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Everything posted by M20F

  1. http://www.robotow.com/
  2. I highly reccomend http://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-EF2000iS-Starting-Portable-Compliant/dp/B002RWK9N2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456677420&sr=8-1&keywords=yamaha+generator there are a few others around here using this model as well. For OP I park outside in a colder place than TZR and never have cranking issues even after 2-3 weeks sitting. It sounds like as suggested you need a new battery.
  3. I would suggest a lager might be more appropriate than an IPA for this type of work.
  4. You need to step up to the Executive and enjoy a self retracting step and a cigar lighter.
  5. I have never read a positive review from anyone who went the IO390 though so even if there was some compelling pricing, the performance/issues made it unattractive.
  6. The boat is cheaper....
  7. You need to put a RayJay in that beast Clarence!
  8. Would need some help from Jose to fix those 196 liter tanks.
  9. I went about a year with my 430 and MVP-50 unlinked and then linked them. I like it much better with the two linked.
  10. They are reasonably accurate. Mine are good from full till about 8 gallons. When they read 0 I have 4 gallons left. I think it is important to have something to cross check the totalizer but if things are in the ball park, in totalizer I trust.
  11. The only thing a fuel gauge tells you when you have a totalizer is you have a big leak.
  12. 88 gallons on the long range tanked C gives you 8hrs of flying time at your 10 GPH + 45 min reserve. That's 1100NM at 140kts, personally I don't think I could make it 8hrs in a Mooney seat so fuel doesn't limit me.
  13. Haha I need to find a better picture, if I was going to lie it would be for a lot more than 162 knots
  14. F > E > C, there is nothing like the speed, comfort, and view from an Executive at a leisurely 162kts.
  15. Safety wire, some electrical wire, spark plugs, contact cleaner.
  16. 21/23 is what I found works in mine.
  17. They work, they aren't the best for it. I tend to focus on mission over brand loyalty.
  18. The turbo is the same but everything going to it/from it is different.
  19. Fully closed happens around FL180 which will be about 27". CHT isn't an issue other than you need to run ROP to keep them down and prevent bootstrapping (I usually trail cowl flaps as well). I would guess that 27/27 at 180 doesn't correspond to the same % of BHP at sea level due to CDT's but it isn't going to be a huge reduction.
  20. The Rayjay comes with a old school performance chart/graph that lists % HP through the range. My POH is in the plane with it but you should get around 27" at 180. You might see an inch or so less depending upon atmospheric conditions. An exchanged turbo is $2800 as of last year from Main Turbo so even if it has some issues, they aren't expensive to get working correctly. If you need some specific numbers Brian let me know and will try to remember to write them down.
  21. They both measure that differently though and the 182 is wider over the entirety of the cabin. I have been in all three models and own a Mooney. It isn't uncomfortable but it certainly isn't as roomy as a 182.
  22. Less than the Saratoga or 182 but comfortable enough, the best thing to do is look around for one to see.
  23. It seems the instruction is clear which is report 3 mile left base to runway XX, I do not know how you interpret it in any other way then how it is written. You appear to have reported something else (a geographic fix) which is 5 miles SE of the field (i.e. not a 3 mile left base). I don't fly into your airport, I don't know where <insert name> mall is so if I am on frequency, so if I where to fly there then I have no idea where you are at either. If you are asked to report something then that is what you should report, not something you feel is appropriate. You may want to reflect a bit on your "state of mind" in this matter as opposed to the controllers.
  24. I would hope that people who can afford to own an airplane are generally intellectually capable of making their own decisions in terms of their charity or how they use their planes. A new poster and new Mooney owner asked if some people were interested in helping out on an endeavor, nothing more. Not sure why the thread has turned so ugly or that people assume there are "rich" people involved when nothing in Brian's post alluded to that or that they have the money to fly for what appears to be an audition for a dog. He asked if anyone was going in that direction and available to give a ride, let's cut the guy a break.
  25. Very nice, I have to say your original controls are quite possibly the ugliest ones I have ever seen!
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