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Alan Fox

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Everything posted by Alan Fox

  1. I put the throttle in all the way in both when I prime before start , The Cont is much easier to start hot , The Cont can run Autogas , The mooney can not , The Deb is much easier to fly and Land....
  2. My guess is that Cotinental will provide an unbiased opine from the data they collect , as far as long term projections , I am sure TCM has test data already(without Camguard) , that they can use as a control , and then project out the results based on the control data Vs. the new data .... Not rocket science....(unless they use a rocket conversion) haha....
  3. I think it is noble that Continental is willing to at least look at this , but until I see proof from a company like Continental or Lycoming , its all just speculation to me......I hope it does work.......
  4. A far cry from the ludicrous statements that Continental will not honor warranty claims unless Camguard is used......A FAR CRY !!!!
  5. Now now boys ..... BEHAVE !!!!!
  6. Time for me to chime in here .....personally I don't believe there is any benefit to using this stuff , if there was , the companys making the oil would be putting it in the oil and charging extra for it , these are big companys with big pockets......Pete has backed up his statements with factual correspondence from the manufacturer of the engines... Having worked on automotive engines for the last 30 years , I have seen a shitload of additives that promised to be the second coming of Christ.......Slick 50 , Krex , they were all the rage , and are all gone now.......To refresh everybodys memory , they used to put Teflon and graphite in car engines......They don't do it anymore...Hmmmmm...... If you fly your plane it will last , if you let it sit , it can corrode , I love to break Petes Balls , In fact I get to do it in person.....But hes right on this one.......Give em hell Pete !!!!
  7. S-Tec preselector removed for upgrade , works with system 55x , 60-2 , and 65 , Call Alan 856 419 5209....
  8. I went out to purchase this prop , unfortunately one blade is destroyed , the second blade has tip damage and may be able to be cut down , and the hub is supposed to be removed from service if blades are damaged beyond repair....Ergo , you are looking at one blade that is almost new.....and one blade that may be able to be repaired by reducing diameter....
  9. I have got vfr direct JFK 5500 Every time I have asked for it.... Arrange a handoff from McGuire 124.15 and be at 5500 when you call NY...
  10. No It has been at KVAY since 1990 at least....
  11. This is not going to be popular on this forum , but The folks I know from Mooney service centers say to stay away from the conversions (Rockets/Missles) and to lean towards the factory planes , they are faster , but apparently it comes at a cost with maintenance / quality....... Its kind of hard to ignore these planes , because there are some pretty smoking deals on Rockets out there......
  12. At 6 hours he is losing his ass...the paperwork will take two hours alone......good for you...
  13. The "grump" is the best!!!!! He can break balls like a champ!!!!
  14. To do a (legal) install , you will pay an avionics tech 1500 to 2000 dollars in labor to do the install.....that being said you might want to consider installing something that is currently serviceable , the GX series are no longer serviced by Garmin.....The 430 series are available for 5K second hand , and the install is not much more......This will give you full capability and also do away with one of the older navcomms......better to pay now , than pay twice...
  15. Buying and selling avionics I know all the local guys , Todd at Lancaster does great work , Dale at Red Eagle also does great work..... Dale is a little slow right now and might be able to get you right in ...Also Dale will probably allow you to help and visit during the install process....Also don't forget about Ocean Air , at Miller , within driving distance Len and Don are top notch........ Any of these three would be a great choice.....
  16. Glen I am interested , I sent contact info..
  17. I will be there , only one day maybe two.....And Im taking the MOONEY.....
  18. I have sold to Don in the past , he is pretty prominent on Beechtalk , with no real drama , The 700 will have to be programmed for a 4 cyl , if its from a beech.....
  19. I have to disagree completely , If I run Phillips it burns twice as much as if I run Aeroshell , Don't ask me to explain why , but that's a fact.......
  20. If the Allen wrench only turned 90 degrees , it is bottomed out in the lock pawl.......With a little force and the 430 removed turn the allen wrench to the left (counterclockwise) and it will turn about 10 revolutions..... Then try to reinstall....
  21. Things must have change a lot over the last few years ,
  22. Looking for a recent data card for a KMD 150 , Call Alan 856 419 5209...
  23. Kevin I have one tagged for a KLN94 , should be the same , will send pics and info when able... Regards Alan..
  24. Seth , The Beech is in the shop getting Rudervators refinished , and I am taking the "E" to sun n fun maybe you can set up a meet ... Regards Alan...
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