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Everything posted by Awful_Charlie

  1. You called I've only done to one return crossing, so far from an expert! (always reminded: Ex is a has been, spurt is a small drip under pressure!) Flumag has doen the trips several times, and it may well be worth giving him a nudge - he was generous enough with his time to talk me through a number of items on the phone. As I was trying to meet a deadline, and to a degree control costs, I'd heard enough about Greenland to avoid all but the essential stops there, and hence missed Kulusuk, and just used Narsarsuaq both eastbound and westbound. From what I hear though, Kulusuk is a lovely destination and *shouldn't* be a problem. Do beware of Narsarsuaq though - they totally lied to me about the last fuel uplift (telling me they had loaded and charging me for 200 litres, but delivering something nearer 120) and I subsequently raised an MOR on them - that 80 litres was fortunately "only" a substantial part of my reserve, but if I had ended up going for a swim I expect their paperwork woild have all been in order. Some things to consider to get you started: Routes (and the corresonding HF requirement), max acceptable headwinds for each planned leg, PNR, if fuel comes in bowser of by the whole barrel only, if you will need a barrel pump, airport opening days/hours (easier when westbound), survival equipment. I had an absolutely fantastic experience and would recommend it without doubt. The trip does have its risks though, and only you can make the asessment as to how acceptable those risks are to you
  2. Do you get the GS indicator on an ILS? If so, and you consistently fail to get the GS indicator on a GNSS, then you are most likely missing a wire - from memory I think it is the 'ILS Energise' signal. If it is intermittent then a bit more troubleshooting is going to be required to work out what it is that makes the difference between ok and not ok
  3. Disappointed you didn't let me know you were in Zurich as if I'd known I would have jumped on the tram up to meet you! (and could have given you the Zurich City tour) However, don't get too upset about the customs officers - last time I went through a US customs and immigration at a scheduled airport, there were lots of signs about no guns , cameras , phones etc, and as a non-native I wouldn't have dared to even produce a camera, let alone use it, and even worse to take a picture of an official! Enjoy your stay - are you coming to Speyer in two weeks?
  4. What Hank said - without a travel board, what can you use to set zero on a digital level or protractor?
  5. Unfortunately GA accessible airports in the Munich area are somewhat thin on the ground - you'll end up miles away and getting a train (or expensive taxi)
  6. Seems EMB Joined November 8, 2010 and aviatoreb Joined March 14, 2011 I guess somehow you lost your cookie for aviatoreb on your desktop (browser upgrade? New/different browser? Cookie cleanup?) which forced a logon, and when you couldn't recall the password, the system created a new password and sent you a link for the first account it could find with that email address, which happened to be EMB. However, as your phone still had a valid cookie, that stayed logged on as aviatoreb I suppose the board could only allow one user per e-mail address, but there are cases when that is a valid situation, but in the case where there is more than one user name associated with an e-mail address, it should probably ask which one you want reset when requesting a new password. You might be able to delete your own EMB account, or you might have to drop Craig a note requesting deletion
  7. Try asking on the yahoo "gns480 users" group - it is likely it has been seen before, and there may be more than one solution tried and tested
  8. If the weather is good, try the Chinesischer Turm in the English garden - they serve traditional Maße (2.1 of your US pints)and pretzels there. Otherwise just about any bar will have what you want, but the Paulaner Brauhaus is close to the main HBF
  9. I've gone to FL200+ quite a few times, but then I don't cruise over 15GPH very often - more normally 12-14 (gas is the equivalent of 9bucks a gallon here) - 30" and 2200 RPM works well enough
  10. ISTR there is a limit somewhere on the airframe (?empennage related) that limits how much power can be put in - hence the reason the Acclaim is de-rated to 280HP If that is correct, it does seem a shame that it can't be 310HP at sea level but with a lower critical altitude for increased take off and initial climb performance
  11. Made it home on Thursday having left Osh on Saturday -overnights in Potsdam (thanks Erik), Goose Bay, Reykjavik, England (one in the borders, one near London) To get home, 28 hours of flying, 428 gallons of gas, and a massive grin! https://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0gT9EaKbs8bVJFSfXDcEg2aobeRyGausd
