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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. If I remember correctly Rob put one in his E model and started a thread on it.
  2. We just went through having to change suppliers at our airport due to a contract renewal. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that the supplier gets to put a expiration date on the fuel. Our old contract with Chevron said it was good for 1 year after delivery. The new contract they offered us said it was only good for 6 months. They would not budge on this. In order to get a good price we have always purchased a entire truck load, which we could sell within a year. However the new contract said the fuel was only good for 6 months and we can't always sell a truckload in 6 months. This isn't a problem with a large FBO, but can become a huge problem for a smaller place that doesn't use as much fuel. We ended up going with a different supplier who still had a 1 year expiration date. I had never heard of expiration dates on 100LL before this. My tanks set full for 2 years without flying and the engine seemed to run fine on it.
  3. Weldon now has a bolt in PMA replacement for the Dukes that is approved for the E,Fand J. $793 new http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/weldonpmapump08-10717.php
  4. The new firmware for the Stratus 2 will record flights in its on board memory where they can later be downloaded and viewed in Google Earth. It makes it very easy to determine takeoff and landing ground-roll, 50 ft obstetrical clearance ect, or just critique your approaches and landings.
  5. Their tech support usually gets back to you within a few hrs, keeping in mind they are in California. Send them the pictures and the data logger file and see what they say. I've also noticed that the bottom numbers do not update once they are displayed, whatever number they come up on they keep until they step to the next number. The numbers elsewhere on the display will continue to change while the same bottom number is displayed. My only complaint with JPI is they don't publish what changes are made to different revs of their software. Sometimes it's obvious changes to the display or menu, but other times there is nothing visual, which leads me to believe they have probably quietly fixed a bug or two.
  6. Very noisy and smokey. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=isP1LVVZ6nU
  7. Chief has a 5% sale on almost everything right now and 7% on some things over 1k. http://www.chiefaircraft.com/avionics
  8. Simply not true. There are plenty of 2 mag 200 HP lycomings legally set to 25 deg.
  9. There has been known cases of certain elts and their antenna reradiating signals. It might be worth removing the coax from the elt and disabling it to see if the problem goes away. They are very close in freq to the part of the band that you are having a problem with.
  10. When I had my jpi 830 the released regular updates on their website that were easily installed with a thumbdrive. Do you have the most recent version, or on the other hand perhaps you just upgraded to the newest version?
  11. Be very careful of one of the companies mentioned above. A quick google search will turn up pages of horror stories.
  12. The features are very similar, they share the install manual and poh. The main differences are size of display, cost and the 900 uses a red/yellow remote led while the 930 uses a segmented display that will show RPM and other alarms.
  13. It isn't that difficult, just follow the manual. I've installed a 830 and 900. Get a pair of good quality crimpers for the wires. Pliers or cheap ones will cause problems later on. I also did something a little different that what I've saw others do. A lot of people bundle the egt and cht wires down under the cylinders, where they are subjected to a lot of oil and heat that takes its toll on them over time. I routed mine up high around the top of the baffling and after 3 years they still look like new. Also be aware that the power ground goes directly to the engine, and not to the airframe. Here is a picture of how I routed them.
  14. No, it doesn't turn the gps off. Leaving the cellular on will also kill the battery quickly once it looses coverage and starts searching for towers.
  15. When I had to overhaul my DG with autopilot output last year prices varied from $400 to $800 with turnaround from 2 days to 3 weeks. Berkshire Instruments was both the cheapest and fastest. They seemed to be a family ran business. http://www.berkshireinstrument.com/
  16. Did you have a cellular data plan turned on when it locked up? I have found that will cause mine to lock almost every flight if it is not turned off.
  17. If you ordered a new elevator for a F model today from Mooney would you get a smooth skin or corrugated one? I'm not sure. Sometimes part numbers get superseded and their is a legal path to use newer parts.
  18. Mine was doing this last year. It eventually got to the point that it would start spinning in circles any time I lowered the nose. I looked up the Tso and if I remember correctly it was something like 10 deg per hr or either 15 min.
  19. Lycomings position has no legal bearing. The FAA has repeatedly said they are not required for part 91 unless invoked by an AD or specifically called for in other FAA approved manuals such an overhaul manual.
  20. With a little practice it takes less than 10 minutes to remove and replace it. Why not?
  21. The problem with that is that large pieces never make it to the filter. One of the members on here had a piston oil nozzle come unscrewed and drop into the sump. They found it in the screen. The filter and oil analysis was clean.
  22. http://avclaims.com/N5626C%20Photos.htm
  23. If it's leaking from the fuel selector drain, it may just need the seat and plunger cleaned. I had to do this a couple of years ago and have not had any more problems with it.
  24. Call Jim at planecovers. I paid a little extra for the zipper around the door and pad for front window. When it arrived there was a note with it that said to make I was happy with it and then send him a check. http://www.planecover.com/low_wing_covers.htm
  25. The Concorde RG batteries have a very low self discharge rate. In cold weather it is almost nonexistent, and still low in hot weather. Assuming you alternator is fully charging the battery there shouldn't be a problem with it sitting between flights. These discharge at a rate of around 3% per month and the rate remains constant over the life of the battery. By comparison a lead acid battery will discharge at a rate of up to 10% per month when new and the rate will increase as it gets older. Anything up 10% discharge is considered a shallow discharge, anything over 50% discharge is considered a deep discharge and should be recharged immediately to prevent long term life loss.
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