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Everything posted by flyboy0681

  1. Two observations.. he didn't work terribly hard trying to get her restarted and he spent more effort holding onto the camera than his dear life. The FAA and insurance company will have the final say.
  2. Killjoy
  3. A decision has to be made, bring the panel into the 21st century or save for college.
  4. "A witness told TV station KHOU that they saw a person parachute out of the plane before it crashed."
  5. Please check.
  6. Can you please be a little more vague?
  7. Even I'm getting moist.
  8. Is the 628 a steady tone or beeps?
  9. Crap crap crap.
  10. Just throwing this out there, when I disconnect the KAP 150, occasionally the Sonalert does not beep. Are failures typical of these units (after 40 years) or is it more likely something with the computer itself?
  11. Couldn't tell ya, it's flew off somewhere over the state of Georgia.
  12. I sent a message to Don, although I'm not too hopeful.
  13. Anybody know of any source other than Lasar and Premier for a fuel dial? Both are out of stock.
  14. Our shop sent it out to T&W (http://www.twaircraftelectrical.com/) for the 500 hour. Total was $1,900.
  15. Add to the mix that the KFC/KAP design goes back to 1982. Here is what the inside of the computer looks like for those interested.
  16. Wow, I remember staring down at the speedometer of my dad's 1965 VW Beetle and seeing "VDO" emblazoned on it.
  17. My dreaded time of year is not December but November when my homeowners policy renews. Down here in FLA it runs in the many of thousands.
  18. It's going to take a lot of money to carry all of that inventory, so not sure this is the end. They will most probably go back to their old ways and chalk this up as a one-up event and anomaly.
  19. Well, so much for one of manufacturing's greatest breakthroughs of the the 20th century: just in time inventory. Just by coincidence, I was watching a program on car manufacturing and it presented a GM assembly line in the early 80's and the manager was so proud of GM's latest breakthrough. "Gone are the days of storing thousands of parts for several months at a time."
  20. Four years ago my partners and I had JB do our overhaul and to this day we are very pleased with the work they did. At that time they were efficient and had the O360 back to us by the date they promised. I would highly recommend them.
  21. For the past decade, every time the demise of the Mooney company has been mentioned on these pages, I could always count on two subjects being discussed ad nauseam... placing a turbine up front and re-introducing the J model. Now I don't claim to know much about the manufacturing costs of light aircraft, but I would guess that neither solution would result in a per unit cost anywhere near the sweet spot for a complex GA aircraft, which I would place at around $450k. But don't let me get in the way of pie in the sky ideas.
  22. Not to beat a dead horse, but I found this response from an instructor on the subject. It could be wrong however. Examiner's responsibilities The examiner must review deficient areas of the written exam to be sure that you've got it. This changed in 2004 with revision D of the DPE Handbook. No longer can the DPE accept the instructor's endorsement that you've learned from your mistakes.
  23. Good job. I studied for the written for ten months, also starting out by using the King course (Martha's orange and brown jumpsuit was too much to take at times). After I completed it, I searched and found every site I could for sample tests, and there were a lot. I can honestly say that I took dozens of tests covering thousands of questions. My goal was to get the best score possible because I knew that all of the subject areas that I got wrong would have to be covered in detail during the oral exam, which would extend the session and make it that much more grueling. In the end I got two questions wrong, one related to icing. The DPE I used was very popular down here and I contacted others that used him to get an idea of where we would go and be doing. Everyone had the same scenario and that's exactly what he had me do, making for slightly less sweaty palms.
  24. Your point is well taken, but why spend that kind of money for something used so infrequently if the BatteryMinder could handle it?
  25. Good to hear but it remains to be seen whether it would produce enough juice to allow me to run a GTN 750 and GI 275 at the same time, even with everything else powered off.
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