  12. The previous owner of my aircraft installed Tempest fine wires at around 1300 hours, and I ran the same ones until I did the engine exchange at around 2200 hours. The factory re-man came with Champion massives - after 100 hours the wear was obvious to the naked eye, and my A&P thought I *might* get as much as 300 hours out of them. I changed them to Tempest fine wires before coming to Osh
  13. Indeed, many thanks to all, who were there or supported, and to the Bonanza group too. Great to put some faces to names too
  14. The grass is a bit squishy but good enough to taxi on, although it needs 1500-2000 rpm to keep moving over. After the midday deluge there's been the odd shower but the base seems to be soaking it up faster than it is coming down. We didn't bring parking boards, but they might be a wise idea if you have them
  15. Well, we made it! Northern 40 row 523 if anyone wants to come and say hello
  16. Well, we're on the way! Saturday got me from Switzerland to France and then to the UK to pick up Iceman and the blobby suits, and then onto Orkney for the night. Yesterday was a very boring flight on top or an overcast to Reykjavík when we got Visual at 2000' Today is expected to be a long day - Narsarsuaq next and then Goose for the night
  17. I think you are missing a piece of baffle there - mine looks like this:
  18. I guess there's a few things you can check before getting into an overhaul of the injection unit, and I suspect someone more experienced than me can give you a more comprehensive list, but if it were me I'd start with: All fuel strainers, screens and filters Fuel pump pressures Flexible and solid lines for kinks, bends, dents etc Before getting into serious work, I think I'd also get the TIT probe and gauge checked to be sure I was looking at a real problem rather than an indication error! If everything so far checked out, my next step would be to the distribution spider and the fuel metering unit. Other than the idle settings I don't know what other adjustments are possible on the aircraft, the RSA "Operation and Service Manual" 15-338e suggests those are the only ones, but then it also states that lengthening the mixture screw enrichens the mixture, and certainly on mine it leans it. The fault finding section has the rather vague "Replace Injector" and "Clean flow divider valves" for the "Low take off fuel flow" problem FWIW, I've just checked a few recent flights and I'm getting (an indicated/logged) max of 28.9 GPH on take off, so you're not that down on fuel flow. My k-factor for the fuel flow has been adjusted to make the overall accuracy good, but I don't know the linearity of the error in the flow meter
  19. When you say "Full Power climbs" are these with all three controls fully in? For me that is only something I do for take off or obstacle clearance, but if memory serves, get a TIT of 1300-1400 and certainly no alarms (I have my JPI set to alarm at 1700 for TIT) After gear and flap retraction, I come back to 34"/2400 and ~22-24GPH for a 1450 TIT and hold that until top of climb
  20. On my bravo, to remove the compass there are just two vertical screws (brass on mine), one either side it, to remove. Take those fully out, carefully withdraw the moulding with the mounted compass, then disconnect the instrument lighting wire at the small connector. You need to do this first when removing the glareshield. The IPC shows two installations - one up to an including s/n 184 (as posted by Lance above), and one for subsequent where the attaching screws are labelled 16A I've never tried to remove the compass from the moulding, but guess if you look in the back of it then it will be fairly obvious
  21. No, it's the "Mark - Iceman" from Surrey UK!
  22. Very much hoping to be with you - planned arrival is Saturday, but it all depends on the winds in the previous few days. Assuming we make it, three of us: Ben - Awful Charlie Mark - Iceman Jean-Jacques
  23. I expect the red stuff was PR1005 "sloshing sealant"
  24. Working out your tank capacity is one of those things probably best done on each individual aircraft by the owner, but this I agree is going to be difficult on a pre-buy. Even after adding the LRT, once a year I still try to drain one tank dry and then refill if from a known pump, and then tabulate the results. Before adding them I could regularly get 96USG, and afterwards 132, but there is no guarantee you'll get the same, although I would expect the figures not to be substantially different. For the resultant range, if you search the forum for "Altsel.zip" you should find a spreadsheet I put together with the book figures which you can tweak as required - I seem to get pretty close to book in the cruise (maybe even slightly better) but then I use 30" 2200 LOP, and I get a bit worse than book in the climb - this is probably due to me being more conservative about CHTs. I do have another spreadsheet I keep on my knee board with some figures on it, but I don't have it available at the moment - it is mainly extracts from the PoH and conversions but I'll dig you a copy out later Good luck with the pre-buy! Ben
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