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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. The 900 is a primary EDM. You can get rid of the existing MP, RPM, EGT, oil temp, oil pressure etc displays. The 830 is not primary.
  2. I tried to go to Kalispell last weekend but couldn't get any rental cars (and that was true at almost all of the airports in Montana). Things might be different this weekend anf the temperatures will have fallen by 40 or 50 degrees F as well!
  3. Great experience for me as well. They repaired my Century IIB AP first time and it has not failed since. Since then they did my ADS-B and JPI900 install as well. This was probably 4 or 5 years ago.
  4. Cool. Fast meets "slow".
  5. Perhaps a chemical test for rust is worth trying out. Read about adding HCl (hydrochloric acid) to the what you have in the fuel drain and then observing for a yellow/green colour change after it dries out. Not a chemist, or an alchemist, but worth checking out online or with pros who may be more knowledgeable.
  6. I ran a flight simulator on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum in the 80s as well. Quite amazing that it would run on a 64k machine and was loaded into memory using a cassette tape. Wikipedia entry shows it was by Psion software.
  7. I had been skeptical about conductance testing and found this site - https://marinehowto.com/are-battery-conductance-testers-worth-it/ They seem to be OK for predicting CCA but not that good for A-h capacity estimation. Perhaps more research & development is needed.
  8. Looks like Garmin paid up. Now, to hunt down these criminals... Sky News: Garmin obtains decryption key after ransomware attack. https://news.sky.com/story/garmin-obtains-decryption-key-after-ransomware-attack-12036761
  9. It seems Garmin has to clean up its IT and security infrastructure and do it soon (maybe some heads will roll). I am sure this is a wake up call to others in the same business who I am sure are scrambling to make sure they don't fall victim as well. I have been happy and impressed with Garmin's hardware but their software/update mechanisms are just kludgy and they really need to step up in this regard. That probably reflects in how they deal with their IT infrastructure as well. There are no winners here. If Avidyne had come out with their IFD440 a year earlier, I might be in the Avidyne camp, but this is what happens once you tether yourself to one platform and as a customer, we end up at the losing end. I have seen this happen in companies I have worked for, the weakest link in the chain (it could be an employee, contractor or someone else) that can trigger this. The bigger the company, the greater the likelihood of this happening. At the same time, on the other side of things, we can't let "evil" entities such as these to thrive and need to be shut down with an iron hand ASAP.
  10. The entity responsible: WastedLocker is a relatively new type of ransomware run by a malware exploitation gang called Evil Corp. It is believed to be based in Russia according to Malwarebytes Labs. The ransomware works differently from others and can be tailored specifically to the security set up at an individual target, usually large companies in the U.S. and a few in Europe. The malware encrypts each file and uses the name of that file to log a ransom note in the system. Like all malware, it gets into a system through a bogus alert or request that someone with credentials mistakes for a legitimate issue, typing in his or her login. After that, the infiltration is virtually unstoppable and can even affect cloud backups of data. I think we can do something about this since it is in Russia? We do have a good relationship with them, don't we?
  11. July 27, 2020 morning update: https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/garmin-web-based-utilities-down-after-suspected-attack/
  12. I am thinking penalties for such crimes should be "extremely" severe. This is modern day terrorism.
  13. Yes, I have FSX and a several other older version of MSFS which have the Mooney. Thank goodness for that
  14. Too many Cessnas. And if an SR22 can make it, definitely a Mooney belongs there.
  15. https://www.gatechecked.com/flight-sim-fans-microsoft-flight-simulator-to-be-released-august-18th-for-pc-3277 No Mooneys.... [emoji45]
  16. Nice. 9gph, jet fuel, 20k ft, 1230lb useful load, A/C, TKS, RG (as a real plane should) - what's not to like?
  17. Two idiots who didn't seem to know the rules. The pilot in question and the Henderson ground controller!
  18. I have done PnP trips in a J many times. I use a small crate (can get the dimensions once I go to my hangar sometime). Anything larger than what I have may need a minor disassembly of the crate. So I tend to sign up for small dogs or cats. The main issue is getting it through the door after pushing the passenger seat forward completely. I imagine there won't be much difference between mid and short body since we are not concerned with leg room.
  19. Haha.. reminds me of the time I was landing KSFF but had KGEG on my sights - luckily caught the mistake a couple of miles out from KSFF (approaching from the east).
  20. I believe there's a jumper you can remove in the starter switch to enable the right mag (Surefly in this case) to be used while starting. I have yet to check the LOP operations above 8,000 ft to check performance.
  21. I have a very similar experience. I get the engine to start on the first crank now. I see a 10-20 rpm drop on the mag check on the Surefly. I don't see much difference in speeds except it is runs LOP better. I switched out the right mag with the Surefly and overhauled the left mag.
  22. Seems like autopilot breaker was pulled... that could be a biggie.
  23. Not sure if this is helpful, but my plane had a Garmin 430 (now upgraded to a GTN650) connected to the Garmin 696 which is panel mounted. I can switch the 696 between the GTN and the GDL-39 using a toggle switch. I can't recall the cable type or number used, but I could take a peek to see if there is any info printed on the cable.
  24. The official word https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/medical_certification/ While the AOPA requested extension for proficiency, it's not spelled out here. Requires further clarification, but I don't see it why they would not no do the same for flight reviews as well.
  25. https://www.aviationpros.com/aircraft/business-general-aviation/press-release/21131657/aopa-faa-responds-to-aopas-appeal
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