewed with AOPA for my M20C for 770. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Thank you! I checked it visually... So that was the part that failed. Thank you for the clarification. I was beginning to freak out thinking what would I do if I lose all power...
  20. Just wanted to share with you something that happened to me last Saturday. It was a great day for flying, so we went to the airport with my sons and got into the plane. I switch on the master waiting for the JPI to come alive... Instead nothing happened. I heard the typical click of the solenoid, but beyond that nothing. I checked the battery, 12.9 volts, checked the solenoid, looked ok. So I closed up the hangar and went home. I received a call yesterday that mu "contactor" was bad. My concern is what happens if the contactor goes belly up in flight? Do I lose all power?
  21. This is the first video based on the footage I received. Hope you enjoy it.. Oscar
  22. Had I won the jackpot, which I did not, I would have bought a new Mooney ultra Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I also installed a 900 and replaced all my gauges. Calibration is not an easy task as you know. It took me a while to get it right. One thing that I noticed is that it also depends on who tops off your tanks. My experience was that depending on who does it you may get 2 or even more gallons below what you should have gotten. This error compounds and it may mislead you in terms of what your instrument tells you. My suggestion would be to make sure that you top off the tanks fully and log three of four two hour flights to double check on your calibration. Just keep an eye on the refueling process to make sure that you top off your tanks. Oscar
  24. I have bladders with 64 gal. I drained them to calibrate my JPI and I got 63 gallons into the tanks. When I open the tank and I see that there is not fuel left in the tank it means I have about 6 gallons in it. As of running the fuel tank dry, I have to admit I don't feel confortable doing it. But may be I should just try it... Fear of the unknown. Oscar
  25. I had a similar problem and it was the antenna and the connectors. The unit should be able to receive and transmit form more than 40 miles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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