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Everything posted by wishboneash

  1. My TC is dead. The flag disappears when powered up but no sound from the unit. I have the Century IIB autopilot and from what I read, the TC doesn't feed that. I have backup vacuum for the primary AI. I am thinking of replacing the TC with the Castleberry AI as a backup electric AI. Good idea? What is the difference between the 14V Gyro or the one with the 8deg tilt? Thanks for any information. Sriram '78 M20J
  2. Quote: jasong Hi all, just learning my new 1979 M20J and have a couple of questions for the group. First, one EGT reading (cylinder #2) is always 6-800 degrees colder than the other cylinders. I'm *assuming* this is probably due to a bad probe but just wanted to see if anyone had any other experiences that might lead to a different conclusion. Second, I want to understand a little bit more about about an RPM restriction that is placarded on the panel. It states that you should not maintain 1500-1950 RPM with MP below 15. Why is that? When should I be concerned that I've stayed in that range for too long? On base/final I've found myself running between 13-14 inches MP and at that seems to get me right into that yellow arc for a majority of the rest of the approach, which might last another couple of minutes depending on the conditions. Is that bad? Are there different approach techniques I should be considering?
  3. Once approaching from behind, a C182 and another time a C177 RG, controllers asked me to deviate 10 deg to avoid running into them. That made my day! While the Cirrus SR22 is faster than my 201, they are gas guzzlers (16gph for 185 kts) and need 310 hp to achieve this performance. No comparison. Sriram '78 M20J
  4. Quote: ad8n How about Camarillo (CMA). It's about 20 miles west of the valley. Less chance of a marine layer than SMO, and a few bucks a night for a tied down. You can rent a car through Channel Islands Aviation. Antoni Deighton
  5. Quote: DaV8or You don't need any ground school for the writen. I never took any. Just study using whatever wroks best for you (I used books only) and then go take it. No need to pass the writen before flight lessons either. I did them simultaneously. Learned to fly the plane in the day and studied for the writen at night.
  6. I have a Garmin 430 (non-WAAS) with a 696 which has terrain and XM Wx. I don't keep the 696 database current since terrain doesn't usually change (except perhaps in CA if there is a major earthquake!). Currently not subscribed to XM Wx and am waiting to see how ADS-B pans out with the portable tablets. The 430 is kept current, at some point I may upgrade this to a GTN 650 which will have the WAAS, terrain and airways with a bigger screen. The cost admittedly is higher than upgrading the 430 to WAAS+terrain but it seems to have a better UI as well. '78 M20J
  7. I plan to put this on my Mooney. http://www.amazon.com/Tanglefoot-Bird-Repellent-5-5-Tube/dp/B000HM8CYW I can't find bird-x in small quantities and would like to make sure it is effective before buying larger quantities. It seems birds like my plane more than others in the immediate area. I think the dark glossy green paint possibly attracts birds. Sriram/M20J
  8. Quote: NotarPilot Add me to the short but distinguished list of Mooney owners. After a dream 8+ years in the making I finally bought my first airplane. And after many months of deciding on an airframe I decided on a Mooney. Seems to me like the greatest personal plane out there. I think reality will set in later. Here are pictures as we parked the plane before getting its prebuy done. I'd like to thank many Mooney owners who provided me with tons of invaluable information and advice. Not to mention the familiarization flights in a Mooney. Thanks Dave.
  9. Quote: NotarPilot I wouldn't pass up an great Mooney just because she was a high time aircraft. In fact, I saw a nice 201 at All American with 7200 hours on the airframe and only 225 on the engine. I called them and was told the owner flies this plane regularly. It looks to be in great condition as well. I would like to see pictures of the interior though. I would prefer to buy a plane with higher time rather than a low time airframe. Low time tells me the plane isn't flown much and that's not good for any machinary really. I just wanted to get your opinions on looking at planes that aren't hangared. I appreciate all the helpful comments. I read somewhere that Mooney airframes have the potential to going from 20,000 to 50,000 hours with proper care. Who knows how much truth there is to that but I would tend to believe it. We have a helicopter where I work that has over 11,000 hours and almost 20 years old. She's in great condition minus some minor cosmetic issues. In fact I think everyone likes flying that one the most. She's got the most power, the controls are smooth and worked in and she flies the smoothest. She's also very well maintained. http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20J-201/1978-MOONEY-M20J-201/1219111.htm?
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