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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. Looking for a recent data card for a KMD 150 , Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  2. Kevin I have one tagged for a KLN94 , should be the same , will send pics and info when able... Regards Alan..
  3. Seth , The Beech is in the shop getting Rudervators refinished , and I am taking the "E" to sun n fun maybe you can set up a meet ... Regards Alan...
  4. Sorry Pierre , I don't have the time to actually ship outside us , I would have to actually take two hours and go to ups.... I will post it on ebay , and they have some sort of shipping program that will allow me to do it that way.....I will post a buy it now ....and post the auction # here... Regards..
  5. The shoulder harnesses will save your life.....They are not an option on my planes , they are mandatory .... Hopefully the best investment that I never have to use.....
  6. Its the fuel boiling in the lines between the spider and the injectors , perfectly normal...
  7. Kurt it still looks great , I think the Gyro is the mid continent 4305 if memory serves me correctly , The gear was updated to the current style lord pucks and stacks under service bulletin , The strobes are Comet Flash , The turn coordinator is the 900.00 mid continent , almost all new wiring when the panel was done , Skytec 149NL high torque lightweight starter , Inter Av alternator conversion , Concorde RG35 sealed battery , Newer silicone baffle seals , M20J tail tie down ....New engine hoses in 06 , All hardware was replaced with stainless in 06 , Ameriking D cell elt , Its been a few years , but I spared NO EXPENSE when I upgraded , whoever gets this gets a great plane.....Regards...
  8. Porsche engine was a dog , also geared , was not a success story for mooney , The Valve springs are an AD that came later , they have to be replaced every 500 hours , problem being nobody is certified to produce them...ergo when your valve springs hit 500 hours your engine is no longer airworthy.....The valve springs are more than likely the same as the car engines , but Porche will not sell them as an aviation part, they don't want the liability , and I don't blame them.....There were only a handful to begin with , now there are none....
  9. The one piece belly is not a speed mod , it is a faster easier repair for when you gear it up......the one piece belly has about 60 screws anyway......About 5 minutes difference when you use a screw gun.........Spend your money on something that actually benefits you....
  10. I don't think we have the option in our Mooneys , But my Beech has a windshield that is 1/2 inch thick....That pipers glass just popped like it was a toy.....
  11. I used to slip my B w/no problems , but with my E I have got lazy , I just pitch it up to gear speed , drop the wheels wait until it hits flap speed and drop them too , get down to about 70 knots and then nose it over drops fine , I find that I do this very rarely as I almost always fly far enough ahead of the airplane that this is a non issue......
  12. He was being Sarcastic.....Not a good Idea....
  13. Bottom line , if you cant get one yourself , your not getting one....
  14. The price was reduced because of the damage...
  15. I am personally familiar with the Platinum edition that is kept at Flying W , It is extremely low time , I am involved when the annuals are done at Crewdog Aviation , just so I can sit in it and dream.... It is gorgeous , the repair from a deer strike was done at Airmods , A service center (Msc) in Robbinsville NJ , you would not know it was damaged unless you saw the logs.....Perfect in every detail...Your not going to steal it , because I already would have....Its that nice ....Basically a new aircraft....
  16. Unit has been sold
  17. This plane needs a wing , by the time you are done , its going to be 20 K minimum , if the replacement wing does not have leaky tanks , or hidden corrosion in the rest of the airframe....
  18. Make your own , and when you knock a hole in the bottom of the wing , you will wish you bought the right ones...
  19. Its worth 17 in parts , those old radios are worth 6 K alone....
  20. That's amazing Pete , Me and Bob just called it the "turd"
  21. You can not modify , A KA44 and KA44B have a preamp built into the antenna , the KA42 does not..... I have both KA44 , and KA44B antennas for sale......Regards....
  22. I think I would like to know a little more about the aircraft and maintenence history before I jumped in that line....
  23. Total time does not follow the crankcase , It follows the datatag , which is on the oil pan on Lycoming 4 cylinders , ergo if a 2600 hour case gets installed on a 4500 hour data tag , it becomes a 4500 hour engine.....
  24. I know when there is not enough "meat" on the case halves , they just weld them up and remachine them , not sure if this is limited...
  25. You will never get 6 to 7 K for a case , you can buy new for that , The last case I sold was for 1400 dollars from a E model that was overhauled , but no paperwork , as far as your case goes Diveco can make a case from a roll of aluminum foil , they are that good , people wont buy a case from a scrapper , dont ask me why but they wont , unless you sell it for 100 or 200 dollars , people in aviation are just cheap.....I sold a 300 SMOH engine o360 from a C model , and was lucky to get 10 K for it , watch ebay , watch the engines listed for 16 K that have been listed for 2 + years , and then tell me what they are worth..... I think Divco will give between 800 to 1200 for that case , and it is found money , I would try to trade it for the work on your case , you might come out ahead.....
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